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The big diphthong

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of Messengers, Muhammad, and upon God

The evil of the scholars of jurisprudence is that the reciter and the reciter must have attained the aspects of good grammar and morphology so that he does not make mistakes in the matters of jurisprudence according to the seven readers and others, and they require phonetic, morphological, and grammatical explanations, and this is called aqeed.

Our ancient scholars are known for knowledge and it is linked to narration, and our topic is studied from both sides of narration and knowledge, as it is one of the topics of fundamentals.

The seven readers and others, and his relationship is clear and close to the various Arabic sciences. I began this research with an introduction in which I mentioned assimilations linguistically and terminologically, with a comparison with the definitions of the hadith scholars. Then, the discussion was about the reasons for assimilations and assimilations according to readers on...

The general face. Then there was talk about the life of Abu Amr bin Al-Alaat in 154 AH, the great Qutub Al-Adgham

I mentioned what the readers agreed with. I then mentioned the definition of the major diphthong, the origins of the letters and their characteristics, the reason for the naming, and the rulings on the diphthong. Then I mentioned the origins of the major diphthong through...

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Enhance the Properties of Lignosulfonate Mud by Adding Nanoparticles of Aluminum Oxide and Iron Oxide

Oil well drilling fluid rheology, lubricity, swelling, and fluid loss control are all critical factors to take into account before beginning the hole's construction. Drilling fluids can be made smoother, more cost-effective, and more efficient by investigating and evaluating the effects of various nanoparticles including aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and iron oxide (Fe2O3) on their performance. A drilling fluid's performance can be assessed by comparing its baseline characteristics to those of nanoparticle (NPs) enhanced fluids. It was found that the drilling mud contained NPs in concentrations of 0,0.25, 0. 5, 0.75 and 1 g. According to the results, when drilling fluid was used without NPs, the coeff

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
The Formal Organization in Internal Spaces of Medical Laboratories: نور عامر علي-فاتن عباس لفته

تشغل الفضاءات الداخلية الطبية اهتمام واسع , لما توفره من رعاية صحية للمرضى ,فلابد ان يُهتَمْ بها من الجانب الوظيفي(الادائي), لتحقيق الراحة البصرية والنفسية والجسدية لغرض الوصول الى الاداء الجيد للكادر الطبي, ولهذا وجد ضرورة التعرف على تلك الفضاءات الداخلية بشكل اعمق , وهل انها ملاءمة للمرتكزات التصميمية المتعارف عليها؟ , لذلك تم تسليط الضوء على الفضاءات الداخلية للمختبرات الطبية, وقد تناول البحث المشكلة واه

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Awareness of the problem technological poisoning Media of parents of kindergarten children and their teachers

The childhood stage is considered the most important stage of all the stages through
the human being’s life. In this stage the human being will be more affected by the various
factors that surround him/her. The first five years of his/her life leave a great impact not only
on the human being personality, but also on his/her whole life. Therefore, it is worthwhile tobe concerned with and focus at the raising up and the teaching of the child during the
childhood stage.
The mission of raising up children in this era - the era of globalization and information
bursting or news flooding – has become a very difficult or even an impossible mission.
Furthermore, not only in the Arabic world, but also all over the world, t

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Gross and Histological Structure of the Caudal Fin of Adult Mosquitofish , Gambusia Affinis , (Baird & Girard)

The  present  study  showed  that  the  caudal  fin  of  adult mosquitofish  (Gambusia  affinis)  is  homocercal  and  rounded . It  consists  of  22-24 fin rays (Lepidotrichia) . Each fin ray  consists  of  many  segments . Some of these rays are short and  unbranched  whereas  others long and branched dichotomously. Pigment cells are shown to be dispersed on the fin and they are condensened at the edges of the fin rays and at the regions of their dichotomy .        Histologically the transverse section of the fin is surrounded by a fin membrane (composed of epidermis and dermis)

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Psychological Disobedience and its Representations in the Graffiti Art: نجلاء خضير حسان -زهراء صائب أحمد

The current research addresses the psychological disobedience in general and disobedience in post-modernism arts in specific. The research problem is summarized by the following question: does disobedience have representations in the graffiti art? The research objective is to identify disobedience and its representations in the graffiti. The research limits are set and the terms used are identified. As for the theoretical framework, it consists of three sections: the first: the psychological disobedience, whereas the second: disobedience in post-modernism arts. The third section addresses graffiti art. Then come the research procedures followed by the results, conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions. The two researchers arrived at

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effects of fixed orthodontic appliance with antihypertensive drugs on the body weight of experimental rats

Background: This study aims to investigate the effect of fixed orthodontic appliances and/or antihypertensive drugs on the weight of experimental rats. Materials and Methods: Thir-ty-six male Wistar albino rats were subjected to a split-mouth design study, in which an orthodontic appliance was inserted in one side to move the first molar mesially for 2 weeks while the other side acted as a control to tooth movement. The rats were allocated into three groups: group A (n = 12), without any pharmacological treatment; group B (n = 12), subcu-taneous injection of bisoprolol fumarate (5 mg/kg) daily; and group C (n = 12), subcutaneous injection of valsartan (10 mg/kg) daily. A fixed orthodontic appliance with a closing coil spring delivering 5

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the effect of local exogenous application of osteopontin on wound healing in rats

Background: Wound healing is a complex dynamical interaction between various cell types, the extracellular matrix, cytokines, and growth factors. osteoponetin is a substance that acts as an anti-inflammatory. Aims of study: The study was designed to identify the role of local exogenous applications of osteopontin on wound healing (in cheek skin). Materials and methods: Thirty adult male albino rats weighting an average of (250-300gm) used in this study, incisional wounds were made in the skin of the cheek of rat and they were divided into the following groups: A-Control group: 15 rats treated with 1µ l of normal saline B-Experimental groups: 15 rats treated with topical application of 1µl osteopontin. The scarification of animals we

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Postoperative Nurses' Interventions for the Patients with Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals

Objective: The study aimed to assess the postoperative nurses' intervention for the patients with laparoscopic
cholecystectomy and to determine the relationship between Nurses' interventions and their demographic
Methodology: Quantitative design (a descriptive study) was started from 20th November 2012 up to 1st
September 2013. Non-probability (purposive sample) of (50) nurses, who were working in surgical wards, were
selected from Baghdad teaching hospitals (Baghdad Teaching Hospital, Digestives System and Liver Teaching
Hospital, AL-Kindy Teaching Hospital, and AL-Kadhimiyia Teaching Hospita). The data were collected through
the use of a constructed questionnaire, which consisted of two parts; the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Al2O3 Particles and Precipitation Hardening on the Properties of Cast 332 Aluminum Alloy

In this work, 332 Al alloy was prepared and reinforced with (0.5% and 1%) nano-Al2O3 particles. The prepared unreinforced and reinforced 332 Al alloy with nano-Al2O3 were solution heat treated (T6) at 510 ̊C and aged at 225 ̊C with different times (1, 3, and 5 h). Hardness test was performed on all the prepared alloys. All prepared alloys were dry slided under different applied loads (5, 10, 15, and 20 N) against steel counterface surface using pin on disk apparatus. The results showed that refinement effect was observed after addition of nano-Al2O3 particles and a change in silicon morphology after performing the solution heat treatment. The results also showed that har

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying the possibility of confection of hepatitis C and hepatitis G viruses in Iraqi patients

The aim of this study was spot light to the possibility of confection between hepatitis C&G viruses in Iraqi patients. The groups was studied included two groups as follow: 1- first group: its (Infected group) the patients of this group have Anti-HCV abs in their serum by using Indirect ELISA technique. 2- second group: its (Control group) the persons of this group have no Anti-HCV abs in their serum by using indirect ELISA technique. The result of this study was observed there was two patients from the first group have Anti-HGVabs in their serum with infection percent 2.70%, also the same result was found in the second group wich mean there was two persons have Anti-HGVabs in their serum with infection percent 8.33% .So when we comparin

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