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Hisba system in Islam
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Through research it shows that the calculation has an effective role in the maintenance of Islamic law and save. And that the calculation religious function to attach religious matters and it closeness to God, whether calculated or assumed carried out by volunteers. And scientists from the description of the calculation as a social function to attach to morality and kinship and charity to the poor and the dissemination of science. By definition it shows that the injury will not be exposed only to the evils of any phenomenon that do not break and was checking to search for evil, but he must intervene if he saw visible in front of him. And that of the areas that could see the calculation are the field of information and education so that education is the foundation of morality in the evaluation of follow-through and curricula designed to familiarize the media and he may play an important role in spreading the principles of Islam. And that the calculation be censorship on the role of education and the media in order to preserve the intellectual and moral side of the community.

It is problems that crippled the calculation for its pioneering role Kcol a lot of negative (called the creation of the Creator) This understanding prevents the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. Finally, the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has to be that everyone is doing all of its location and at the very least to deny it in his heart.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Industrial Property Licensing Contracts are Exempted from Ban in Accordance with USA and European Law
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Intellectual property rights of all kinds، and their nature، are considered a tool in the hands of their owner that enables him to monopolize the benefits that you confer on them without any dispute or mediation from anyone. Intellectual property on its intellectual product، and preventing others from exploiting it without obtaining the permission of its owner All of this is reflected positively on the progress of the industrial and commercial field، and this justifies the protection provided by the laws regulating intellectual property rights to its owner، whether at the national or international level، and with our recognition of the right of the owner of intellectual property rights to enjoy the exclusive use of his right، and

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 20 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An Assessment of Oral Health in Hypertensive Patients Treated with HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins)
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Background: Hypertension is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated, it's classified as either primary (essential) hypertension or secondary hypertension, and it increases the risk of ischemic heart disease, peripheral vascular disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Several classes of medications collectively referred to as antihypertensive drugs like beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, renin inhibitors and statins (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitor. Statin medication may have some beneficial effects when subjects have dental plaque or signs of periodontitis as gingival bleeding. The purpose of this study were to as

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2009
Journal Name
Atti Della “fondazione Giorgio Ronchi”
Study of synthesis of nanocrystalline CdS thin film in PVA matrix by chemical bath deposition
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SUMMARY. – Nanocrystalline thin fi lms of CdS are deposited on glass substrate by chemical bath deposited technique using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) matrix solution. Crystallite size of the nanocrystalline films are determining from broading of X-ray diffraction lines and are found to vary from 0.33-0.52 nm, an increase of molarity the grain size decreases which turns increases the band gap. The band gap of nanocrystalline material is determined from the UV spectrograph. The absorption edge and absorption coefficient increases when the molarity increases and shifted towards the lower wavelength.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Methotrexate on the Liver Enzymes and Lipid Profile in Adult Female Albino Mice
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Methotrexate (MTX) was used for treatment of malignancies and now is widely used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. In this research the evaluation of the effects of MTX on some liver enzymes and lipid profile was studied. Twenty four adult female mice divided into three groups (8 mice each). The first two groups were treated with MTX while the third group was used as a control. MTX was intraperitoneally given at 50 µg/ml and 75 µg/ml to the first and second groups respectively for 35 days ,whereas the control group was intraperitoneally injected with normal saline. The results showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in serum levels of glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) , glutamic pyruric transaminase (GPT), Alkaline pho

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Corrosion Behavior for Biotype 316L SS Used in Orthopaedic Applications
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Electrochemical corrosion of hydroxyapatite (HAP) coated performance depends on various parameters like applied potential, time, thickness and sintering temperature. Thus, the optimum parameters required for the development of stable HAP coatings was found by using electrophoretic deposition (EPD) technique. This study discusses the results obtained from open circuit potential-time measurements (OCP-time), potentiodynamic polarisation and immersion tests for all alloy samples done under varying experimental conditions, so that the optimum coating parameters can be established. The ageing studies of the coated samples were carried out by immersing them in Ringer’s solution for a period of 30 days indicates the importance of stable HAP c

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of wastewater disposal on the water quality and phytoplankton in Erbil wastewater channel.
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In this study, phytoplankton density, chlorophyll-a, and selected physico- chemical parameters were investigated in Erbil wastewater channel. The surveys were carried out monthly from May 2003 to April 2004. Samplings were established on three sites from headwaters to the mouth. The results showed that pH was in alkaline side of neutrality, with significant differences (P<0.05) between sites 1 and 3. TSS concentration decreased from site 1 toward site 2 (mean value, 80.15 to 25.79 mg.l-1). A clear gradual increase in mineral content (TDS) observed from site one of the channel towards the mouthpart. Soluble reactive phosphate has a concentration maximum mean value reached 48.4 µg.l-1 which is recorded in site 2. A high positive relat

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effect of L-carnitine, Multivitamins and their Combination in the Treatment of Idiopathic Male Infertility
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The aim of the present study is to investigate and compare the efficacy of L-carnitine, multivitamins and their combination therapies on semen characteristics in idiopathic male infertility. Idiophathic infertile patients were randomly divided into three groups who had received three different treatment regimens for three months: group A (45 patients) has received 2 grams daily of L-carnitine alone; group B (55 patients) had received the combination of  L-carnitine (2 grams daily) plus one tablet daily of multivitamins (Stresstabs®); and group C (29 patients) had received one tablet daily of multivitamins alone. The study was started on 1/11/2009 and completed on 31/3/2010 and performed at Rizgari Teaching Hospital in

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Gene frequency and haplotype analysis of HLA class I in patients with simple renal cysts
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Background: The study of human leukocytes (HLA) alleles, and haplotype frequencies within populations provide an important source of information for anthropological investigation, organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation as well as disease association, certain diseases showed association with specific alleles specially those of known or suspected hereditary origin or immunological basis, whether simple renal cyst is congenital or acquired is still unclear and need to be investigated.Objectives: To study the genetic aspect of simple renal cysts by detecting the gene frequency and the haplotype of HLA class I of patients with simple renal cysts, and to find the presence of these cysts in other family members.Method: Thirty patient

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Using Sonic Log to Predict Abnormal Pressure Zones in Selected Oil Wells (Western of Iraq)
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Two oil wells were tested to find the abnormal pressure zones using sonic log technique. We found that well Abu-Jir-3 and Abu-Jir-5 had an abnormal pressure zones from depth 4340 to 4520 feet and 4200 to 4600 feet, respectively. The maximum difference between obtained results and the field measured results did not exceed 2.4%.
In this paper, the formation pressures were expressed in terms of pressure gradient which sometimes reached up to twice the normal pressure gradient.
Drilling and developing such formations were dangerous and expensive.
The plotted figures showed a clear derivation from the normal trend which confirmed the existence of abnormal pressure zones.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Developing the School Curriculum in a way Helps Raising the Values of Forgiveness and Acceptance
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تناولنا في هذه الدراسة التأكيد على تطوير المناهج الدراسية بأتجاه تنمية قيم التسامح والتعايش السلمي ، لان ثقافة التسامح باتت من الضرورات الملحة التي يفرضها الواقع الراهن لمواجهة العنف المجتمعي ، مما يوجب الحرص على ترسيخ القيم الانسانية ، لان التسامح من الصفات التي تحبها النفوس وتنجذب اليها القلوب .

والقيم الاخلاقية والسلوكية كالتسامح وغيرها ، من الامور الرئيسية لعمليتي التربية والتعليم في المدارس وال

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