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Variation in general formulas in the strength of its foundation and the reasons for the discrepancy
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A legal discourse in the Qur’an and Sunnah is almost devoid of the use of one of the general formulas, and due to its frequent rotation in the tongue of the legislator, the formulas may overlap their members in apparently contradictory provisions, which makes the individual from the general members appear to the beholder to be covered by two contradictory provisions, and this research came to present what might happen to him The legal text interpreter of weighting between the two opposing texts is the strength of the generality that is established by the generality formula, so the two strongest formulas in the inclusion of its members outweigh the weaker of them and precede them, and the research decided that the formulas vary in the strength of the generality that it establishes. Decided by other formulas, then progressed in deduction if there is no way to combine them, and after deciding the aforementioned discrepancy in the strength of establishing the generality and the inclusion of individuals and its impact, the research turned to explaining the reasons for the differences in the formulas of generality in the strength of its foundation. The formula is in the comprehensiveness report, and it is proven that the formula is established linguistically and legally to benefit the public.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Listening to music and its reflection on the artistic output of the students of the Department of Art Education: سميعه فاضل كعود
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The relationship between music and plastic arts can be viewed as an interdependent relationship, as they both develop imagination, focus and sensory perception, as well as the presence of some artistic concepts that music shares with the art of drawing, on this basis the rationale for this research aimed at identifying (the influence of music) was dealt with On the artistic output (drawing) of students of the Department of Art Education - College of Fine Arts) In the first chapter the problem of research, importance, terminology, boundaries and goal was addressed, and in the second chapter the researcher dealt with in the first topic the relationship between music and painting, and in the second topic the use of music in education. As fo

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Frameworks for international press coverage of external interference in the formation of the Iraqi government Analytical study for the Saudi Al-Sharq Al-Awsat and Kayhan Al-Arabi-Iranian newspapers for the period (1/1/2018 - 31/12/2018)
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This research deals with the frameworks and mechanisms of international press coverage of the issue of foreign interference in the formation of the Iraqi government in the Saudi newspapers Asharq Al-Awsat and Kayhan Al-Arabi Iran and how this topic was addressed in the two newspapers. The frameworks for international press coverage of external interference in the formation of the Iraqi government. ”This research is one of the descriptive research that adopted the survey method، which made it possible to use the content analysis tool to analyze
the content of the two newspapers، whose numbers are (624) from the
newspapers (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat Al-Saudi Arabia and Kayhan Al-Arabi Iran) from (1/1/2018 to 31/12/2018)، and the researc

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and analyzing the effect of labor productivity and capital on manufacturing industries in Iraq and some Arab countries for the period 1990-2000
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يلعب القطاع الصناعي التحويلي في أي قطر دوراً هاماً في تحقيق التنمية الصناعية، اذ تتحد تاثيراته فيها على طبيعة الدور المرسوم له وعلى مدى فاعلية هذا القطاع الحيوي الذي يعد اتجاه نحو التعاظم المضطرد لمستويات الانتاجية " Levels of productivity"والتنويع الانتاجي والتدفق المستمر للتجديد التكنولوجي من اهم دلائله.

ويعد مؤشر الانتاجية بصفة عامة وانتاجيتي العمل وراس المال بصفة خاصة من الم

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Shortcomings mentioned by the Torah about the prophet Lot in the prophecies and the respond of Quran
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Praise be to Allah , and peace and blessings of God sent mercy to the worlds Muhammad
Amin and his family and his friends and followers to the Day of Judgement .
Savants Jews worked to distort the Torah calamity on the Prophet Moses ( peace be upon
him ) to achieve their goals and objectives , which are decorating sin to their followers , and
spreading corruption on earth, through the charge prophets Bmvassad , morality, as the
example and the example that emulate the human in the book of the Lord of the worlds and
their Prophet Lot, described the weak, and cheese, and lack of modesty, and disobedience ,
drinking alcohol , and his failure to raise his two daughters , Jews are corrupt in the ground .
Koran , which

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Push out bond strength of different obturation systems (An in vitro study)
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Background: The bond strength of the root canal sealers to dentin seems to be a very important property for maintaining the integrity and the seal of root canal filling. The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of four different obturation systems using push-out test. Materials and methods: Forty straight palatal roots of the maxillary first molars teeth were used in this study, these roots were instrumented using crown down technique and ProTaper system, instrumentation were done with copious irrigation of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% buffered solution of EDTA was used as final irrigant followed by distilled water, roots were randomly divided into four groups according to the obturation system (ten teeth for each g

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences –jeas
Analaysis of the lmpacyt fiscal policy in Iraq on stabilization and economic growth for the period (2003-2010)
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The vision and philosophy of the economic system in Iraq after 2003 were not clear-cut because of overlapping internal factors was the novelty of the political system and the lack of political and economic decision makers to understanding and conviction full need shaping a new administration for the Iraqi economy is able to succeed economic development programs, and external factors was determinedly organizations international application of shock reforming style and contrary to the social reality and the security which reflected negatively on the work and consistency Lisseeash financial balance between stability and growth and raise the level of consumer spending and the importance of research lies in the ability of fiscal policy to achie

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of the Time and Coordinates Required for Measuring the Milky Way’s Rotation Curve Using BURT in 2023
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     Baghdad University Radio Telescope (BURT) is a 3 meter radio telescope that was installed in the main campus of the University of Baghdad in Jadiriyah. Radio telescopes, in general, offer a wide range of applications in radio astronomy, which are usually used to detect the neutral hydrogen emission line at a wavelength of 21 cm. One of the key applications of BURT is to observe the Milky Way galaxy and to determine its rotation curve. However, performing such observations requires accurate determination of the appropriate observing time as well as the coordinates. This paper focuses on how the observing time and coordinates are calculated correctly and accurately.  The horizontal coordinate that corresponds to the galactic coor

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The RoleThe Role of the Arbitration Treaty and Decisiveness in the Consolidation of Relations Between Britain and France (1903-1904) of the Arbitration Treaty and Decisiveness in the Consolidation of Relations Between Britain and France (1903-1904)
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The Risks Faced by Britain in their Areas of Influence at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Drove her to the Alliance with the State of European such as France, and Contributed to the Tireless and made by the British and French Politicians in the Consolidation of Friendly Relations between the two Countries Efforts and Strengthened Cooperation in a Positive Way to Visit the king of Britain's Edward VII to France, Offset by Visit French President Loubet to Britain in the Same Year, those Negotiations Bore Fruit between the two Countries for Reaching a Contract Arbitration and Decisiveness between Britain and France Treaty on the Fourteenth of November 1903, Promised that Treaty First Step that Paved the Way for a General Agreement be

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Use Of Computerized Curriculum Individually and Cooperatively In the Achievement of Ninth Grade Students in Mathematics
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The study aimed to investigate the effect of using the intructional computer individually or through the cooperative groups on the achievement of the ninth grade students in mathematics compared to the traditional method. The experimental method adapted three groups out of three schools were chosen, two groups of the students where applied the computer method. The comtrol group used the simple random method, and it used the diagnostic test as tool for the study.The result showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental groups and the control group on the post-test for the two experimental groups.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Work pressure of the administrative and academic members of Biskra University, its sources and its relation to some personal and functional variables
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  The study aimed to highlight the reality of the functional pressures with its dimensions (role ambiguity, role conflict, role burden, glass ceiling, and discrimination in composition). The researchers also relied on the questionnaire as a essential tool for data collection. The field study was conducted at the University of Mohammed Khiedr - Biskra -, the study was conducted on the basis of the total survey, which included all the workers of the 6 faculties of Biskra University (523 female employees).

     After the analyzing of the data using the version 21 of the statistical program Spss, The study reached a number of results, the most of them is the low level of the functiona

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