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The artistic image of flowers in the poetry of Abi Waki` al-Tanisi
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Man was closely associated with nature in its various forms, as it represented the incubator for him in all areas of his life, so writers often made it a material for their literature and a fertile ground for their productions, so it appeared in its various forms and man’s need for it, its good and its bad in literature throughout history, and the Arabs are like Other nations, since the pre-Islamic era, nature was an important outlet and a refuge for poets in the production and creativity of literature and to this day, and when we talk about a poet from the Fatimid state, we find that nature - especially spring and its flowers - in that period took its take from literature and represented a phenomenon for many Among the poets, many of whom were concerned with describing them and revealing their aesthetics and the extent of their impact on human life, and among the poets who were interested in describing spring and its flowers in a way that overwhelmed his poetry (Al-Hassan bin Ali Al-Dhabi, famously known as Ibn Waki` Al-Tanisi), so the title of the research was (The artistic image of flowers in the poetry of Ibn Waki` Al-Tanisi ), and the research was divided into two sections, preceded by an introduction and a preface in which it dealt with the poet’s life and his era, and the first topic was under the title: (Flowers and their images in the poetry of Ibn Wakee’) in which I dealt with an introduction to the study of the image, and the images of flowers that appeared in poems and pieces. As for the second topic, it was under the title: (The image of spring and its flowers in the poetry of Ibn Waki`), and it devoted a topic to spring and its flowers due to the association between spring and flowers. Then the research concluded with the most important results it reached, and a list of the sources that were employed in it. thanks God first and last.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 03 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
STVI calculating the changes in vegetable cover for a vegetated environment in west Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 18 2017
Journal Name
International Conference And Workshops On Basic And Applied Science
Identifying phenolic compounds in some genera belonging in the Amaranthaceae family by HPLC technique
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Identifying phenolic compounds in some genera belonging in the Amaranthaceae family by HPLC technique

Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
STVI calculating the changes in vegetable cover for a vegetated environment in west Iraq
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Remote sensing provide the best means to monitoring change in vegetation over a wide range of temporal scales over large areas. In this study, the vegetation index which has been applied known as the Stress Related Vegetation Index (STVI) on in the area around the Euphrates River and part of Al-Habbaniyah lake which located at western side of the river in Ramadi city, Al-Anbar province at Iraq to study the vegetation cover changes and detect the areas of changes, using two satellite sensors multispectral images such as TM and ALI, after geometric correction procedure to rectifying these images. The STVI-4 index result was the best than other vegetation indices (STVI-1 and STVI-3) to discriminate the vegetable cover distribution. The diff

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On the Growth of Solutions of Second Order Linear Complex Differential Equations whose Coefficients Satisfy Certain Conditions
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In this paper, we study the growth of solutions of the second order linear complex differential equations  insuring that any nontrivial solutions are of infinite order. It is assumed that the coefficients satisfy the extremal condition for Yang’s inequality and the extremal condition for Denjoy’s conjecture. The other condition is that one of the coefficients itself is a solution of the differential equation .

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2024
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Investigating the Effects of Canard Dihedral Angle on the Wing Span Loading in a Forward-Swept Wing Aircraft at Transonic Speeds at Steady State Conditions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
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Forward-swept wings were researched and introduced to improve maneuverability, control, and fuel efficiency while reducing drag and they are often used alongside canards, to further enhance their characteristics. In this research, the effects of canard dihedral angles on the wing loading of a forward-swept wing in transonic flow conditions were studied, as the wing loading provides a measure of wing’s efficiency (lift/drag). A generic aircraft model from literatures was selected, simulated, and compared to, using CFD software ANSYS/Fluent where the flow equations were solved to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics. The research was carried at two different Mach numbers, 0.6 and 0.9, for five different canard dihedral angles which tra

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
the Reception and the Creative Reaction
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the Reception and the Creative Reaction

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Restructuring of the public industrial sector companies Wayshift to private shareholding companies and mixed (Iraqi experience as a model)
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That the main feature of  the economics many countries in general is a tendency towards defining the role of the public sector in economic activity and the tendency towards encourage the private sector to investment in public projects especially in countries those tendency towards market economy actually.

That increased economic development proven failure in achieving more economic growth both individually in many countries especially developing countries socialist, by researchers this led one way or another to direction of corrective reforms in their economic was one of them in Transformation of public companies into Shareholding companies contributes to the public sector in resources and expertise

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Int. J. Adv. Res
Antibacterial activity of parsley and celery aqueous extract on the isolated bacteria from children UTI in Erbil city‏
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical & Cellular Archives
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Pectin is available in many plants and in this study, the peels of tomatoes and beet were used to be an economical source of pectin production instead of dumping it with waste or using it as animal feed. The pectin extracted from the peels using different solutions, namely citric acid (2 M), oxalic acid (2%) and hydrochloric acid (0.5 M) the outcome of the extraction methods, 7. 1%, 6% and 11% respectively for tomatoes peels, while the pectin of beet peels were 8%, 6.5%, and 8.3%, and the highest percentage obtained in the manner of hydrochloric acid adopted in the manufacture of yogurt.Yogurt was manufactured with four treatments, in the first treatment standard pectin was added and the second treatment in addition to the pectin extracted

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2002
Journal Name
Msc Thesis
Anatomical , Histological and Ultrastructural Study of the Hypophysis and Epiphysis Cerebri in Common Quail . Coturnix coturnix coturnix L
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