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Financial policy in the caliphate of Imam Ali (peace be upon him)
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Praise be to God who has guided us, and we would not have been guided had it not been for the guidance of God Almighty. The life of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, represented the highest meanings of sacrifice, redemption, courage, heroism, patience, altruism, and truth, which were embodied in his unique personality, whose counterpart is rare, if not unparalleled in history. Except for the person of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and his family and grant them peace). In this research, we have presented pictures from the life of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him), as we have clarified his life, upbringing, conversion to Islam and his marriages, in addition to our talk about his struggle. And Ali bin Abi Talib was one of the bravest men in his people, and he was one of the most upright people. It is not hidden that the Islamic economy is the cleanest economy known to mankind. Free and dignified through which he has all his material and moral rights. Imam Amir al-Mu’minin Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) said while explaining the rights of the people over the government and the ruler, and the rights of the ruler and the government over the people. O people, I have a right over you, and you have a right over me. So the advice is for you, saving you for you, and teaching you so that you do not become ignorant, and discipline you so that you learn. And he describes the returns of what he applied, and the fruits of what he achieved from the Islamic economy among the people, and he expresses an economic report and a financial decree under his just government that no one in Kufa has become but soft, that the lowest of them is to eat righteousness, sit in the shade, and drink from water Euphrates          

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Architectural void is a revolution in the formation of the facades of digital architecture
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Architecture has evolved through the ages as forms, relationships, materials and mechanisms according to the data of each era and up to the era of digital technology, where the change in proportions and aesthetic dimensions of contemporary architectural formation due to the capabilities of digitization has created innovative plastic properties using the void formation in the facades and the introduction of void as a formative and aesthetic element, which led to The emergence of new creative concepts and ideas that contradict traditional ideas and are consistent with the spirit of the times, led to a revolution in the world of architectural form at the level of (architectural ideas and the generation of shapes, materials and construction

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Psychological status of and the feeling of loneliness of the trainees (newly released Detainees) participating the training and rehabilitation courses
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The research aims to understand the psychological status of and the feeling of loneliness of the trainees (recently released detainees) participating in the training and rehabilitation courses held in the Technical College - Baghdad. The study was conducted on a specimen of (23) trainees. An open questionnaire was adopted which included one question that was ( What was your feeling psychologically and socially before taking part in the training course?) , also the feeling of  loneliness Scale , designed by ( Russel,Peplau, Cutrona /University of California Los Angeles ) was implemented after the courses .



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Publication Date
Fri Oct 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the impact of knowledge management on organizational innovation in aviation companies operating in sudan
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The aim of this study was to identify the impact of the Knowledge Management Processes on organizational creativity in the Airlines  Companies working in Sudan. The hypotheses formulated as:, there is a positive relationship statistically significant differences between knowledge management processes (diagnosis, the acquisition, storage, distribution and application) and organizational creativity. the measurement of the variables had been adopted from previous studies. The study used a Descriptive approach and and the analytical statistical method to construct the model and SPSS Program for data analysis .Purposive sample procedure had been chosen and structured questionnaire had been developed. Out of 215 q

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of concurrent engineering in cost optimization
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     The research aims to study and analysis of concurrent engineering (CE) and cost optimization (CO), and the use of concurrent engineering inputs to outputs to improve the cost, and the statement of the role of concurrent engineering in improving the quality of the product, and achieve savings in the design and manufacturing time and assembly and reduce costs, as well as employing some models to determine how much the savings in time, including the model (Lexmark) model (Pert) to determine the savings in design time for manufacturing and assembly time.

To achieve the search objectives, the General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries \ Refrigerated Engine

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Sports Marketing in Customer Value
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Sports marketing is one of the most important areas to attract capital and the most important economic activities at the present time and the sports field is one of the most important areas that can be used in marketing products and services and the need for sports marketing in Iraq is shown to increase the benefits and returns of sports clubs due to a lack of material resource and weakness In the available capabilities presented to it. The research problem was the lack of sufficient knowledge of the role of sports marketing in the value of the customer by members of the administrative body of Iraqi sports clubs. The research aims to know the role of sports marketing in the value of the customer in the Iraqi Premier League clubs.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The concept of identity in Western political thought
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Receipt date:10/8/2019 acceptance date:18/12/2019 Publication date:31/12/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This research is concerned with the concept of identity in general "Overall definition" and is not exposed to the classifications of identity or concepts that deal with their types and classifications, only the concept in terms of the initial picture as well as the views of thinkers on the proof of

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Characteristics of linguistic discourse in The Holy Quran
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It is no secret to anyone that the Koran is a speech to people, and how it is not a speech to humans is a home to them and suitable for their understandings, and the people of rhetoric mean great care has never been before in the division of the Koranic discourse, followed by linguists and science of the Koran. After reading the letter, I followed it in the Holy Quran, taking advantage of what was written by former writers in language and interpretation. Thanks to God, I have done what I wanted. Perhaps one of the most important reasons that led me to write my research and optional for this topic; is related to the Koran. So I started to develop the research plan, and divided it as I saw it, I started to pave the way, and then divided it

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
Journal Name
Visual stimulus in the design of interior spaces
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The visual stimulus is the effective force in visual attraction that achieves visual and perceptual co-optation and is important in wooing the recipient, and many procedural processes in the design are interpreted on it as the visual stimulus achieves visual comfort and a sense of pleasure and gives (place) the interior space a transformation in its plastic structure as well as arousing attention through The kinetic rhythm and the formal diversity, which increases the possibility of breaking the routine and traditional constraints of design patterns through the coating and encapsulation of the vertical and horizontal levels . Thus, the research problem was launched based on the following question: What are the stimuli of the visual stimu

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Publication Date
Sun May 08 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The environmental impacts of industrial zone in cities
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ABSTRACT Studying the positive and negative effects resulted from the industrial projects and laying down the comprehensive planning bases to the urban development projects which insure retaining the social, economic and environmental development, taking in to consternation the time factor within the planning process which is considered the most important factor that determine the extent of the efficient selection to the site and not interpenetrate in the industrial activities and efficiency and calculating its future expansions away from the residential areas. It is more favorable to plan the industrial areas of apparent pollution outside the bounds of the basic plan to limit the negative effects on the environment and providing

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
International Cooperation in the Face of Internet Crimes
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في بداية الستينيات ظهرت شبكة الإنترنت لاستعمالها في أغراض غير تجارية ، ثم تطورت بشكل مذهل خلال السنوات الأخيرة، فبعد أن كانت مجرد شبكة صغيرة أصبحت الآن تضم ملايين المستخدمين حول العالم ، وتحولت من مجرد شبكة بحث أكاديمي إلى بيئة متكاملة للاستثمار والعمل والإنتاج والإعلام والحصول على المعلومات .

 وفي بداية تأسيس الشبكة لم يكن ثمة اهتمام بمسائل الأمن بقدر ما كان الاهتمام ببنائها وتوسيع نش

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