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The mechanism of managing religious difference
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The mechanism of managing religious difference

God is the Lord of the worlds, forget them and their jinn, Arabs and non-Muslims, He is the Lord of Muslims and Lord of non-Muslims, as He created them male and female despite their differences in tongues and colors, so He created them according to their diversity and distinction in beliefs and religions.

 To prevent flare-ups due to differences, the Lord of the worlds set limits that he has forbidden to cross, and draw clear maps as mechanisms for managing religious differences and lifting psychological barriers between the different, so that they can coexist in peace and freedom, each adhering to his faith, and practicing the rituals of his religion.

This is the nature of religious difference and this is how this difference is managed, and it is driven by a divine will that was organized to respect diversity and prevent disharmony and fighting. Rather, their Lord drew them mechanisms and controls to continue the march of this diversity in harmony without the encroachment of one sect on another, with the legitimacy of the call to God and intellectual scramble Moderate in order to achieve the right and bear the responsibility of what a person chooses in terms of belief and behavior in life.

Among these controls and mechanisms: God Almighty’s acknowledgment that all human beings are from Adam, their differences are legitimate from a divine law, united by the circle of human brotherhood that accommodates all, the right to call for truth, dialogue in the best way, and respect for the sanctities of others and the religious symbols of sects, while adhering to forgiveness, forgiveness and documentation The bonds of closeness and leaving the matter to the Lord of the worlds to separate truth and falsehood in the Hereafter, and He is the wisest of the rulers.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 06 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Course Life Scene The street Urban
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The study of an urban street scene of the life cycle is one of the important things in urban scene studies and there are four vocabularys that are the basis for the life cycle of an urban scene and these vocabulary are (the street, transformation, land uses and urban scene).


            the first vocabulary addressed in the research is the street where street classes were studied and its classifications in terms of morphology and function and study of street standards in cities.


            The second term, are transformations, where the concept of transformation and its patterns and

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Al- Farahidi Arts
The Sponsorship Role in Brand Marketing
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Adyertising sponsorship is one of the most prominent public activities, hich drives many public relations relations practitioners in companies to rely heavily on it in order to achieve positive results that contribute to the marketing of the brands of these sponsoring companies. The problem of Our research can be identified by the main question: What is the role of advertising sponsorship in brand marketing "The research aims to identify the role of sponsorship in brand marketing, and its role in attracting the public's attention to the products of the sponsors. As well as clarifying the role of the care method in the popularity of the products of the Sponsorship companies.

Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Video effect on Youths Value
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The Video effect on Youths Value

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
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Aesthetic performance in the mobile sculptures
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Aesthetic performance in the mobile sculptures
Ali Abd Almohsen Ali
Chapters of this research are discussed one of the turning points in the In the history of sculpture, which sparked a debate in artistic circles, namely the introduction of the actual movement in sculpture . The researcher highlighted on one of the corners of the controversy on this subject for discussion and looking in and Found results contribute to answer some questions . the Beginning been allocated to the statement of this Research Methodology , research problem, and its importance, and its goal, and borders , the main problem is Lack of clarity of the concept of real motion (physical) in the sculpture , And how the audience understand the aspects

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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This paper is mainly concerned with the study of the moral aspects that prompts William Shakespeare to attempt a romance in which he has embedded the epitome of his thought, experience, and philosophy concerning certain significant aspects of human life whose absence or negligence may threaten human existence, peace, and stability. From the beginning of history man realizes the importance of prosperity on the many and various levels that touch and address his needs and desires—natural, material, and spiritual. The Tempest, due to the dramatist's awareness of the aforementioned values, reflects the dramatist's duty as to projecting and unfolding these important aspects, reconciliation and forgiveness, that promote prosperity which is th

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
the university education and human development
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We notice that the issue of development is one of the most important issues in ourepoch especially in our country which classify within back ward countries.

When we talk here about the development we don’t mean only the development of capitals or the development of products.but the most important thing is the development of mind .if we notice the experience of  developits economy and it didn’t reach to the wanted aim.because these sides .  The highness of the meutal rate of the nation is the standard of of the nation is the standard of the sentific and cultural advance for this nation .And that is what we have noticed in human societies ingenerall .

We noticed that

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On The Modified Divergence Information Criterion
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In this work (paper), we investigate about the robustness of the modified divergence Information Criterion (MDIC), which proposed by Mantalos, Mattheou and Karagrigoriou (2008), to determine the probability of the Criterion picking up the true lag for Autoregressive process, when the error term of this process is normally and Non normally distributed. We obtained the results for different sample sizes by using simulation.


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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social enhancement for the kindergarten teachers
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          The she/teacher is considered one of the basics of the educational process for its essential role in education and teaching the kindergarten child, thus  its lack to construct social relations in side the kindergarten environment working in it regarded one of the shortcoming factors she is suffering from which should be manipulated, because it could effect its enthusiasm to work in the kindergarten according to what has mentioned, the researcher presents the following objective:-


  • Identifying level of social enhancement for the kindergarten teachers via the test of the following hypothesis:-

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Nicotine Extraction from Tobacco Wastes
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Woman Under Virtual Reality Environment
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Virtual reality technology is the science of the embodiment of things and move spontaneously among non-real from one place to another with the full sense of the form, touch, sound, enables the user tried out and deal with it, like a real natural world and open up new worlds for human ambitious to let him overlooks the supposed world. Internet has become part of our daily lives, especially with the presence of mobile devices; that revolutionized the world of social networking. Access to information and build relationships change in the era of digital technology. The woman is not in isolation from this era; she found to herself a wide area for the production of ideas.
When we talk about woman in the modern means of communication, this a

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