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The mechanism of managing religious difference
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The mechanism of managing religious difference

God is the Lord of the worlds, forget them and their jinn, Arabs and non-Muslims, He is the Lord of Muslims and Lord of non-Muslims, as He created them male and female despite their differences in tongues and colors, so He created them according to their diversity and distinction in beliefs and religions.

 To prevent flare-ups due to differences, the Lord of the worlds set limits that he has forbidden to cross, and draw clear maps as mechanisms for managing religious differences and lifting psychological barriers between the different, so that they can coexist in peace and freedom, each adhering to his faith, and practicing the rituals of his religion.

This is the nature of religious difference and this is how this difference is managed, and it is driven by a divine will that was organized to respect diversity and prevent disharmony and fighting. Rather, their Lord drew them mechanisms and controls to continue the march of this diversity in harmony without the encroachment of one sect on another, with the legitimacy of the call to God and intellectual scramble Moderate in order to achieve the right and bear the responsibility of what a person chooses in terms of belief and behavior in life.

Among these controls and mechanisms: God Almighty’s acknowledgment that all human beings are from Adam, their differences are legitimate from a divine law, united by the circle of human brotherhood that accommodates all, the right to call for truth, dialogue in the best way, and respect for the sanctities of others and the religious symbols of sects, while adhering to forgiveness, forgiveness and documentation The bonds of closeness and leaving the matter to the Lord of the worlds to separate truth and falsehood in the Hereafter, and He is the wisest of the rulers.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
COVID-19 and the Conspiracy Theories
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The first known use of the term conspiracy theory dated back to the nineteenth century. It is defined as a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators. It is commonly used, but by no means limited to, extreme political groups. Since the emergence of COVID-19 as a global pandemic in December 2019, the conspiracy theory was present at all stages of the pandemic.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
2015 Ieee Conference On E-learning, E-management And E-services (ic3e)
The virtual teams: E-leaders challenges
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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Metaphorical correlation in the contemporary sculpture
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The present research is concerned with the way in which different dialects interact with each other in contemporary sculpture through the use of the metaphor for various shapes, meanings and materials and placing them in contexts that conflict with the familiar. These attempts come in harmony with the spirit of the times in seeking exoticism, surprise and splendor as a means of renewal. modern Art . Therefore, the research was divided into four axes, the first of which included the research problem, its importance and its aim, which is to attempt to uncover the metaphorical metaphorical relational mechanism in modern sculpture. The second axis included the theoretical framework. The third axis included the research procedures of determin

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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         This paper is mainly concerned with the study of the moral aspects that prompts William Shakespeare to attempt a romance in which he has embedded the epitome of his thought, experience, and philosophy concerning certain significant aspects of human life whose absence or negligence may threaten human existence, peace, and stability. From the beginning of history man realizes the importance of prosperity on the many and various levels that touch and address his needs and desires—natural, material,  and spiritual. The Tempest, due to the dramatist's awareness of the aforementioned values, reflects the dramatist's duty as to projecting and unfolding these important aspects, rec

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Academic optimism at the Distinguished Students
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Students at secondary school, particularly at the beginning of their academic lives face many difficulties and problems in various psychological, educational, and social fields, which require them to make many decisions and solve problems that may confront them while maintaining their optimism and positivity for life in general and for academic life in particular. Thus, the current study aims to investigate the academic optimism of distinguished students and identify the differences in academic optimism in terms of gender. The researcher applied the scale to a sample of (336) students, (145) males, and (191) females, who were chosen randomly from distinguished schools. In order to achieve the research objectives, the researcher adopted t

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Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Presupposition in Fitzgerald the Rough Crossing
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Presupposition in Fitzgerald the Rough Crossing

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Polar structure in the international system
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Conclusion The observation of the phenomenon of structural evolution of the international system and its instability on a particular situation, by its transition from unipolar to polarity to bipolarism and then to unilateralism in the early 1990s led by the United States, and to the present moment, To say that the structure by which the hierarchy of superpowers or the regime is directed in terms of its various capacities that qualify it, and with the consent of the rest of the States directing the regime to lead and lead the world's first place, has no direct relation to the stability of this system, I hope other more influential in its stability. The structure of the new international order will be completely different in terms of the r

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Babis and Baha’is in Iran
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The person who wants to learn. The history of Bab’is will notice a very
starnge phenomenon that they (Babis and Baha’is) resort to visions to prove their
The believers usually reach to each other by their visions. This phenomenon
are shared among them from Al- Ahsa’ai time till the last phase of their propaganda
which is the Baha’is propaganda, and this is due to their ignorance and under
development in doctrine of islam which was widespread in Iran and the Islamic world.
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particular group, most of them were Al- Rashti’s students and knew the basic
principles of their movement which deperding or (the principles) declarati

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Adopting the public on satellite channels
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The importance of television has emerged as an effective and influential force in the lives of societies and peoples, And not just a professional media since the fifties of the twentieth century, It was used as a platform to achieve the goals and objectives of the media and politics for governments, agencies and individuals in different countries of the world, Using many methods, methods and techniques that later became important major subjects and curricula and a scientific specialization that was founded for him to study and teach in most international universities, The media, especially television and satellite channels, play an active and significant role in managing crises and conflicts and directing them through the methods of deal

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Score for the Group SL(2,38)
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        The set of all (n×n) non-singular matrices over the field F. And this set forms a group under the operation of matrix multiplication. This group is called the general linear group of dimension  over the field F, denoted by . The determinant of these matrices is a homomorphism from  into F* and the kernel of this homomorphism was the special linear group and denoted by  Thus  is the subgroup of  which contains all matrices of determinant one.

The rationally valued characters of the rational representations are written as a linear combination of the induced characters for the groups discussed in this paper. We find the Artin indicator for this group after studying the rationally valued characters of the rational

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