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Woman’s alleviation of the husband's burden in the prophetic Sunnah
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Glorify and Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, companions, and those who are loyal to him.

The subject derives its significance from two important sources , the first one lies in  the Sunnah of the Prophet, while the other is the family source , which enrich  this subject with great importance.

As for the objective of the topic, it shows to the reader the prophetic bases  that mitigate and  ease the burden of the husband in a way that secures the marital happiness, so that the Muslim woman takes it as a path  for her in life and a slogan that illuminates the darkness of the path and makes her to overcome all obstacles.

As for the previous studies, the researcher did not find a book or research that deals with the role of women in relieving and mitigating the husband’s burden, but there are many books and research dealing  with the marital rights in general, without finding rooting for this topic in a special chapter or topic, but I have been able to extract those implicit references from some of those books which  I have mentioned in the margins and sources.

As for the research methodology , it is the descriptive analytical method, by addressing the arts and techniques through which women can relieve and  mitigate  the husband’s burden to fulfill one of the marital happiness’ basic element  and analyze it within the framework of what the honorable prophetic hadiths came.

As for the research plan, The research divides into an introduction, five chapters, and a conclusion

The first topic refers to the issue of women relieving the husband’s burden through reducing the dowry, the second topic shows how the woman relieves the husband’s burden by kind words, and the third topic: easing the husband’s burden through participation and consultation in solving problems and dilemmas, and the fourth  topic clarifies what leads to alleviating the husband’s burden by enduring the mothers of the believers (may God Almighty be pleased with them) the difficult life of the Messenger ( peace upon him) and contentment with the division of God and his Messenger and finally the fifth topic, which reminds of situations in word and deed (the mother of the believers Khadija as a model).

As for the most important difficulties I faced, I did not find a book with the same title or dealing with the same idea, which forced me to search to collect and analyze ideas in a way that serves the idea of ​​research and benefits the researcher and the reader.

By the end, I ask Almighty God to make all of this work purely for God and not give anyone a share in it, and to benefit the women of the prosperous Islamic future that we all aspire to the Islamic nation at the level of the family and society.


Keywords / Husband burden , marital disputes, burdens of living, marital happiness

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Modern Sport
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