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Woman’s alleviation of the husband's burden in the prophetic Sunnah

Glorify and Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, companions, and those who are loyal to him.

The subject derives its significance from two important sources , the first one lies in  the Sunnah of the Prophet, while the other is the family source , which enrich  this subject with great importance.

As for the objective of the topic, it shows to the reader the prophetic bases  that mitigate and  ease the burden of the husband in a way that secures the marital happiness, so that the Muslim woman takes it as a path  for her in life and a slogan that illuminates the darkness of the path and makes her to overcome all obstacles.

As for the previous studies, the researcher did not find a book or research that deals with the role of women in relieving and mitigating the husband’s burden, but there are many books and research dealing  with the marital rights in general, without finding rooting for this topic in a special chapter or topic, but I have been able to extract those implicit references from some of those books which  I have mentioned in the margins and sources.

As for the research methodology , it is the descriptive analytical method, by addressing the arts and techniques through which women can relieve and  mitigate  the husband’s burden to fulfill one of the marital happiness’ basic element  and analyze it within the framework of what the honorable prophetic hadiths came.

As for the research plan, The research divides into an introduction, five chapters, and a conclusion

The first topic refers to the issue of women relieving the husband’s burden through reducing the dowry, the second topic shows how the woman relieves the husband’s burden by kind words, and the third topic: easing the husband’s burden through participation and consultation in solving problems and dilemmas, and the fourth  topic clarifies what leads to alleviating the husband’s burden by enduring the mothers of the believers (may God Almighty be pleased with them) the difficult life of the Messenger ( peace upon him) and contentment with the division of God and his Messenger and finally the fifth topic, which reminds of situations in word and deed (the mother of the believers Khadija as a model).

As for the most important difficulties I faced, I did not find a book with the same title or dealing with the same idea, which forced me to search to collect and analyze ideas in a way that serves the idea of ​​research and benefits the researcher and the reader.

By the end, I ask Almighty God to make all of this work purely for God and not give anyone a share in it, and to benefit the women of the prosperous Islamic future that we all aspire to the Islamic nation at the level of the family and society.


Keywords / Husband burden , marital disputes, burdens of living, marital happiness

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The prohibition of cheating in the Sunnah of the Prophet

In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

Cheating is one of the forbidden actions and reprehensible morals that are forbidden by Islamic law, because it involves an assault on rights, whether they are the rights of God Almighty or the rights of God.

people, or self-rights, and because it involves harming others.

Since the Sunnah of the Prophet is the second source of Islamic law, many of the noble hadiths of the Prophet forbid and prohibit cheating.

This study sheds light on it.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Morals Strategies from Sunnah Depending

The study aims at elicitation the morals strategies from sunnah depending on the analytic-qualitative method. It revealed a comprehensive integrated system of creative strategies to improve morals. It was categorized into three areas: cognitive strategies, affective strategies, and some strategies based on self-initiative and practice. The researcher recommended that teachers and educators should employ these effective strategies in the process of moral guidance for the Muslim generation. He also recommended that researchers should put more effort to do more In-depth qualitative studies, which must be directed to establish the origin of different education strategies from the Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah, and Muslim scholars’ legacy.

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The husband's right to discipline his wife

The husband’s discipline of his wife is a right prescribed by the Sharia, but it is conditioned discipline with conditions that make this discipline intended to preserve the family institution from disintegration and scattering, so the Islamic Sharia entrusted the husband, the guardian of the family, with the task of disciplining the disobedient and disobedient wife and deviating from the family’s values ​​and constants of mutual respect and obedience in what is good. And a sense of responsibility. This discipline goes through three sequential stages, starting with exhortation and dialogue, passing through abandonment in the beds, and ending with beating. As for the sermon, it is a quiet dialogue followed by a threat of abandonme

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Arrows of Kurdish scholars in the service of the Sunnah of Imam Majd al-Din Ibn al-Atheer al-Jazari (544_606): A model

This research is a modest effort to talk about the great world of ancient lineage, Imam Majd al-Din Abu Saadat, known as Ibn al-Atheer island, through the statement of his name, surname, nickname, family, elders and his pupils and his most important works.
It also deals with the modern research on his famous book in the field of modern science called (the end in the strange talk and impact), which is one of the most wonderful books of modern and especially the strange talk, through the scientific effort of the Imam and the importance of the book and methodology, and the most prominent aspects of the service and care of Ibn Al Atheer For the modern stranger, which boils down to two aspects:
First: the linguistic rooting of the stran

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of prophetic Sunna in solution of social problems

Allah created the human from clay and made the system of marriage between male
and female as a reason for life continuity and human staying. This system produced an
organization called (the society) which is defined as a group lived in limited time and place.
Islam put fundamental and conditions of the righteous society in the Holy Quran and
prophetic sunna. Islam also put the solutions for problems (if they got) , naturally, these
problems may happened because of the nature of the life.
The problem of the research is summarized by that the problems of the society
enlarged in our Islamic society more than time ago. In the same time , some solution are
imported from west and east and from scientist and ignorant wit

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
Journal Name
Creative formations in honorable prophetic decoration lines

The Islamic art is filled with precious and holiness contents for what it carries of spiritual meanings represented by the Holy Quran, Hadith and texts which inspired the Calligrapher fertile imagination draw from it a wide space for holiness and spiritual expression with artistic explanation of aesthetic and decorative nature, its issuance pivots depended on decoration and calligraphy elements. The main elements which enriched the aesthetic and expressional side are the texts which used by the Calligraphers whom tried to be perfect and creative by presentation techniques and issuance treatments hold within the beauty of the shape and content. The most remarkable artistic achievements are honorable prophetic decoration for what it has of

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Quranic and Sunnah Educational Principles of the Muslim Child


Child's personality development in Islam, in fact, represents the building of the Islamic community and a step on the way for the establishment of life, state, law, and civilization in accordance with the blessed Islamic principles, in order to achieve the happiness of the human being and to protect the components of society and preserve human safety. Child is the issue of interest across many years.  Paying heed to childhood issues is not a recent one. The faith of these communities in the child's rights and his education, which makes a man who cherishes himself and his language and homeland.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The conversations of reason and thinking as stated in the Sunnah and its impact on human behavior

The Sunnah of the Prophet has a great impact in building human behavior, and the formation of Islamic thought, has worked to spread science in all of Egypt, as it carried to the people of the eternal prophecy of the love of science, it was a source of knowledge and civilization. It is a generous source, a rich source of the Islamic nation, always tender, and renewed benefit, which is not only a source of legislation and language but is a source of guidance for thought and guidance of behavior, and the Hadith The importance is obvious In the integration of Islam, and show aspects of human integration in the personality of Mustafa , and the Muslims are interested in talking - collected and codification -, and made the effort of the cent

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Rights and duties in the reform project of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in the footsteps of the Koran and the Sunnah

The principle of rights and duties is part of the reform project of the Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib, to build a state of institutions whose foundations have been built on Quranic rules, a prophetic biography, and his diligence in doing so in accordance with the requirements of interests and evil, and his certainty in determining the most important and important, and research analytical study of speeches Imam Ali and his career, in this study (the principle of rights and duties) of the ruler and the parish because of their role in the reform process, which depends on the demolition and construction together, as it is the responsibility of the ruler to demolish all constructed corrupt and contrary to the principles of Islam

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Woman’s Identity Crisis in the Clash of Cultures: A Study of Betool Khedairi’s Novel: A Sky So close

This paper is an attempt to clarify the impact of Postcolonialism, one of the most
challenging fields of study that has emerged in recent years, on representations of women in
once-colonised countries and in Western locations. It discusses the influence of cultural
differences on the status and identity of a woman who experience ‗multiculturalism‘. The
study is an analytical reading of a contemporary novel written by the Iraqi writer Betool Al-
Kudairi. The emphasis lies on the clash between two different cultures and traditions
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