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Woman’s alleviation of the husband's burden in the prophetic Sunnah
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Glorify and Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, companions, and those who are loyal to him.

The subject derives its significance from two important sources , the first one lies in  the Sunnah of the Prophet, while the other is the family source , which enrich  this subject with great importance.

As for the objective of the topic, it shows to the reader the prophetic bases  that mitigate and  ease the burden of the husband in a way that secures the marital happiness, so that the Muslim woman takes it as a path  for her in life and a slogan that illuminates the darkness of the path and makes her to overcome all obstacles.

As for the previous studies, the researcher did not find a book or research that deals with the role of women in relieving and mitigating the husband’s burden, but there are many books and research dealing  with the marital rights in general, without finding rooting for this topic in a special chapter or topic, but I have been able to extract those implicit references from some of those books which  I have mentioned in the margins and sources.

As for the research methodology , it is the descriptive analytical method, by addressing the arts and techniques through which women can relieve and  mitigate  the husband’s burden to fulfill one of the marital happiness’ basic element  and analyze it within the framework of what the honorable prophetic hadiths came.

As for the research plan, The research divides into an introduction, five chapters, and a conclusion

The first topic refers to the issue of women relieving the husband’s burden through reducing the dowry, the second topic shows how the woman relieves the husband’s burden by kind words, and the third topic: easing the husband’s burden through participation and consultation in solving problems and dilemmas, and the fourth  topic clarifies what leads to alleviating the husband’s burden by enduring the mothers of the believers (may God Almighty be pleased with them) the difficult life of the Messenger ( peace upon him) and contentment with the division of God and his Messenger and finally the fifth topic, which reminds of situations in word and deed (the mother of the believers Khadija as a model).

As for the most important difficulties I faced, I did not find a book with the same title or dealing with the same idea, which forced me to search to collect and analyze ideas in a way that serves the idea of ​​research and benefits the researcher and the reader.

By the end, I ask Almighty God to make all of this work purely for God and not give anyone a share in it, and to benefit the women of the prosperous Islamic future that we all aspire to the Islamic nation at the level of the family and society.


Keywords / Husband burden , marital disputes, burdens of living, marital happiness

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The image of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the independent Iraqi press: An analytical study of the Al—Zaman, Al-Dustour, and Al-Mada newspapers
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Through this descriptive study of the image of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the independent Iraqi press, the researcher relies on surveys, content analysis, and observation tools. The research community selected was the Iraqi independent press, represented by the Al-Zaman, Al-Dustour, and Al-Mada newspapers. The researcher adopts the comprehensive inventory method for newspaper issues produced between October 2019 and January 2020.

The results of this study show that Iran's interference in Iraq's internal affairs was one of the most prominent components of the picture that independent Iraqi newspapers seek to paint about the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Product development For Use Some Of The Lean Production Tools A Practical Research in the General Company for the automotive industry
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     This research aims to analyze the reality of the production process in an assembly line Cars (RUNNA) in the public company for the automotive industry / Alexandria through the use of some Lean production tools, and data were collected through permanence in the company to identify the problems of the line in order to find appropriate to adopt some Lean production tools solutions, and results showed the presence of Lead time in some stations, which is reflected on the customer's waiting time to get the car, as well as some of the problems existing in the car produced such as high temperature of the car, as the company does not take into account customer preferences,

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Proposed Unite in Voluntary Work in Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills and The Attitudes towards Responsible Citizenship among Eighth Grade Female Students in the Governorate in Sultanate of Oman North Batinah
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The aim of the present study is to examine the effectiveness of a proposed unite in voluntary work in enhancing critical thinking skills and the attitudes towards responsible citizenship among eighth grade female students in the Sultanate of Oman. In order to collect the study data, the researchers employed a quasi-experimental research design with twenty female students from Al-Sideeqah bint Al-Sideeq for basic education school. The research data were collected via a critical thinking test that consisted of twenty-five items and a scale of twenty items under three different dimensions, which aimed to measure students' attitudes towards responsible citizenship. The researchers implemented these two instruments as pre- and post the experi

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Use of Multimedia in the Design of Educational Websites and their Role in Enhancing the Cognitive Aspect of the Learner: احمد ناجي علي-يوسف مشتاق لطيف
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Multimedia is one of the most important elements of modern educational media and must be used in educational websites in order to disseminate knowledge on a large scale and should be used to provide scientific information to all, as the current research tried to explore the possibilities of employing them in the design of educational websites and highlight their role in promoting the scientific aspects of the user. This study included four axes, the first of which was devoted to the introduction which includes the problem of research, its importance, objectives and its objective, temporal and spatial limitations, which were limited to the study of the main pages of Arabic educational websites published in 2019.  The second axis cont

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the core Competence for audit companies & offices On the Earning Quality of banks in Iraq Stock Exchange
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The research aims at measuring the extent of the relationship and influence of the indicators of the Core competencies of the audit firms and offices in the Earning Quality of the private banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange under audit. The research community represents 38 banks. The sample of the research has been approved only 10 banks continue to issue their financial statements for the period (2007 – 2017), in addition to the audit offices assigned to audit these banks, which amounted to 14 companies and auditing offices. John's (1999) model revised by Kothari et al., (2005) was adopted to measure the Earning Quality by finding discretionary accruals and non-discretionary accruals, to measure the Core competencies indicators ,

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Degree possession of secondary teachers for effective teaching skills from the perspective of the teachers themselves in the Mafraq Governorate
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This study aimed to reveal the degree possession of secondary teachers for effective teaching skills from the perspective of the teachers themselves in the Mafraq governorate .To achieve the objective of the study(45) teachers were chosen randomly, also a questionnaire composed of 17 was prepared spread over three skill areas (planning, implementation, evaluation).
After application of the tool on the sample results of the study showed that the degree of ownership ranged between medium and high.
The results showed no differences in the degree of ownership due to the variables of sex in favor of females and variable qualification for the benefit of people with qualified Master higher, while differences are attributed to the experien

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Cost and Quality of Documentary Credit in achieving the Competitive Advantage in Banks: An Applied Research in North Bank for Finance and Investment and The United Bank for Investment
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Documentary Credit passes through many practical phases starting from Opening credit and matching documents and payment of the amount of credit……etc.  It is worthy to mention that there are several aspects that are varied and differed from Bank to another one which can offer Competitive Advantage for the bank …This will be shown in this research.

For the purpose of achieving the objective of this research within the theoretical aspect, the researcher had seen and briefed several books and researches which are mainly related to the subject of the research.

As for the practical aspect, has included Questionnaire which included many questions that are fit and suitable to the hypotheses.

Research sample has

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study of direct marketing methods and identificationThe suitability of each of them for application in the Iraqi marketAn analytical study of the views of a sample of wholesalers in Baghdad
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Study of Direct Marketing techniques and determining the scope of the suitability of each of them in the application in the Iraqi market - An analytical and explorative study for sample of views for wholesaler in Baghdad. The essential idea of the research is to go into the most important concepts which have been mentioned in the direct marketing and determining its current and most important techniques and knowing the scope of applying these techniques in Baghdad main markets (Karrada, Jamilah, shorja, Baya area, zeyouna and new Baghdad) and which of those techniques most applicable in these markets. The research took a sample of (100) wholesalers who practice the activities of selling nutritional items, auto and outs spare part

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation the Role of Clinical Pharmacist on Prevents or Reduced the Medication Error in Emergency Department
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Objective: To identify the role and importance of the clinical pharmacist in the Emergency Department on prevent
or reduced the medication error.
Methodology: We collected the medical file of 3400 patients, 1400 patient's file in (A) hospital, and 1000 patient's
file in each of (B and C) hospital, who admitted to the ED, at primary weekdays between 8 am to 2 pm, and
recorded all the intervention made by clinical pharmacist through an active search in clinical charts, with analysis
of the daily medical prescription. The potential severity of harm of the medication error judged by two reviewers,
a permanent emergency physician, and clinical pharmacist based on the National Coordinating Council (NCC) of
Medication Error

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Open Budget in achieving of the transparency and responsibility and Reflect it on the administrative and financial corruption
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The open budget means everyone in the society can get information about the government budget in order to watch the governmental works. The aim of the research is to study the concepts of open budget, its advantage, limitations, role of supporting the transparency and questioning the administrative and financial corruption. Thus reflects positively on the national economy by providing governmental information to all users whether they are individuals or belong to the political class, or any other governmental or nongovernmental organizations which are interested in these information.

In order to achieve the objectives of the research aims, we make questionnaire to see aca

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