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Woman’s alleviation of the husband's burden in the prophetic Sunnah
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Glorify and Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, companions, and those who are loyal to him.

The subject derives its significance from two important sources , the first one lies in  the Sunnah of the Prophet, while the other is the family source , which enrich  this subject with great importance.

As for the objective of the topic, it shows to the reader the prophetic bases  that mitigate and  ease the burden of the husband in a way that secures the marital happiness, so that the Muslim woman takes it as a path  for her in life and a slogan that illuminates the darkness of the path and makes her to overcome all obstacles.

As for the previous studies, the researcher did not find a book or research that deals with the role of women in relieving and mitigating the husband’s burden, but there are many books and research dealing  with the marital rights in general, without finding rooting for this topic in a special chapter or topic, but I have been able to extract those implicit references from some of those books which  I have mentioned in the margins and sources.

As for the research methodology , it is the descriptive analytical method, by addressing the arts and techniques through which women can relieve and  mitigate  the husband’s burden to fulfill one of the marital happiness’ basic element  and analyze it within the framework of what the honorable prophetic hadiths came.

As for the research plan, The research divides into an introduction, five chapters, and a conclusion

The first topic refers to the issue of women relieving the husband’s burden through reducing the dowry, the second topic shows how the woman relieves the husband’s burden by kind words, and the third topic: easing the husband’s burden through participation and consultation in solving problems and dilemmas, and the fourth  topic clarifies what leads to alleviating the husband’s burden by enduring the mothers of the believers (may God Almighty be pleased with them) the difficult life of the Messenger ( peace upon him) and contentment with the division of God and his Messenger and finally the fifth topic, which reminds of situations in word and deed (the mother of the believers Khadija as a model).

As for the most important difficulties I faced, I did not find a book with the same title or dealing with the same idea, which forced me to search to collect and analyze ideas in a way that serves the idea of ​​research and benefits the researcher and the reader.

By the end, I ask Almighty God to make all of this work purely for God and not give anyone a share in it, and to benefit the women of the prosperous Islamic future that we all aspire to the Islamic nation at the level of the family and society.


Keywords / Husband burden , marital disputes, burdens of living, marital happiness

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of promotion means in the developing the activity of financial markets: A case study of Iraqi stock Exchange
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The promotion by its means lead a vital and important role at the level of all organizations, whether (industrial or service) in general, and financial markets in particular. The promotion is earns delved to be as one of the main operations which  market uses it through various means of financial markets and companies which its shares listed in the aim of (finance or investment), with a view to the implementation and financing of public and private projects the one hand, or with a view to achieving profits through investment of speculative or... For other purposes, on the other hand.Accordingly, we find that the set of public and private goals joint between the financial markets and listed companies respectively, will serve the stra

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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The research studies the main variables for the concept of sharing in knowledge in one of the most important control agencies in Iraq, which is (The Federal Board of Supreme Audit). Also, the quality of the controlling businesses by the Board in light of the major challenges that facing the fight against signs of cheating and administrative and financial corruption for offices submitted to controlled and auditing, with the increasing and intensification of these appearances. In order to enable the Board to cope with this situation, has to be thinking hard about how to achieve excellence, progress and development to face these situations, through the application of sharing in knowledge for the financial controller, and then achiev

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness of Teaching Program Based on The Theory of Multiple Intelligence in the Development of Literary Thinking Among Students
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The research aims to know the effectiveness of a training program based on multiple intelligence theory in developing literary thinking among students of the Arabic Language Department at Ibn Rushd School of Humanities and to achieve the goal of research, the Safaris Research Institute, and the research community of Arabic language students in the Faculty of Education the third section of Arabic Language: The research sample consists of (71) students. Divided into (35) students in the experimental group and (36) students in the control group, the researcher balanced between the two groups with variables (intelligence, testing of tribal literary thinking, and time age in months), and after using the T-test for two independent samples, the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of the Cooperative Inquiry Strategy in the Achievement and Development of Mathematical Communication Skills of Elementary School Students
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This study aims at investigating the effectiveness of the cooperative inquiry strategy in developing the achievement and development of mathematical communication skills of elementary school students. To achieve this aim, the experimental method was utilized. The study sample consisted of an experimental group (n = 34) and a control group (n = 31), which were randomly selected from primary schools. A Teacher's Guide for teaching a unit entitled "Statistics and Graphic Representations" for the sixth elementary graders in the first semester were devised. A (30) multiple-choice item achievement test distributed at the levels of (recall, comprehension, and application), as well as an (18) item mathematical c

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measurement of the effect of some macroeconomic variable on the phenomenon of unemployment in Iraq For the period 2003-2018
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The aim of this research is analysis the effect of the changes in (GDA, g, inflation) at average and standard economic curriculum in composition of the models, depending on SPSS program in analysis, and according to available date from central bank of Iraq and during the period from 2003 to 2018 and by using OLS and estimate of the equation and the results showed a statistical significance relation in incorporeal level 5% and the R2 value equal  to 92.1 refer to the changes in independent variables explain 92% of changes of unemployment and the independent variables effect are very limit depend on estimated parameters in the model and respectively (0.986,0.229,-0.060), the research recommended necessity to active the inve

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Impact beyond the knowledge when students of the Faculty of education in teaching methods
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Research aims to know the impact beyond the defined in the collection. The research community is the second school students at Baghdad University and a research sample (63) students, the number of experimental group (27) students and a control group (30) students.  The researcher was rewarded in variable lifetime for students and educational attainment and educational level of the parents and the educational level of mothers. The researcher has developed a test took the number of paragraphs (20).  A test was true after it has been submitted to the Group of arbitrators. The test was consistent with test method used and the reliability coefficient (0, 88). Either the statistical methods used by the researcher are: Pearson correla

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the Electron Coefficients of (Ar, He, N2, O2) Gases in the Ionosphere
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In this study, the electron coefficients; Mean energy , Mobility and Drift velocity  of different gases  Ar, He, N2 and O2  in the  ionosphere have been calculated using BOLSIG+ program to check the solution results of Boltzmann equation results, and effect of reduced electric field (E/N) on electronic coefficients. The electric field has been specified in the limited range 1-100 Td. The gases were in the ionosphere layer at an altitude frame 50-2000 km. Furthermore, the mean energy and drift velocity steadily increased with increases in the electric field, while mobility was reduced. It turns out that there is a significant and obvious decrease in mobility as a result of inelastic collisions and in addition lit

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analyzing the reality of the Iraqi market for securities in light of financial globalization
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The Iraqi market for securities in light of financial globalization faces real challenges at the local and international levels, which were reflected in their shadows on the overall economic reality, which imposed the necessity of making fundamental changes in terms of form and content, and from here stems the research problem in the ability of the Iraqi stock market to adapt to the transformations Financial imposed by financial globalization in light of the weakness of the economic structure and its position in the global economy. The research starts from the hypothesis that the Iraqi market for securities in light of financial globalization has an important and significant role in the economic field, through its role in stimula

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Health Educational Program on Nurses' Practices toward Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy for Children at Hematology Center in Baghdad City
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Objectives: the study aims to assess nurses' practices toward chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) for children at the hematology center, and to determine the effectiveness of the health education program on nurses' practices toward CIPN, and to find out the relationships between the effectiveness of Health education program and demographic characteristics of nurses.

Methodology: Use quasi-experimental design in the study (a design that divides the sample into two groups, a study group and a control group, with data collection in three stages). This study was conducted at a hematology center in Baghdad city for the period (from December 16th, 2019 to 8th May 202

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimation of the demand function of ration card items in the light of IMF reforms
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The ration card system is a kind of support provided by the state to individuals through the provision of essential goods at subsidized prices during the period of war or crisis. For many years, the ration card was an essential source of food supplies to Iraqis, especially under the economic siege of the nineties, But after the events of 2003 and the passage of Iraq's political and economic changes required radical reforms in the ration card system according to the recipes of the International Monetary Fund. It was evident from the estimation of the demand function that the price did not have the greatest impact on this type of goods because the ration card items are subsidized by the government. There is also a

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