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Taking Over The Judiciary By Women And The Position Of Law From That: مثالا
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     الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيد الأنبياء والمرسلين نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى  واصحابه أجمعين  ومن تبعهم وأهتدى بهداهم الى يوم الدين اما بعد :

        فوظيفة القضاء وظيفة سامية يراد منها اقامة العدل ولا يستقيم حالهم الا به دفعاّ للظلم ، ولقد اولى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ومن بعده الخلفاء الراشدون ( رضي اله عنهم أجمعين ) وفقهاء الشريعة الإسلامية القضاء العادل وكيفية اختيار القاضي الكفء عناية كبيرة ، مما يدل على أهمية هذه الفريضة في حياة البشر . فالرسول صلى الله عليه وآله وسلمكما كان مأمور بالدعوة والتبليغ ، كان مأموراّ بالحكم والفصل في الخصومات كما في قوله تعالى :" وانزلنا اليك الكتاب بالحق مصدقاّ لما بين يديه من الكتاب ومهيمناّ عليه فأحكم بينهم بما أنزل الله ولا تتبع أهواءهم عما جاءك من الحق ، لكل جعلنا منكم  شرعةّ ومنهجاّ ([i])"

كما ان سبب اختياري للكتابة بهذا الموضوع هو رغبتي في معرفة اراء العلماء في حكم تولي المرأة لمنصب القضاء وكذلك بيان الموقف القانوني في هذا الموضوع ، وقد أشتمل البحث على مبحثين وتوصية وخاتمة ، فضلاّ عن قائمة المصادر والمراجع



([i])  سورة الآية ، الآية – 48

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The concept of violence in political thought (Theoretical study, compared with the concept of terrorism)
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The researcher of human history finds that the first social relations on earth were represented by the violence of Adam, peace be upon him, Cain and Abel. Violence has been a phenomenon of life and society. The history of history is full of all forms of violence and its forms. It speaks of cruelty, oppression and states. History began, in some of its chapters, written with the blood of the victims. It is a testimony to the cruelty of human beings. His human nature and his sin have played a major role that can not be overlooked in the development of important and fundamental developments in some historical turning points where violence was a necessity for life, and its launching change, renewal and reform, and major revolutions in human h

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Green Synthesis Zinc Nanoparticles in the Treatment of Heavy Metals in the form of Complexes
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Myrtle plant was washed, dried, and powdered after harvesting to produce a fine powder that was used in water treatment. created an alcoholic extract from the myrtle plant using ethanol, which was then analyzed using GC-Mass, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy to identify the active components. Zinc nanoparticles were created using alcoholic extract. We used FTIR, UV-Vis, SEM, EDX, and TEM to characterize zinc nanoparticles. Using a continuous processing procedure, zinc nanoparticles with myrtle extract and powder were employed to clean polluted water containing heavy metals.

Firstly used 2g with 20ml polluted water and the result was ( Fe 96.20%, Cr 84%, Pb 100%, Sb 93.70, Cd 100%, andCu

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Individuals Asymptomatic (Carrier) on The Dynamical Behavior Of a COVID-19 Virus
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     In this paper, a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) model is proposed and investigated. In fact, the pandemic spread through a close contact between infected people and other people but sometimes the infected people could show two cases; the first is symptomatic and the other is asymptomatic (carrier) as the source of the risk. The outbreak of Covid-19 virus is described by a mathematical model dividing the population into four classes. The first class represents the susceptible people who are unaware of the disease. The second class refers to the susceptible people who are aware of the epidemic by media coverage. The third class is the carrier individuals (asymptomatic) and the fourth class represents the infected ind

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of a counseling program to develop the skills of friendship among introverts children
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Some children are suffering from introversion in kindergartens , so it must be confront and obviated by specialists because it will inevitably lead to unsatisfactory results reflect negatively on the individual and the community together . And the introvert child is a miserable child incapable of social interaction or give - and - take with colleagues , lack of integration of the child to life leads to the obstruction of  participation with his peers in various activities.     Introversion  causes a real emotional deficit to the children of kindergartens which limits of possibility of their intellectual development and mental growth and that because of their isolation and poor focus in education

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The role of TNF-? in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma “a study in Iraqi patients”
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During recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the investigation of the cytokines roles in pathogenesis of cancer, thus the study aimed at evaluating the level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-?) in sera of Iraqi multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Beta 2-microglobulion (?2-m) was assessed to determine if there was any association between this cytokine and the level of ?2- m, as the latter is related to the stage of the disease. In addition, the age and gender were also taken into consideration. Furthermore, we investigated the relationship between IgG and TNF-? in sera of patients. 49 Iraqi patients (27 males and 22 females).The patients were also divided into two groups: the first group included (17) patients who were

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effects of unilateral premature loss of maxillary primary molars on the dental arch dimensions
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Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate the amount of changes in the horizontal and vertical maxillary arch dimensions measurements following the premature loss of primary molars. Materials and methods: The sample consist of (50) children with unilateral prematurely extracted either first or second primary molars at the mixed dentition stage. Results and Conclusions: Results shows that there was an increase in the vertical incisor to canine distance (A) with both premature loss of first & second primary molars due to distal movement of primary canines and at the same time there were a significant loss of space in the extraction space with premature loss of second primary molar due to a mesial movement of maxillary first permanent

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
The history of non-fungible crypto tokens (NFTs) art In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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This research is concerned with documenting and chronicling the art of NFTs art in the Saudi artistic cultural scene, the importance of which stems from the lack of scientific sources that document this field until the preparation of this research and aims to trace historically the emergence of the field of NFTs art in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the arts sector through the experiences of Saudi artists. The most prominent events for the culture, arts and technology sector, and other Saudi sectors. The research dealt with the history of the emergence of the field of NFTs art, which extends from the history of digital arts, and reviewed the most famous works of NFTs art.
As a result of the technical revolution and the artistic move

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Effect of solvent on the Optical Properties Performance of active polymeric laser media
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The paper include studies the effect of solvent of dye doped in polymeric laser sample which manufactured in primo press way, which is used as an active (R6G) tunable dye lasers. The remarks show that, when the viscosity of the solvent (from Pure Water to Ethanol), for the same concentration and thickness of the performance polymeric sample is increased, the absorption spectrum is shifts towards the long wave length (red shift), & towards short wave length (blue shift) for fluorescence spectrum, also increased the quantum fluorescence yield. The best result we obtained for the quantum fluorescence yield is (0.882) with thickness (0.25mm) in Ethanol solvent in concentration (2*10-3mole/liter), while when we used the Pure Water as a solvent,

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of different curing distances on the microhardness of flowable bulk-fill composite materials
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Background: The microhardness of a composite resin is a vital parameter that is used to determine its clinical behavior. Measuring the microhardness of a composite resin has been used as an indirect method to assess its degree of conversion and extent of polymerization. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of three curing distances (0, 2, and 4 mm) on the microhardness of the top and bottom surfaces of three types of flowable bulk-fill composite resins (smart dentin replacement, Opus bulk fill flow, and Tetric N). Material and method: Sixty-three specimens from the three types of composite resins (n=21) were fabricated using Teflon mold with a 4mm depth and a 5 mm internal diameter and cured for 20 seconds. For e

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities
The Effect of Reporting About Value Creation on the Earnings Quality of Iraqi Economic Entities
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The study aims to measure the impact of reporting on value creation on the earnings quality of the economic unit by presenting and discussing the conceptual aspects of the value creation process through multi-capital and the importance of reporting it in Iraqi private banks in addition to presenting and analyzing the concept of profit quality and its measurement models. Therefore, the checklist prepared for this purpose was used based on previous studies related to the subject in order to determine the level of reporting of the research sample banks by analyzing the content of the annual reports of those banks as well as adopting the Tobin's Q scale to measure the value of the economic unit and then using some statistical models to

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