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Taking Over The Judiciary By Women And The Position Of Law From That: مثالا
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     الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيد الأنبياء والمرسلين نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى  واصحابه أجمعين  ومن تبعهم وأهتدى بهداهم الى يوم الدين اما بعد :

        فوظيفة القضاء وظيفة سامية يراد منها اقامة العدل ولا يستقيم حالهم الا به دفعاّ للظلم ، ولقد اولى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ومن بعده الخلفاء الراشدون ( رضي اله عنهم أجمعين ) وفقهاء الشريعة الإسلامية القضاء العادل وكيفية اختيار القاضي الكفء عناية كبيرة ، مما يدل على أهمية هذه الفريضة في حياة البشر . فالرسول صلى الله عليه وآله وسلمكما كان مأمور بالدعوة والتبليغ ، كان مأموراّ بالحكم والفصل في الخصومات كما في قوله تعالى :" وانزلنا اليك الكتاب بالحق مصدقاّ لما بين يديه من الكتاب ومهيمناّ عليه فأحكم بينهم بما أنزل الله ولا تتبع أهواءهم عما جاءك من الحق ، لكل جعلنا منكم  شرعةّ ومنهجاّ ([i])"

كما ان سبب اختياري للكتابة بهذا الموضوع هو رغبتي في معرفة اراء العلماء في حكم تولي المرأة لمنصب القضاء وكذلك بيان الموقف القانوني في هذا الموضوع ، وقد أشتمل البحث على مبحثين وتوصية وخاتمة ، فضلاّ عن قائمة المصادر والمراجع



([i])  سورة الآية ، الآية – 48

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Mechanism of Incorporation the Treaty and its Legal Value into Iraqi Law
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     The importance of international treaties reside at the present time in regulating a several issues within the internal scope of the state, and that after it was monopolized by the internal legal system of the latter, besides this the three authorities of the state assume the task of implementing the obligations imposed by international treaties on the states party to them.

      Therefore, we will expose in this study the mechanism used by the Iraqi state in incorporation the international obligations into the Iraqi internal legal system under the successive constitutions from the establishment of the Iraqi state until the issuance of the constitution (2005) in effect, as Iraq fol

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 21 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The legal system of found property- An analytical study in the English law with the Islamic jurisprudence and the Iraqi civil law
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The legal system of found property is considered as a reason or method of preliminary acquisition of ownership, as well as two other reasons, that is to say, the fixture of personal chattels, and the adverse possession, resting on the principles of equity, and included within the English common law of customary origins, which is unwritten and based upon judicial precedents of the English courts, equity and later legislations. It is worth-bearing in mind that the found property is the lost property on which the finder enjoys more rights than all other people, except its original owner. It is also worth-mentioning that the treasure trove is considered as found property in the English law. and it is any object at least 300 years old when fo

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Contracts in Restraint of Trade in the English Law. A Comparative Study in the Iraqi Law
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The contracts in restraint of trade are considered as void contracts according to the English common law, that is to say, they are prima facie void. Because their voidness is presumed and based upon a rebuttable presumption that these contracts are contrary to the public policy in principle. Owing to the unreasonableness of the  Restraint of Trade conditions or terms in which they are included. But if it is proved that they satisfy the requirements of reasonableness, in accordance with the contracting parties, and both the temporal and spatial extent of their coming into effect, as well as the public interest. The court will validate them. It is also worth-bearing in mind that this type of contracts fall under contracts void at comm

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Prohibition of Perfidy in International Humanitarian Law
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This research id entitled "The Prohibition of Perfidy in International Humanitarian Law".  International humanitarian law includes some international agreements that aim to regulate hostilities, and the use of tools and means of warfare (The Hague Law), Where there are many international rules that govern the conduct and management of hostilities, there are some provisions that limit the use of certain means and methods during armed conflict, Whether by prohibiting the use of specific methods of fighting, or prohibiting or restricting the use of certain types of weapons, The dedication of these rules to the law of armed conflict comes in implementation of the principle of the law of war, which restricts the authorit

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The criterion of dependency in civil law : Comparative Study
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The dependency means the existence of a subordinate to whom a dependant is attached and extends his judgment to him, being and nothing, Dependency has elements that must be available to achieve the dependency relationship, which is the existence of dependent and master with a link join the first to the second, and dependency may be between two obligations, between two rights, or between two things, And we suggested the nature of the obligation as a criterion for verifying the existence of dependency , Which requires the subordinate's attachment to the master with a permanent fateful bond so that one of them does not separate from the other, for the existence of the follower is associated with the existence of the master and it does not e

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Concept of Obligations Erga Omnes in International Law
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The International Court of Justice, as the main judicial organ of the United Nations in its ruling on the Barcelona Traction case, raised the concept of obligations Erga Omnes in international law, but this Latin term Erga Omnes has been used with different meanings and connotations. Through the extrapolation of the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice, we note that it used the term In the context of its traditional meaning of expressing issues related to protest and legal interest at times, and the issue of international law enforcement at other times, it also used the same term to justify the application of the effects of some international treaties on states that are not party to it, or the application

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Right to Control The Goods In UAE Law and Rotterdam Rules
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This research discusses the right of control in accordance with the rules of Rotterdam, and the UAE Maritime Commercial Law No. (26) of 1981 AD, the right of the sender and the consignee to issue instructions to the carrier regarding the goods, and the topic has been divided into two sections, the first topic entitled What is the right of control for seaborne goods, and the second topic It deals with the rights and obligations of the party controlling the seaborne goods.

he study concluded with many results and recommendations, including: that the right of the sender to direct and dispose of the goods during the sea voyage is not linked to the right of ownership contained in the goods; Because of their independence, the ownership

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Inheritance of Women: Stolen Money and Refunded Rights
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Praise be to Allaah Mahmoud every tongue, the idol of all time, which is not without
his knowledge everywhere, not occupied like for like, most of all likes and peer, and picnic
for wife and children, and carried out his reign in all the subjects, neither representative by the
brains to think, nor fancy hearts photography, (is not nothing like Him, He is the All-Seer),
and prayer and peace be upon the Messengers Muhammad and his family and companions
and followed them in truth until the Day of Judgment.
Has spoken in this search for The inheritance of women before and after Islam
legislative provisions which, because of its importance to show the right of women's rights,
which began Msluba before Isl

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Women and Symbol In the stories of Mowaffaq Khadr
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The world of Muwaffaq Khidr Al-Qasasi has a clear and realistic orientation. This trend is in full harmony with his philosophy and vision of life and things. Through self-awareness is nothing but an expression of an imbalance in the interaction between self and reality, and it remains lacking in credibility.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Revue Académique De La Recherche Juridique
Humanizing the provisions of the law: (the case of winter truce in France)
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Since the law is the tool for implementing the state’s public policies, it is natural that its provisions (or at least some of them) seek to preserve human dignity as the source on which all rights and freedoms are based. One of the examples of humanizing the provisions of the law in France is what is known as the winter truce. What is this truce, what are the justifications for granting it, what is its historical origin, how did the legislative treatment of it develop, what are the similarities and differences between it and other legal periods included in French law, what is the scope of its application, and what are the effects resulting from it. These questions and others are what we will try to answer through this research.

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