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Calendar curriculum material history of civilization in the design department
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The curriculum is considered one of the most important corners for the educational process, it participates in achieving the educational equilibrium between its elements.

The curriculum of (History of the Art) in the college of Art Education / dept. of plastic art education and ceramic as the other curriculums and due to the subject of history of the art develop the knowledge, taste and experiment for art studier also this subject has a direct relation with practical educational activities like colors and growth the knowledge of the student in field of contents and symbols and evidences of meaning in old , medium and contemporary arts, due to the fact that this curriculum has been applied since long time more than four years, and there was not any improvement occurred to it as the best knowledge of the researcher, that urged her to take this subject into study in order to know the points of power and weakness existed in the curriculum, notice that the aim of the research is to determine the points of weakness and power in the subject of history of the art as the targets, items and content.

Limits of the research:

The current research limited on the following :

The accredited curriculum of history of the culture (History of the ancient and modernart) for the first grade of the dept. of design in college of fine art in Babylon University.

Procedures of the research:

Population : Comprise five teachers of subject of history of the art  who are constant on the main stuff of college of fine arts in Baghdad university and college of art education that include the society of the population wholly due to the small size of the population.

Tools of the research: -

Practical visit and interviews.

The researcher used the referendum as a tool to collect data and investigate the opinions of the teachers of subject of history of the art  .

Statistical means:- the researcher used Coper Equation to determine the truth , also she used Fisher Equation in determining the slope of each item and the mathematic mean average.


The first and second aims were achieved , it appears that the powerful sides in the curriculum up to the degree of its severity in the following fields generally:

Focus on special experiences of the comprehensive growth of the student.

Items were distributed gradually in each field as to allow the integrity and orthogonal extension.

Equilibrium of the content in comprehension and depth.

The breeding experience is the main unit in building the curriculum .

Based on intact philosophy ( educational philosophy).

While the weak sides in subject of history of the art   up to its degree of severity ascendingly in all fields generally are:

Careless about level of maturity of the teacher.

Didn’t care about different sides of the character of the teacher: cognitional side : emotional side, psychological and action side.

Careless about benefits of the individual.

Weak correlation between the content and needs of students.

Didn’t join between theory and application nor science and work.


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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Dete· rmination of 6 -Mixing Ratios of y­ Transitions From Levels of llo, 112 u 4 Cd populated in The 110 112 ' 114 Cd (n,Ii y) Reactions
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The  o - mixing. ratios  of y- transitions from level of 1 Hi. 11 - 1 4


Cd   populated  in  the


1 H1•




11 4


Cd  (n,n  'Y)  reactions  .have  beeh


cakulated in the  present  work  u$_  ing the .2-   rati9 method. The results. obtained confirm the validit)l of this m'ethod and its cÂ


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Organic Content in the Sediments of Tigris and Diyala Rivers, south of Baghdad, and its Relationship with some Environmental factors, Benthic Invertebrates Groups and Values of Diversity Indices
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This study was conducted to detect the relationship between organic content in the sediment of Rivers Tigris and Diyala, at two locations south of Baghdad, with some environmental factors and the benthic invertebrates and values of diversity indices. Monthly samples collected from the area for the period November 2007 to October 2008. Results showed differences in the physical and chemical characteristics of the two sites, Where the annual average in Tigris and Diyala were respectively for: water temperature (19, 20) C°, pH (8, 8), dissolved oxygen (4, 8) mg / l , Biochemical oxygen Demand BOD5 (3,44 ) mg/l, TDS (632,1585) mg / l, TSS (42, 44) mg / l, turbidity (28,74) NTU, and total hardness as CaCO3 (485,823) mg / l ,Sulfat

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 21 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This study aims to study some morphological and reproductional characteristics in eleven species of two genera belonging to the family of Asparagaceae, which are Bellevalia Lapeyrouse, 1808 and Ornithogalum Linnaeus, 1753 and the species are: Bellevalia chrisii Yildirim and Sahin, 2014; Bellevalia flexuosa Boissier, 1854; Bellevalia kurdistanica Feinbrun, 1940; Bellevalia longipes Post, 1895; Bellevalia macrobotrys Boissier, 1853; Bellevalia paradoxa Boissier, 1882; Bellevalia parva Wendelbo, 1973; Bellevalia saviczii Woronow, 1927; Ornithogalum brachystachys C. Koch, 1849; Ornithogalum neurostegium Boissier, 1882 and Ornithogalum pyrenaicum Linnaeus, 1753. These species were identified and compared with each other; the results showed th

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Representaion of Algebraic Integers as Sum of Units over the Real Quadratic Fields: REPRESENTAION OF ALGEBRAIC INTEGERS AS SUM OF UNITS OVER THE REAL QUADRATIC FIELDS
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In this paper we generalize Jacobsons results by proving that any integer  in   is a square-free integer), belong to . All units of  are generated by the fundamental unit  having the forms

Our generalization build on using the conditions

This leads us to classify the real quadratic fields  into the sets  Jacobsons results shows that  and Sliwa confirm that  and  are the only real quadratic fields in .

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Tigecycline is the Most Effective against Multi-Drug Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Recovered from Burn Wound Infections in Two Hospitals in Al-Kut City, Iraq
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     Klebsiella pneumoniae is among the most frequent microorganisms isolated from infections of burn wounds. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the distribution of multi-drug resistant (MDR) K. pneumoniae in two burn hospitals and the antibiotic resistance profile in different burn regions of the same patient. It was performed in two hospitals (Al-Zahraa and Al-Karama) in Al-Kut, Iraq, between January and May 2022. Totally, 100 burn swabs were collected from 40 patients of both genders suffering from burn wound infections, with ages ranging between 3 and 50 years. Klebsiella pneumoniae were isolated and identified using conventional methods followed by VITEK®2 system and confirmed via polymerase chain reaction targeting t

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Small Ruminant Research
One intron variant in the oocyte expressed protein (OOEP) gene is associated with twinning rate, prolificacy, and several body measurement traits in Awassi ewes
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Spacio-Temporal Relations in the Translated Text in Both Russian and Arabic: Временные и пространственные отношения с текстом перевода на русском и арабском языках
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 The present paper(Spacio-Temporal Relations in the Translated Text in Both Russian and Arabic) focuses on the spacio-temporal effect in the translated text; it is possible to compose the translation text simultaneously with the  process of the composing the original text. This is carried out during the simultaneous consecutive translation. And, the time and place of composing the translation might greatly differ from the time and place of composing the original textt. The translator may tackle a text of an ancient time and written in a language which might have changed, and may thus appear as another language where the author might have talked on behalf of a people who had lived or are living in apparently different geographic

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 06 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Toxicology
Zinc Chloride Can Mitigate the Alterations in Metallothionein and Some Apoptotic Proteins Induced by Cadmium Chloride in Mice Hepatocytes: A Histological and Immunohistochemical Study
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The heavy metal cadmium is extremely harmful to both humans and animals. Zinc supplementation protects the biological system and reduces cadmium-induced toxicity. This study aimed to determine whether zinc chloride (ZnCl2) could protect male mice with the damaged liver induced by cadmium chloride (CdCl2). The protective role of zinc chloride and expression of the metallothionein (MT), Ki-67, and Bcl-2 apoptotic proteins in hepatocytes were studied after subchronic exposure of mice to cadmium chloride for 21 days. Thirty male mice were randomly categorized into 6 groups (5 mice/group) as follows: a control group that did not receive any treatment, a group given ZnCl2 at 10 mg/kg alone, and two groups received ZnCl2 (10 mg/kg) i

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Influence of the Magnetic Abrasive Finishing System for Cylindrical Surfaces on the Surface Roughness and MRR
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Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is one of the advanced finishing processes, which produces a high level of surface quality and is primarily controlled by a magnetic field. This paper study the effect of the magnetic abrasive finishing system on the material removal rate (MRR) and surface roughness (Ra) in terms of magnetic abrasive finishing system for eight of input parameters, and three levels according to Taguchi array (L27) and using the regression model to analysis the output (results). These parameters are the (Poles geometry angle, Gap between the two magnetic poles, Grain size powder, Doze of the ferromagnetic abrasive powder, DC current, Workpiece velocity, Magnetic poles velocity, and Finishi

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation suppliers according to the integration of the Quality Function Deployment and the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
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The process of evaluating business processes, complex, repetition of procurement processes, need for raw materials and frequency of demand, which makes dealing with suppliers in the evaluation process, making the need for a process intervention in the process. Lighter on the other hand.

Many Iraqi companies suffer from problems related to suppliers, and cases of administrative and financial corruption are often raised regarding this type of contract and from this reality the necessity of researching this problem and trying to develop some solutions to reduce its impact on the companies' work, by using a method that works according to the standards adopted in Evaluation and selection of the supplier in the

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