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Bionic and its reflections in the design of industrial products
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The current research dealt with the development of sciences and arts over the course of human history, and the development of sciences with their natural and human trends are important areas in developing the knowledge and application base for industrial product design and design in its various fields. Bionic science is one of the sciences that works on applying biological methods and systems found in nature to study and design engineering systems and modern technology, and for industrial products to be highly efficient, durable and resistant to natural variables in daily life for use. The transfer of technology between life forms and industrial products is desirable because the processes of development at the level of science in general and the development of human needs in particular impose on the design of industrial products to be compatible with human changes and transformations at various levels, and therefore the process of adopting the scientific base of bionic science It is essential for the development of industrial products In proportion to the requirements of the contemporary user, the research dealt with the mechanisms of applying bionic science in industrial products, as the theoretical framework included three important topics, which we will address successively

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Forced displacement in Iraq its causes and its effects on displaced families (A field study of displaced families to the city of Baghdad)
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After a temporary halt to forced thghebr in different cities of Iraq this methodlogy
opeations returned directiy in the areas of political conflict on the ground which are translated
operations and forced displacement violence es they operations aimed at completing the
forced displacement that occurred after the occupation in(2003)which took an upward curve
publicly after these events and some of which are aimed at the liquidation of some provinces
than any demographic diversity of religious or sectarian or alhens and others aimed at
redemographic distribution within the province itself to produce a net sectarian zones as is the
case in Diyala Nineveh and Babylon Baghdad has the epicenter of sectarian violence and th

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Social intelligence and its role in demonstration the Potential abilities for individuals
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          The following research is marked by "social intelligence and its role in demonstration the potential abilities for individuals." The discussion dealt with the concepts of contemporary is very important because of their significant role in influencing the work of the Organization, as adopted link between the concepts of social intelligence and the potential role of the first to show the second .The research hypotheses tested in three health institutions in the city of Mosul, the research community is represented (Al-Salam Hospital and General Hospital and the son of ether), while the sample were the leaders of these institutio

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The provisions of the epidemic in jurisprudence and its principles The (Covid-19) epidemic is a model
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Epidemics that afflict humankind are descending renewed, plaguing them in the place and time they spread.

- The epidemic affects individuals and the movement of societies, and its treatment requires dealing with it according to Sharia, taking into account the current data and developments.

- Integrative jurisprudence: it is intended to know the practical legal rulings deduced from the combination of evidence of two or more sciences related to one topic related to it, and among these calamities is the Corona Covid-19 pandemic.

 - It is permissible to use sterile materials that contain a percentage of alcohol in sterilizing hands and fogging places, including mosques.


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Fuzzy Logic and its Application in Linguistics
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The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the concept of fuzzy logic ,its application in linguistics ,especially in language teaching and the fuzziness of some lexical items in English.
Fuzziness means that the semantic boundaries of some lexical items are indefinite and ideterminate.Fuzzy logic provides a very precise approach for dealing with this indeterminacy and uncertainty which grows (among other reasons) out of human behavior and the effect of society.
The concept of fuzzy logic has emerged in the development of the theory of fuzzy set by Lotfi Zadeh(a professor of computer science at the university of California) in 1965.It can be thought of as the application side of the fuzzy set theory. In linguistics, few scholars

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Authority and its impact on the prevention of Sharia rulings
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions.
And after:

      Muslim scholars have fought in the extent of regard to these interests, each according to his opinion and according to his evaluation, and his consideration of this interest, but it remains important that the legislation in them needs more precaution and caution against the predominance of passions, because the passions often decorate spoilers so they see an interest, so practical application must To realize the spirit of Islamic Sharia in its entirety of its rulings, and the preponderance between the interests and evils that prevail in our societies, which c

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 04 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modified Elman Neural-PID Controller Design for DC-DC Buck Converter System Based on Dolphin Echolocation Optimization
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This paper describes a new proposed structure of the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller based on modified Elman neural network for the DC-DC buck converter system which is used in battery operation of the portable devices. The Dolphin Echolocation Optimization (DEO) algorithm is considered as a perfect on-line tuning technique therefore, it was used for tuning and obtaining the parameters of the modified Elman neural-PID controller to avoid the local minimum problem during learning the proposed controller. Simulation results show that the best weight parameters of the proposed controller, which are taken from the DEO, lead to find the best action and unsaturated state that will stabilize the Buck converter system performan

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Work pressure of the administrative and academic members of Biskra University, its sources and its relation to some personal and functional variables
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  The study aimed to highlight the reality of the functional pressures with its dimensions (role ambiguity, role conflict, role burden, glass ceiling, and discrimination in composition). The researchers also relied on the questionnaire as a essential tool for data collection. The field study was conducted at the University of Mohammed Khiedr - Biskra -, the study was conducted on the basis of the total survey, which included all the workers of the 6 faculties of Biskra University (523 female employees).

     After the analyzing of the data using the version 21 of the statistical program Spss, The study reached a number of results, the most of them is the low level of the functiona

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Risks of Design Stage in Iraqi Construction Project
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The management of construction projects needs to complete the basics of system management and work. Starting from the idea and how to turn it into a full study and ended at the construction project completion arriving at the purpose prepared for it, so the projects need to control on its operation and integration system in order to succeed.

It is no secret for who concerned in construction projects field that the design stage is a very important stage in construction project because it determines the final features of the project through the requirements provided by the employer for the consultant to formulate it during this phase in the form of plans, drawings, and specifications, then translated on the ground as the shape of co

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The usage of accounting information according to ( model in order to measure the efficiency of industrial companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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The aim of the research is to measure the efficiency of the companies in the industrial sector listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange , by directing these companies to their resources (inputs) towards achieving the greatest possible returns (outputs) or reduce those resources while maintaining the level of returns to achieve the efficiency of these companies, therefore, in order to achieve the objectives of the research, it was used ( model to measure the efficiency of companies and the factors influencing them. The researchers had got a number of conclusions , in which the most important of them is that 66.6% of the companies in the research sample do not possess relatively high efficiency and that the combined factors (the nat

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Recovery of High Concentration Hexavallent Irradiated Uranium From Inorganic Fission Products
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  In this study , extraction of  irradiated high concentration hexavallent uranium from fission products ( high gamma radiation ) was carried out using multistages countercurrent continuous technique (mixer setller) , employing this technique requires a designing flow sheet that recover all the amounts of uranium and to minimize its losses in the nuclear waste streams. Due to the several parameters required to reach this design, SEPHIS program which is one of the famous code in this field were used to select the optimum conditions through many theoretical runs  , finally the experimental results give a good assurance in SEPHIS results and its optimum conditions. 

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