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The concept of freedom in the texts of Yashar Kamal play "The play (The Plate) as a model": عامر صباح نوري المرزوك
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This research is concerned with studying (the concept of freedom in the texts of Yaşar Kamal the play), as the Turkish playwright (Kamal Yasar) is one of the contemporary playwrights who have been interested in and criticize society, and perhaps the concept of freedom in his texts took a different form, through his ability to renew and present his attempts to create A theatrical form different from his earlier writers in dealing with the life of the peasants and the oppression that went through them, as the researcher identified the problem of his research with the following question: What is the concept of freedom in the texts of Yashar Kamal? The research aims to define the concept of freedom in the texts of Yashar Kamal of the play, and the researcher (the concept of freedom) defines a procedural definition as: a method that the dramatic writer takes to express his own components, the issues of the individual and society, and carries with it a motivational goal that exposes ideologies and disturbs their will.
While the second chapter dealt with three topics, the first concerned me with a study of the concept of freedom in human thought, and the second concerned me with the concept of freedom in the theatrical text, and the third studied the life of the writer Yashar Kamal and his references, while the third chapter included a full analysis of the play (the plate) as a model for the research, and the research concluded with the results , Among them:
1. (Kemal) documented an important stage in the life of the Turkish peasant community, in a manner that approaches socialist realism.
2. Kamal's interest has focused on the human subject as a vital starting point, from which he draws his dramatic material that contains the set of the essential components of his existence of choice, freedom and will, and the author approaches in building his ideas from the avant-garde drama book.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Impact of Cranbrook on Graphic Design: راقي صباح نجم الدين
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  Empirical research in the disciplines of art and design has started to escalate and gather consideration within the academic community over the past few decades. However, still, graphic design tends to be a topic extremely under-researched by scholarly persons. Profound research in the field of graphic design extends far beyond the works produced by the designer himself (Khoury, 2009, p.844). In order to develop a clear insight, one needs to delve deep into the subcategories that the diverse field of graphic design is comprised of, including illustration, typography, interaction design, branding and even the impact of notable, eminent institutes from around the world that have taken the budding artists for quite a long time (Walke

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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Iraqi short films (visions and ideas): صباح مهدي الموسوي
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Short fiction, documentary and animation films constitute an outlet for many young filmmakers, who find in them a fulfillment of their ambitions. Therefore, this expansion in the cinematic movement witnessed by the cultural scene, despite the differences in levels, has produced films and names of promising young directors. In spreading cultural and artistic awareness and developing aesthetic taste. The research problem was represented in the following question (What are the characteristics of the short film and how its directive treatments are).
The theoretical framework included three sections: the first topic is the short film, its nature and features, the second topic is the elements of construction, and the third topic is Iraqi

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The Character is one of the elements of Storytelling, as it is the center of the plot, making it the basis on which the talk is about. The talk is the portrayal of the character while they’re acting; the novelist presents the character by interacting with the events, and the extent of the negative and positive appearing impact on the character. It should be noted that everyone has two personalities or more, each one appearing in a different position or situation. For instance, a man can be a father, a lover, an employee, a son or anyone else .. in another position, he might be a master, and in another a looser begging for the mercy of his humiliator, and sometimes he can show weakness to the one he loves, or show strength to his enemie

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The concept of reproach in the Poetry of Necati Cumalı: Necati Cumali'nin Şiirlerinde Sitem Anlayişi
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         Necati Cumalı, the Turkish writer and poet, was born on the 13th of January 1921. The Origin of his name coincides with the same Friday where an airplane crush accident happened inside the borders of Greece where he used to live. He was one of the 20th century most prominent writers whose fame lasted for 80 years until his death on the 10th of January 2002.

    Although Necati Cumalı worked in various literary fields such as short stories, novel, drama, and critical analysis, he was often known as a poet. His poetry celebrates highly elevated emotions to love and nature in unique lifestyle that displays his delightful diction. The p

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Classism Hate Speech in Katherine Mansfield's Short Story ‘The Doll’s House’: A Pragmatic Study: ايمان نوري جاسم , مصلح شويش احمد
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Hate speech (henceforth HS) has recently spread and become an important issue. This type of speech in children's writings has a particular formulation and specific objectives that the authors intend to convey. Thus, the study aims at examining qualitatively and quantitatively the classism HS and its pragmatic functions via identifying the speech acts used to express  classism HS, the implicature instigated as well as impoliteness. Since pragmatics is the study of language in context, which is greatly related to the situations and speaker’s intention, this study depends on pragmatic theoriespeech acts, impoliteness and conversational implicature) to analyze the data which are taken from Katherine Mansfield's short story (The D

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Percentage of Availability of the Elements of Citizenship Concept in the Guides for Teachers of Musical Skills in the Sultanate of Oman
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This research aims to identify the availability of the elements of the concept of citizenship, to identify the distribution ratios of the outputs of the musical skills curriculum at the levels of educational goals associated with the elements of the concept of citizenship in the guides of teachers of musical skills for grades (12-1) in the Sultanate of Oman. A content analysis card was designed to include the teacher’s guides of musical skills for grades (12-1), which included the outputs, according to the grades with the identification of the elements of citizenship (identity, belonging, rights, participation). The results of the research revealed that the percentage of inclusion of citizenship values

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
US policy toward the political movement in the Arab countries Egypt a model
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The whole world and the Arab world, especially an important part of this international system, is undergoing a radical transformation at all levels. This mosaic of political, economic, social and military relations and alliances, whether based on the special interests of the major Powers or on the basis of mutual interests, The major transformations to social, economic, political and military conflict and these transformations still bear more surprises, at all levels, nothing remains constant, all changed, relations changed and alliances changed and loyalties fell and the principles of the M changed and the spectacular imperial economies collapsed and the will of the masses was no longer fixed.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Somerset Maugham is known mainly as a novelist . This paper presents Maugham the dramatist . Many critics have found him a promising dramatist . He has written 30 plays , then he turns his back upon the theater and writes his autobiographical and most successful novel Of Human Bondage ( 1915) .

        Maugham's writing is clear , precise , and simple . He is described as a realist who is keenly aware of human nature , its concentration and frustration . His only tragedy A Man of Honour is a play in 4 acts . This paper concentrates mainly on this play to show Maugham as a dramatist and to show his concept of " honour " .


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Пьеса А.Н.Островского ″Доходное место″ в арабских переводах The Play "Profitable Job" in Arabic Translation
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         Theoretically, the aim of the paper is identify linguistic expressions, such as proverbs, wise sayings, and popular sayings, used by the playwright  A. N. Ostrovsky , along with their translations into Arabic by the Iraqi translator  Abdullah Habbah and the Syrian translator HashimHumadi. And practically, there were found about fifty sayings, made of proverbs, wise sayings and popular sayings, which were identified and taken into analysis in respect to their Arabic translation , with the  specification of the best rendition  of the original text.

          Critics and professionals em

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Taboo Words Vs. Social Deixis: A sociolinguistic Analysis of La Justice or The Cock that Crew: A Play from the Theatre of Ridiculous
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Linguistic taboos exist in most cultures. Tabooed words are generally being culturespecific
and relating to bodily functions or aspects of a culture that are sacred. Such words are
avoided, considered inappropriate and loaded with affective meaning and failing to adhere to.
Strict rules, often, governing their use and lead to punishment or public shame. These taboo
words can be used as a way of violating social deixis represented by four types of honorifics;
addressee, referent, bystander, and finally setting honorifics. This paper shows how these
taboo words are used in Kenneth Bernard's play La Justice or The Cock that Crew from the
theatre of the Ridiculous as means of violating social deixis in its four types. Th

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