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The optical text in the cinema film Between the presence and absence Play for free mark: حسام الدين محمد عبد المنعم

The light-based life in the universe, including the human derived concepts and meanings of the fear of darkness and evil, comfort and goodness of light, became constitute bilateral haunted man to this day in various concepts of life.Therefore reflect the light form artistic aesthetic in visual arts such arts Fine Photography and the other until the emergence of art cinema, as the use of lighting in cinema has produced high-energy in the composition of its values expressive and symbolic, where it became dark and light are the space visually moving the vehicles media kit for many within the work structure artwork. The research is divided into five chapters, the first chapter (the methodological framework) that included an introduction the problem of the research was to ask the following (you can have light text in the structure of the artwork as a system function of practice Alamati? And what refers to the text of photosynthesis in the film, the atmosphere, or deepen the event, or deepen the general meaning of the film?). And the importance of research and the need him as well as the objective of this research as well as to clarify the limits of search and search terms. The second chapter has included the theoretical framework and previous studies and the Department of the theoretical framework from two sections the first / text photosynthesis as a system media kit. The second chapter / text photosynthesis and play for free brand. Then we but applications that are adopted by the researcher to analyze the selected sample and to reach the goal of his research included the approach adopted in the research and the reasons for selecting the samples and the search tool and unit of analysis. Then the analysis of the sample consisted And draw the final results emanating from the analysis was highlighted that the mark is subject to employment maker of work and as well as display some of continuous movement has and where it occurs in context, as well as view some of the conclusions derived from the search results also included Some of the recommendations that the researcher deems necessary, as well as proposals for further studies, and research has included a list of sources and references that are adopted by the researcher is also available in Arabic and foreign study and a summary in English


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Publication Date
Wed Sep 09 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Estimation of the Effect of the Government Expenditure Growth Rate on the Rate of Inflation in the Iraqi Economy for the Period (1991- 2015)

Government expenditure represents one of the controlling financial policies in the economic affairs and management of the economic cycle in order to achieve price stability, raise the rate of output growth and decrease the level of unemployment. The price stability represents one of the macroeconomic goals that all countries seek without exception, regardless of the economic philosophy adopted by each country; in addition to this is raising the productive capacity and reaching the actual output to the level of the expected output, that is, the level of output related to the natural unemployment rate or what is sometimes called the Non-inflationary unemployment rate. The restriction of government expenditure (G=T+∆B/iP+∆M/P) is

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Annealing Effect on the Optical Properties of (ZnO)x (CdO)1-x Films Obtained by Spray Pyrolysis

The effect of the annealing on the optical transmission , absorp tion coefficient,
dielectric constants (ε
),( ε
) ,Skin depth and the optical ener gy gap of (ZnO)x(CdO)1-x thin
films with (x=0.05) deposited on preheated glass substrates at a temperature of (450 C°) by
chemical pyrolysis technique were performed . These f ilms show direct allowed inter band
transition that influenced by annealing at ( 450 C°) for two hours . And it also found that the
optical ener gy gap has been increased fro m about (2.50 eV) before annealing to about (2.65
eV) after annealing , fro m the analysis of the absorp tion and transmission sp ectra in the
wavelength range (380-900nm) . The results show t

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Thickness on Some Optical Properties of Sb2S3 Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition

Sb2S3 thin films have been prepared by chemical bath deposition on a glas sub Absorbance and transmittance spectra were recorded in the wavelength range (30-900) nm. The effects of thickness on absorption coefficient, reflectance, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant were estimated. It was found that the reflectivity, absorption coefficient , extinction coefficient, real part of dielectric constant and refractive index, all these parameters decrease as the thickness increased, while the imaginary part of the dielectric constant increase as the thickness incre

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Diagnostic Evaluation for Mastery learning of Algebra Subject Matter in the Mathematics Curriculum for the 3rd. Intermediate Grade Students in Iraq

Inspite of the renovation and development that occurred on the

mathematics curricula and its teaching styles (methods), the teaching methods and the evaluation styles that the teachers of the country

follow  are  still  traditionaL It depends  on  the  normal distribution approach and the principle of individual differences among students in

addition the traditional tests that are used to evaluate student achievement are built on standard-referenced system. These types of tests focus on comparing the student's  performance with his peers'

performance. The limitary of this type of evaluation in diagnosing the

students'  acquisition  of  the  stu

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
THE ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COMMUNICATOR IN PRESS INSTITUTIONS TO CONSOLIDATE THE VALUES OF TOLERANCE: A Study of the Communicator in the Newspapers (Al-Zaman, Al-Sabah, Al-Mada) For the period: 1/5/2020 to 1/10/2020

This research deals with the role that the media can play in spreading awareness, culture and sound behavior among members of society, due to its ability to reach the largest number of individuals; its wide spread within society; and the moral responsibility of the media in consolidating the components of civil peace. The media works on forming intellectual convictions and behavioral attitudes by publishing opinions and ideas, introducing them to people's awareness and enhancing them in the practice of their daily lives, he was its media medium. Sociologists and psychologists confirm that the media. The significance of the research comes due to the broadening of violence and sectarian fighting; the absence of a culture of civil social pe

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the external audit in improving the performance of the services provided: Applied research in the municipal directorate in ALMuthanna

The subject of improving the performance of services provided by government institutions of the important topics at the present time because of their direct contact at the service of citizens and the increased importance of these units as a result of the diversity of activities performed by the so governments of the countries and their people made sure to pay attention to the good use of those allocated to those sectors of resources and spending in the service prescribed and manage the highest level of efficiency and effectiveness and monitor the proper management of the money used in those sectors and evaluate their performance through the Supreme Audit Institutions so that they can play their role oversight and contribute to th

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the market knowledge to improve marketing performance an empirical study for mobil communication companies in iraq

       The study aimed to determine the extent of market knowledge in the companies researched, as if market knowledge is qualified to lead the companies researched to achieve marketing performance , for this purpose, formulated hypotheses of the study in three hypotheses, the first major hypothesis "there is a correlation with significance of market knowledge to improve the marketing performance  , "while the second major hypothesis, "there is a significant moral influence of market knowledge to improve the marketing performance  " these hypotheses targeting to determine the role played by market knowledge in the leadership of companies researched to achieve improvement in marketing perfor

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2024
Journal Name
مؤسسة دار الصادق الثقافية
The vision of the Holy Qur’an in addressing (homosexuality) and the responsibility of those concerned

Homosexuality is one of the important topics that have emerged in recent times in the Islamic and Arab world, as the topic was in the past one of the taboos and majorities and one of the topics that arouse disgust and is talked about secretly and practiced secretly as well.But today, with international and organizational support for this anomaly and its misrepresentation under the name of gender once again and gender again. It began to spread in all countries of the world, including Islamic and Arab countries, and with the presence of associations and influential people in the legislative and judicial authorities of countries that protect and defend homosexuals. Writing on this subject has become a necessity and a duty; to warn against the

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Spatial Poetics and the "Murder of the Real"in Paul Auster's City of Glass*

Paul Auster's City of Glass is here singled out as representative of the writer's The New
York Trilogy. All throughout his novelistic career, Auster has been working on a pseudothesis
that adheres to a certain aesthetic of disappearance. The study engages this Austerian
aesthetic apropos of certain theoretical stretches such as the Emersonian "Not Me", the
Thoreauvian "interval" or "nowhere", the Deleuzian "nomadic trajectory", the Derridian
"grammè" or "specter", and the Baudrillardian "disappearance". The city of the novel's titling
is here seen as the trope of all that which has already disappeared, and hence it is seen as the
space (mise en scène) where the perfect crime of the murder of the real is to be thoro

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Self-Questioning Strategy on the Achievement of the Fourth Grade and Their Reflective Thinking in Physics


The aim of the research is to identify the effect of using the self-questioning strategy on the achievement of fourth-grade students in science and the development of their reflective thinking in physics in the city of Baghdad. The research sample was divided into two groups: an experimental group of (20) students and a control group of (20) students. The researchers developed two tools: a test of (40) multiple-choice questions. The second tool is a test to measure the reflective thinking skills of fourth-grade students. It consists of (25) multiple-choice questions distributed on skills as follow: reflection and observation, detection of inaccuracies, reaching conclusions, giving clear explanations, an

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