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The Floors and transparent role in the design studios satellite channels: وسام صالح حمد
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The search (floors and transparent role in the design studios satellite channels) and presented as a study-oriented, and the research aims to identify the role of flooring transparent spaces studios satellite channels and side performative and aesthetic, and formulas design to highlight the role floors transparent spaces studios satellite channels. And highlight the importance of research, particularly in its contribution to the clarification of the concept of the relationship between transparency and performing aesthetic treatments for floors by clarifying its role in the designs of the internal spaces of the studios, as well as his contribution to the founding of the theory of looking at the base of such concepts. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher based on the descriptive approach in the study, as the appropriate method to gain access to comprehensive coverage of the objectives of the research, has been selected samples is my intention, and based on the literature and studies on transparency in the internal spaces, and use the researcher is also the tool of research II (questionnaire), which included Astmartin has drawn questions from which adherents of workers in the channels and viewers of those channels, the analysis was designed questionnaire included several axes, and the most important: 1- shape and size of the internal space of the studio and achievable for the job (performance and beauty). 2 multiple layers of earth and its relationship to the extra dimension and motor insulation career and privacy. 3 color discrimination for flooring satellite channels and selected sections of the space. 4 ores and materials used in flooring studios and their impact in achieving transparency. Has resulted in the analysis process for the development of a set of conclusions and the most important: 1 that the internal floor space for studios satellite channels check in multiple career highs insulation and privacy between multiple studio spaces, and it adds a dimension to the physically and visually to the interior space of the studio. 2 that the plastic material may be used in the studio floor space and can be achieved along with the performative and aesthetic, as if the designer deal with these materials in order to serve the desired purpose in the floor space of the studios. The most important recommendations of the beneficiaries of the research that is being designed floor interior spaces for studios, satellite channels on as achieved by my performance and aesthetic vision through design verification purposes highest performance and beauty. During the design of the idea of what is required to perform advanced functionality and aesthetic expression and function of the flooring spaces studios satellite channels. The researcher suggested the study of modern electronic techniques and ways to employ them in the flooring studios satellite channels


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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقييم الأداء المالي لشركات التأمين باستعمال النسب المالية: دراسة حالة في الشركة الجزائرية للتأمين
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Les sociétés d’assurances sont considérées parmi les importantes entreprises financières non bancaires.

      Pour que ces sociétés assurent sa continuité d’existence, il faut qu’elles veillent au rendement financier qui représente ses différentes actions durant une période déterminée, en effectuant une évaluation permanente en utilisant de différentes méthodes parmi lesquelles l’analyse financière avec ses aspects divers.

         L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer le rendement financier des sociétés d’assurances et où projette l’étude sur la société Algérienne d’assurance durant la période 07- 09.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أهمية تحليل بيانات النتائج المالية للعملاء: بحث تطبيقي عن التدقيق والمراجعة في سلطنة عمان
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The main function of the auditing process is to get a financial report provide information about the activities of the economic entities. The financial report's information is intended to be useful in making decisions and planning for entities future. Such information became more effective and efficient if the auditors process analytical auditing procedures, by using those financial analysis tools, which mean more detailed indicators.

The objectives of this research are to investigate auditor's use of analytical procedures in Oman and identify the main objectives for using these procedures. A questionnaire was used to gather the data for the study. A sample of 65 auditors and the response rate was 80% (52).


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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مستوى التنمية المهنية لتدريسيي جامعة بغداد في ضوء مؤشرات الجودة الشاملة من وجهة نظرهم
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The present study aimed to know The teaching members’ level of the professional development at the University of Baghdad based on the indicators of the overall quality from their perspective;

The researchers used the descriptive and analytical approach the in order to achieve the purposes of research, the researchers designed questionnaire researched and consisted of 40 paragraph has the questionnaire submitted to the arbitrators and experts were verify the authenticity of the questionnaire and stability have been applied questionnaire on a range of teaching and Tdriciat Baghdad University, which reached the study sample (400) teaching and teaching of six colleges in the University of Baghdad equivalent

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Molla Mehmet Sadık'ın Kerkük'teki Eskide Bulunan Taş Köprü Adlı El Yazısının İncelemesi Açıklaması
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Yaşıyan kuşağın unutulmaz aruz şairi tanınmış Hacı Mehmet Sadık. İzi
silinmez kaybin, bugünkü eski sitil şiirin gerçek sembolu olup yaşadığı bir çağa
yakın süre içinde yüzlerce ve yüzlerce beyit şiir söylemiş.
Her çevrede Türk doğup Türk yaşamak bahtıyarliğiyle övünen ozanımızın ,
seçkin bir çok şiirleri vardır.
Böylece kitap, dergi ve gazetelerde yayımlanmış sayısız şiirleri yanında
basıma hazır kitaplık şiir ve yazılarıda vardı. Gazetelerde yayımlanan şiirlerini
memleket dertlerine , değerli mert kişilerine gönüllerde yaşıyan ölülerine , yurdu
ve yurttaşı için iyilik güden devlet ve memleket büyüklerine ayırdığını

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
استهداف السعر كأساس لتحقيق تقنية التكلفة المستهدفة للوحدات الاقتصادية العاملة في بيئة الأعمال الحديثة
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تمثل الأسعار تعبيرا" نقدياً لقيمة السلع والخدمات المقدمة للزبون، وتعد عملية التسعير من العمليات المهمة وذات الأثر البالغ على نجاح واستمرار منظمات الأعمال، نظراً لما لها من تأثير على المقدرة الربحية وإعادة توزيع الدخل القومي المخصص للاستهلاك، إذ أنه بتحديد الأسعار يستطيع الفرد أن يوزع دخله بين ما يعده ضرورياً من السلع وما يعد كمالياً.

وعموماً فإن لعملية التسعير م

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أهمية ودور و ملائمة البيانات المحاسبية في صنع و اتخاذ و ترشيد القرارات الادارية
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
عمارة عمارة المشهد الحسيني المقدس في ضوء رسومات المطراقي زادة (941ه/1534م) " دراسة تحليلية "
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   The drawings of The travelers artist is important historical document and sources for  important information about The most of The city and building and different Islamic art which idling  because of different causes like wars and destruction or natural causes and disasters like eruptions and earthquakes and floods  which we cannot make a clear form about the buildings  mapping in later period .

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تقويم مستوى تضمين مناهج المرحلة الأساسية الدنيا (الصفوف 1-3) في الأردن لقيم المواطنة
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This study aims at assessing the availability of national values in the curriculum of the first three grades in Jordan. The study also aims at the nature of distributing these national values. The sample of the study consists of the curriculum of math, science, Arabic language, Islamic education, and national and civil education in Jordan. To achieve the aims of the study, the researchers used the analyzing approach, and they also depended on the referential statement for the general and                       minor objectives as a tool to analyze and numerate. The results of the study shows that the concentrating on the n

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 16 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Intelligent Tuning Control of two Link Flexible Manipulator with Piezoelectric Actuator
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This paper represents an experimental study on the application of smart control represented by the use of the fuzzy logic controller. Two-link flexible manipulators that are used in airspace and military applications are made of flexible materials characterized by low frequency and damping ratio. To solve this problem, this paper proposes the use of smart materials (piezoelectric transducers), where each link is bonded with a pair of piezoelectric transducers that act as a sensor and another as an actuator. As the arm vibrates because of the movement generated by the motor, this voltage is controlled by a regulator inside the LABVIEW® 2020 software and sends the output control voltage to the piezoelectric actuator. Experimental results

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
Mechanisms for Development of Scenography Galleries Iraq Natural History Museum: وعد عدنان محمود
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This paper deals with the problem of the mechanics of the operation of cinematography in the development of museum exhibition halls. In the first chapter, the researcher dealt with the problem and presented it to reach the goals and purpose of the research, which was represented in using and developing the methods and mechanisms of the presentation to keep pace with what is happening in the world of technology and access to the presented model to new formula and vision declares aesthetical and cognitive measure, thus the search constitutes an importance in absorbing Scenography dimensions in the theater and moved to the idea of the museum and the development of the display models and using them in drawing and representation of perception

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