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The Floors and transparent role in the design studios satellite channels: وسام صالح حمد
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The search (floors and transparent role in the design studios satellite channels) and presented as a study-oriented, and the research aims to identify the role of flooring transparent spaces studios satellite channels and side performative and aesthetic, and formulas design to highlight the role floors transparent spaces studios satellite channels. And highlight the importance of research, particularly in its contribution to the clarification of the concept of the relationship between transparency and performing aesthetic treatments for floors by clarifying its role in the designs of the internal spaces of the studios, as well as his contribution to the founding of the theory of looking at the base of such concepts. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher based on the descriptive approach in the study, as the appropriate method to gain access to comprehensive coverage of the objectives of the research, has been selected samples is my intention, and based on the literature and studies on transparency in the internal spaces, and use the researcher is also the tool of research II (questionnaire), which included Astmartin has drawn questions from which adherents of workers in the channels and viewers of those channels, the analysis was designed questionnaire included several axes, and the most important: 1- shape and size of the internal space of the studio and achievable for the job (performance and beauty). 2 multiple layers of earth and its relationship to the extra dimension and motor insulation career and privacy. 3 color discrimination for flooring satellite channels and selected sections of the space. 4 ores and materials used in flooring studios and their impact in achieving transparency. Has resulted in the analysis process for the development of a set of conclusions and the most important: 1 that the internal floor space for studios satellite channels check in multiple career highs insulation and privacy between multiple studio spaces, and it adds a dimension to the physically and visually to the interior space of the studio. 2 that the plastic material may be used in the studio floor space and can be achieved along with the performative and aesthetic, as if the designer deal with these materials in order to serve the desired purpose in the floor space of the studios. The most important recommendations of the beneficiaries of the research that is being designed floor interior spaces for studios, satellite channels on as achieved by my performance and aesthetic vision through design verification purposes highest performance and beauty. During the design of the idea of what is required to perform advanced functionality and aesthetic expression and function of the flooring spaces studios satellite channels. The researcher suggested the study of modern electronic techniques and ways to employ them in the flooring studios satellite channels


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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Quality, nursing service quality, accreditation standards, standards of nursing practice
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      health organizations are trying to  introduce  services of high quality and efficiency which requires  applying some standards of nursing career to improve nursing service quality in the hospital, which provides an essential data base key to diagnosis the negative and positive part in nursing services to guarantee the quality of services presented .  The aim of this study is to evaluated the quality of  nursing service through stating the indicators of nursing career standards by comparing the reality of the a hospital with what should standards . In addition , adapting nursing career standards with what is suitable for hos

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Analysis of Magnetorheological Normally Close Directional Control Valve: Magnetorheological normally close directional control valve
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This valve is intended for use in valves for steering movement, using the qualities of the Magneto-rheological (MR) fluid to regulate the fluid, direct contact without the utilization of moving parts like a spool, a connection between electric flux, and fluid power was made, The simulation was done to employ the" finite element method of magnetism (FEMM)" to arrive at the best design. This software is used for magnetic resonance valve finite element analysis. The valve's best performance was obtained by using a closed directional control valve in the normal state normally closed (NC) MR valve, with simulation results revealing the optimum magnetic flux density in the absence of a current and the shedding condition, as well as the optimum

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Methods of Arab TV Programs Production
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This research investigates the methods of producing Investigative Arabic Television Programs that are able to prove its existence during a short period of time as a form of Television programs on Arab satellite channels growing in number and varied in content. The research aims to present qualitative and quantitative descriptions of the methods used in tackling the topics discussed in the program, and knowing whether they satisfy the conditions and scientific foundations for the research, investigation, analysis, and interpretation. The researcher uses the survey method and uses the tool of content analysis including a set of methodological steps that seek to discover the implied meaning of the research sample represented by the program

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Constructing fuzzy linear programming model with practical application
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This paper deals with constructing a model of fuzzy linear programming with application on fuels product of Dura- refinery , which consist of seven products that have direct effect ondaily consumption . After Building the model which consist of objective function represents the selling prices ofthe products and fuzzy productions constraints and fuzzy demand constraints addition to production requirements constraints , we used program of ( WIN QSB )  to find the optimal solution

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
بعض وظائف النبي صلى هللا تعالى عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم الواردة في القرآن الكريم
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The research included an introduction, and three functions
of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), a
machine and a companion, and a conclusion , the first function,
which is zakaah, and began with it because it is the basis of every
work, no work is accepted by Allaah except what was sincere to
him, as well as sincere intention, because accepting works is
entrusted with the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Die sytaktische Struktur und semantische Bedeutung der konzessiven Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten im Deutschen und Arabischen Eine interpretierende Studie
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Die vorliegende Forschung erklärt ein sprachliches Phänomen im Deutschen und Arabischen, dessen Aspekte die Grund-Folge-Relation (Kausalität) im Allgemeinen sowie den wirkungslosen Gegengrund (Konzessivität) im Besonderen behandeln.

In diesem Kontext wird der Unterschied der verschiedenartigen Gründe der Kausalität im Deutschen, wie wirklicher Grund (kausal), möglicher Grund (konditional) und wirkungsloser bzw. unzureichender Gegengrund (konzessiv) gezeigt.

Die theoretischen Darlegungen der konzessiven Ausdrucksmittel in dieser Forschungsarbeit werden durch diverse praktische Beispiele aus der deutschen und arabischen Literatur fundamentiert.

Das Hauptziel dieser For

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اخبار أخبار الزمان في تاريخ بني العباس للخزرجي (ت812هـ) دراسة وتحقيق العصر العباسي الأول
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تحيا الأمم بتراثها فهو الأساس الذي تنطلق منهُ، وما من أمة إلاّ ولها تراث، وهو سر حياتها وديمومتها ، فالأمة العربية الأسلامية لها تراث تليد التي تشرفت بحمل أقدس رسالة سماوية وأكملها لأمم الأرض، فكانت نبراساً أهتدت به البشرية حتى انتشلتها من واقعها المريض إلى أرغد عيش وأقوم خلق وأنبل نفس .

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الجوانب الاجتماعية والعلمية في كتاب (الغنية) للشيخ عبد القادر الكيلاني وانعكاساتها على المجتمع البغدادي
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The importance of the topic lies in explaining the extent of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani’s interest in social and scientific life in Baghdad

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
أثر استراتيجية المماثلة في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء والذكاء الانفعالي لطلاب الصف الخامس العلمي الاحيائي
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هدف البحث الى الكشف عن فاعلية استراتيجية المماثلة في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء والذكاء الانفعالي لطلاب الصف الخامس العلمي الاحيائي. وتكونت عينة البحث من (28 ) طالبا من طلبة الصف الخامس العلمي الاحيائي في اعدادية الشاكرين للبنين, التابعة لمديرية تربية بغداد – الكرخ الثانية, موزعين بين شعبتين بالتساوي, شعبة (أ) وهي المجموعة الضابطة التي درست على وفق الطريقة الاعتيادية, وشعبة ( ب) وهي المجموعة التجريبية والتي درست على و

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Enhanced Relative Humidity Sensor via Diameter of No-Core Fiber Structure
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Single mode-no core-single mode fiber structure with a section of tuned no-core fiber diameter to sense changes in relative humidity has been experimentally demonstrated. The sensor performance with tuned NCF diameter was investigated to maximize the evanescent fields. Different tuned diameters of of (100, 80, and 60)μm were obtained by chemical etching process based on hydrofluoric acid immersion. The highest wavelength sensitivity was obtained 184.57 pm/RH% in the RH range of 30% –100% when the no-core fiber diameter diameter was 60 μm and the sensor response was in real-time measurements

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