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Poetics transformation and structure in the film: علاءالدين عبد المجيد جاسم
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is divided into two chapter:Chapter one to ensure asyslematic framework for research amd included aresearch problem and also inchuded on the importance of research and the need for him as well as to clarify. The second chapter inchuded a theoretical framework: theoretical framework has been divided into two section. The first topic: poetics transformations The second topic: poetics and scale of rheloric in the film After the comp of the theoretical framework; so the researcher analyzed the film (Antichrist) has arrived ataset of resuits was including


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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design Comparison between the Gravity and Pressure Sand Filters for Water Treatment, Review
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Hygienic engineering has dedicated a lot of time and energy to studying water filtration because of how important it is to human health. Thorough familiarity with the filtration process is essential for the design engineer to keep up with and profit from advances in filtering technology and equipment as the properties of raw water continue to change. Because it removes sediment, chemicals, odors, and microbes, filtration is an integral part of the water purification process. The most popular technique for treating surface water for municipal water supply is considered fast sand filtration, which can be achieved using either gravity or pressure sand filters. Predicting the performance of units in water treatment plants is

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Mechanical Properties of Laminated Composites Reinforced With Discontinuous and Continuous Different Fibers
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 In this paper we investigate how do the laminated composites behave mechanically when subjected to external stresses, when reinforced with continuous fibers (mat) and discontinuous fibers (chopped) and to find the effect of the fiber type on the mechanical properties. Laminated composites consisting of wood- wood and Ph-F resin as suitable adhesive were reinforced with different fibers(jute, glass, and carbon).However, two  different methods of reinforcement namely, mat and chopped fibers were utilized. The mechanical properties such as (impact strength, compression strength, tensile strength, shear strength, bending strength, and elasticity modulus) of laminated composites were measured. Fibers reinforced laminated composite

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Relationship between Psychological Stress and Social Isolation among Displaced Secondary School Students
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The problem of the current research addressed the close link between the psychological stress and social isolation as behavior and experience, as well as, the stress of the displaced pupils by the sense of alienation and isolation from the society to which they had moved. It reflects a sense of mystery to the displaced pupils about their lives in the present and future. Therefore, the current research aims to identify the psychological presence and the level of social isolation among secondary school displaced pupils and identify whether there were statistically significant differences in the variables between the displaced pupils (males-females). Moreover, it attempts to identify the relationship between psychological stress and social

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Sodium Propionate on Microorganism and Self life of Laboratory Biscuit
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This study has been conducted to examin the effect of sodium propionate at different level of 0.03,0.06,0.10% on the number of bacteria and mold and to extend the storage life of laboratory processed biscuit. The results indicated that the use of 0.10% sodium propionate prolonged the storage peroid until the third month, while the use of 0.20% sodium propionate showed no growth of bacteria up to six month of storage, three types of bacteria has been isolated from processed biscuit, namely, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Esherichia coli. using 0.10% sodium propionate showed no growth of mold up to three month of storage ,while using of 0.15 % and 0.20% sodium propionate prevent the growth

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Studied Some of the Thermal and Electrical Properties for Particulat Polymer Composites
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  This researchs the preparation of particulate polymer composites from Alkyd resin and Iraqi Burn Kaolin which were added as (20%,30%,40%,50%)and comparing  with the  polymer.  It studied Thermal conductivity and Dielectric strength for both of  the Alkyd resin and  the Composite Material.        The result showed an  increase in Dielectric strength after adding the Iraqi Burn Kaolin , also the Thermal conductivity was  increased by adding the Iraqi Burn Kaolin .

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Method for the Determination of DL-Histidine by FIA and Chemiluminometric Detection
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This paper present a simple and sensitive method for the determination of DL-Histidine using FIA-Chemiluminometric measurement resulted from oxidation of luminol molecule by hydrogen peroxide in alkaline medium in the presence of DL-Histidine. Using 70?l. sample linear plot with a coefficient of determination 95.79% for (5-60) mmol.L-1 while for a quadratic relation C.O.D = 96.44% for (5-80) mmol.L-1 and found that guadratic plot in more representative. Limit of detection was 31.93 ?g DL-Histidine (S/N = 3), repeatability of measurement was less that 5% (n=6). Positive and negative ion interferances was removed by using minicolume containing ion exchange resin located after injection valve position.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Environmental Accounting And Management
On the Food Chain Model with Sokol Howell Functional Response and Prey Refuge
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The cheif aim of the present investigation is to develop Leslie Gower type three species food chain model with prey refuge. The intra-specific competition among the predators is considered in the proposed model. Besides the logistic growth rate for the prey species, Sokol Howell functional response for predation is chosen for our model formulation. The behaviour of the model system thoroughly analyses near the biologically significant equilibria. The linear stability analysis of the equilibria is carried out in order to examine the response of the system. The present model system experiences Hopf bifurcation depending on the choice of suitable model parameters. Extensive numerical simulation reveals the validity of the proposed model.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Intellectual Security and Its Relation to Psychological Resilience of Secondary School Students
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The current research aims to determine the intellectual security and the psychological resilience of Secondary school students and how these two variables are related to each other. The study also seeks the extent to which psychological resilience contributes to intellectual security

The research sample consisted of (420) students from the Secondary stage in the Directorate of Education of Baghdad / Rusafa III. Two scales were administered to the participants to collect the needed data. As for the analysis of data, Pearson correlation coefficient, T-test, and the Regression analysis were employed, the results revealed:

  1. The members of the sample have an intellectual Security.
  2. The members of the sample have

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Trade relations between Iraq and selected Arab countries for the period 2003 -2013
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Ping message focused on highlighting the fact commodity trading in Iraq, and increased exposure to world merchandise trade imbalance, which dominate Iraq's foreign trade major commodity is oil, and therefore the inability of Iraq to control financial revenue as a result of the fluctuations in the international market, the shortage of commodity products will lead inevitably to the weakness in the ability of the local market to meet the internal demand and due to the lack of flexible production machine For agricultural, industrial and economic sectors are responding to changes in the domestic or external demand which will open the door to merchandise imports to invade these markets, since the adoption of the Iraq oil exports,

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Composite Structures
Computational homogenization of the elastic and thermal properties of superconducting composite MgB2 wire
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