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The formal variations of the Quran calligraphy at the beginning of Islam: كفاح جمعة حافظ
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The present research deals with studying the formal variations for the Quranic calligraphy at the beginning of Islam , as being regarded from the original Arabic calligraphies which were developed later till they became as they are now, where the calligraphers in pushing for simulating these original calligraphies and knowing the methods of their writing by the calligraphers at that time.That helped in enriching and developing the aesthetic and designing valuesFor these calligraphies, as being calligraphic achievements represent transmission resulted from the objective, aesthetic and indicative vision in producing the verses according to a certain form. This has a clear impact in tendency to the technical, aesthetic and expressing development in producing designing structures unlimited with certain letters or a general building for the page.Through the surveying study, research and models which where obtained , the researcher was able to give the problems of his research the following question :What are the formal variations for the quranis calligraphy at the beginning of Islam?The importance of the research embodied through the interest with the calligraphies which were about to vanish because of the rarity of using them. The formal variations are being clarified by showing the forms of the letters of these calligraphies and the advantage which is being presented by the study for the researchers and scholars in the domain of knowing these calligraphies. This study aimed at discovering the formal variations for the quranic calligraphy at the beginning of Islam through determining the formal variations for the letters, the general building of the page and the method in which they have been written in limits of calligraphic models which arrived to us, in the calligraphy which is called madani and makain during the first hundreds years from the beginning of Islam. The second chapter deals with the theoretical frame which contained the writing of Quran in the era of messenger (peace to upon him) , and the materials which the Qurans were written on at the beginning of Islam . The third chapter contained the procedure of the research. The fourth chapter deals with analyzing the samples and showing the results, conclusions recommendations and proposals.


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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Kinetic diversity and its effectiveness in the formal variables of industrial product design
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The formal diversity in designs is achieved by creating shapes and lines with a distinct movement pattern, which are preceded by mental processes. The greatest source of diversity in design in general and industrial design in particular is the creation of multiple directions for the completion of designs and the diversification of intellectual proposals for the design idea. The human activity that takes place around us in various fields of life takes place due to the diversity of movement in the form of the design product and its effectiveness through the dynamic diversity in the form, which differs in the methods of designing and showing it. He invents material value as a distinct artistic product that he owns A specific form or system

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Evidence for monotheism in Islam and the Qur’an and the meaning of the names and attributes and their unification
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This topic is considered to be of a high degree of importance to every Muslim, and its importance is due to the fact that monotheism is:

Prove that God Almighty is the God who created everything and everything opposite to monotheism is polytheism, and it is taking other than God Almighty as a deity.

Therefore, we have to know the concept of God. If he is known, then he knows the concept of monotheism and the concept of polytheism

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 03 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Rulings of magic  and its treatment in Islam
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the best of prayers. He has completed the delivery of our master Muhammad, his family, and all his companions. O God, bring us out from the darkness of illusion, honor us with the light of understanding, open us with knowledge of knowledge, facilitate our morals with dreams, and make us who listen to the saying and follow their best.
And after ..

Since ancient times, magic was mentioned in many books in the history of the civilizations of ancient peoples, where the first emergence of human civilizations, the oldest of which is the Mesopotamian civilization, the Chinese civilization, and the Pharaonic civilization in Egypt, where concepts prevailed based on the charlatans and sorcery an

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical knowledge of the Arabs in an era          Pre-Islam: Quranic connotations
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This paper examines the most important historical knowledge and knowledge of the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era based on the Holy Quran, which is the oldest and most reliable Arab Islamic sources recorded at all, as a major source of this study, to ensure a great interest in history, especially the news of the prophets, and the positions of their nations Some of them, as well as some of the news of the old Arab people such as Aad and Thamud and the owners of the elephant and others, and some of which are repeated in several Quranic fence and various methods of presentation, cited as a lesson and exhortation to the Arab opponents of Islam and a reminder of what befell the peoples of the world B relict of doom to discredit them the apostles

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
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The innate art,is a major tributary in the art world, It is a bold achievement, has a special flavor, With self-identity, linked to the origins and roots of human ,That goes back to the past and the history and culture of peoples. This business is not limited to only aesthetic side, but is loaded with religious and magical experience, and have social functions, This creations stayed live, breathe, grow, and change with the transformation of society, these processors emerged, from local people have not been trained academically.Their Elvis came from community culture,Which are, Mesopotamian thoroughbreds.This culture that we desperately need today, in order to increase ourselves Iraqi force, In the face of the modern world, which is locke

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The value of freedom and its relationship to the will of God for the actions of worshipers between Islam and existentialism
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This research discusses one of the largest and most important issues of a doctrinal and philosophical dimension at the same time, which is the issue of man’s freedom to choose his actions, and thus his responsibility for those actions, by looking at the nature of these acts, their being and the origin of their creation. He showed that they were created in man by force, and that he was their original creator, and that they were among the creatures of the God Almighty God like others, but they are attributed to man through acquisition. So to the first saying went Jahmiyya or Jabariyya, and to the second saying went to fatalism in the past, and the existentialists shared with them in the modern era, and to the third saying went to the Sun

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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The effectiveness of change and transformation of formal displacement in the internal space (historical passenger stations as a model)
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Intellectual and material displacement is one of the design strategies through many mechanisms and means, and depends on the idea of changing the shape within the internal spaces at times and has concepts related to the transformation at other times. And represented by the boxes for travelers, the research problem emerged through the following question: (What is the effectiveness of displacement in the formal structures in the interior design of historical sites), and the aim of the study is to reveal the reality of the use of historical internal spaces and to determine the formal displacement that occurs as a result of change and transformation, and it included two topics, the first topic Transformation and the effectiveness of formal d

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
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Treatments with Graphic Techniques for the Scene in Theatrical Show (Applied study): عماد هادي عباس -محمود جباري حافظ
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The current research studies the digital techniques in order to identify the treatments with graphic techniques for the theatrical scene, which includes a number of programs and treatment tools with digital technique to identify the visual and aesthetic dimensions and outputs achieved in the design of the theatrical scene in addition to the options, that they provide in the design of a system of hypotheses for the theatrical world, In order to be an experimental mediator in achieving the creative hypothesis, which limited the research with a pivotal objective which is: identifying the digital techniques employed in the graphic digital design for the scene in the theatrical show. The research lies in its objective limits stated in the met

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
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Formal-semantic metaphor in print advertising design
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The research problem lay in the existing of this direct relation between the increasing and the big variety of the goods and the producing companies which mean the increase of the competition and the directing techniques of the commercial advertisings, which become spread everywhere and in an age characterized with the great varieties in the tests and the stances which requires the designers to seek designing accomplishments that are characterized with creativeness , seriousness and unsallity through the designer depending in constructing his / her texts and his/ her visual items on reference forms metaphors to achieve his / her designing purposes.
So the researcher through her primary flying study seek the identifying the manner of

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Hadiths about fasting at the beginning of the months, in compilation and criticism
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This research included the hadiths in which the urge to fast the month of the month, or the beginning of the month, and followed the inductive approach to collecting hadiths, and the critical approach in their studies, and in the weighting of the right from the faces contained in it, and one of the most important results of the research is the agreement of the words of the people On the whiteness, whether it is a little or a lot, the rush of the month will be the first three nights, where the moon white is a little, and they also agreed that the middle three are called the white days, and that the release of the rage on them for the whiteness of its nights, where the moon is complete, and the Prophet has been proven. May God bless him an

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