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The innate art,is a major tributary in the art world, It is a bold achievement, has a special flavor, With self-identity, linked to the origins and roots of human ,That goes back to the past and the history and culture of peoples. This business is not limited to only aesthetic side, but is loaded with religious and magical experience, and have social functions, This creations stayed live, breathe, grow, and change with the transformation of society, these processors emerged, from local people have not been trained academically.Their Elvis came from community culture,Which are, Mesopotamian thoroughbreds.This culture that we desperately need today, in order to increase ourselves Iraqi force, In the face of the modern world, which is locked in struggle through "dialogue of civilizations" So this research contains four chapters . the first quarter Interested in the methodological framework of the research, which represents research problem, identifying the following questions: : "What are the methods of expression in Iraqi art innate sculptural contemporary? And What the most important intellectual and environmental references surrounding this art? Using the Iraqis innate sculptors (Hadi Kadhim Nassif) and (Ibrahimal nakash ) as a model for a comparative study between them . The second chapter specialized theoretical framework of the research. The third chapter, represents as the procedures, followed In the analysis of samples according to the context of the theoretical framework in building search tool . So we arrived at a set of key, findings was that the style of the artist (Hadi Kadhim) Differs from the style of the artist (Ibrahim nakash), in terms of idea and content, Despite the similarities between them in dealing with the raw material (wood), but the difference was in the type of organization carved, Between relief sculpture, engineering design style that has characterized the nakash , and the stereo, expressive free design, which has characterized the Hadis done ,The idea, Has required different organizational principles, between completed and another , Therefor , characterize the artist Hadi Kadhim, with his self-expressionist Alsaikologih style, While alnakash used, engineering, and perspective systems , in the embodiment and simulate reality, which was singled out his city, and ideological beliefs .Although the two were creative in drilling technique on wood , and the ability to express through it, but technical Show, between them are different.One of the results of this research, is that there is a difference between innate art which has its roots in primitive art, and folk art, Which has its roots in the local environment, customs , traditions and ideological ideas


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
The Problem of Meaning in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture: عبد الله فوزي خورشيد
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The concept of meaning is one of the most important topics that have occupied the mind of the recipient and critic in all the arts, especially the plastic arts, where we find that the art of contemporary plastic art, in particular sculpture has multiple readings and many critics differed in terms of different reading and views of the same artistic achievement.

This research will identify the different works of contemporary Iraqi sculptors while presenting and studying their works, as well as (studying the problem of meaning) of the artistic achievements of the sculptors in particular. The various parties interested in Iraqi sculpture did not seize the problem of the objective and subjective meaning of contemporary Iraqi sculpture

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
The controversy of aesthetic interpretation between the sculptures and their titles Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture "Experiments in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture Exhibition as a Model"
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The research tagged with the controversy of aesthetic interpretation between the sculptures and their titles in contemporary Iraqi sculpture, “Exhibition of Experiments in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture as a Model”, and it is one of the new research that contributes to strengthening the critical path in the Iraqi fine movement, as the first chapter dealt with the research problem stemming from the question: What is the impact of the aesthetic hermeneutic controversy between the title and the title in contemporary Iraqi sculpture?, and do the titles of the sculptural works help to understand or enhance their contents?, The research objective included: To identify the controversy of the aesthetic interpretation of sculptures and their ti

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Poetics transformation and structure in the film: علاءالدين عبد المجيد جاسم
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is divided into two chapter:Chapter one to ensure asyslematic framework for research amd included aresearch problem and also inchuded on the importance of research and the need for him as well as to clarify. The second chapter inchuded a theoretical framework: theoretical framework has been divided into two section. The first topic: poetics transformations The second topic: poetics and scale of rheloric in the film After the comp of the theoretical framework; so the researcher analyzed the film (Antichrist) has arrived ataset of resuits was including


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
Journal Name
Contemporary Sculpture vision and concept: محمد عبد الحسين يوسف
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The research is divided into three chapters, the first of them to the research problem and its importance and its purpose and its limits, while the second chapter review of contemporary sculpture as a vision and concept, The third chapter came to view the most important results reached by the search.


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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Alienation in Contemporary Sculpture between the Works of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg (A Comparative Study)
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  • The subject of this research is the study of the formal alienation of contemporary English sculpture, by comparing the most important sculptors of the new contemporary generation. This research problem is to look for the important factors in the formation of the contemporary sculptural structure of the exotic, and what is the mechanism of formation and output of these forms. The research seeks to explore (Alienation in contemporary sculpture between the works of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg) in a comparative study. The importance of the research is to identify the concept of alien forms in contemporary British sculpture, especially in the cases of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg that this research is considered a know

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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Meaning Surplus in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture
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The present research is concerned with studying the appearance and essence of meaning in contemporary sculpture by addressing the  problematic how to flow of meaning its multiplicity and the flow of its surplus, resulting from the transformations of the artistic form and the variety  of its methods which results to a new and different strategies in circulation and aesthetic reception to achieve this task, we have relied on models of modern Iraq sculpture, which fit in its form and raw materials with the concept of phenomenon studied. Therefore, the research topic were divided into four axes:- the first axe included an introduction about the subject. The introduction included the problems of research and its importance, aim repr

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
The Constant and the Variable in the Aesthetic Image of the Theatrical Direction: حازم عبد المجيد إسماعيل
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The theatre is one of the main pillars of the human aesthetic thinking as it contains logical explanations for the public human life aspects outside time and environment. When we find that the directive philosophical thinking moving away from the stylistic constants and the virtual laws in taboos that control the accomplishment in terms of the traditional shapes, the employment and the theatrical reception. Some directors moved in post-modernism concepts in a perceptive that liberates thought from its natural context in thinking into an innovative perceptive. The aesthetic images are the basic premise in the prohibition of the philosophical thinking interpretation in order to move the directive thinking and this movement depends on the v

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
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Comic Scene Construction between Dramatic Situation and Acting Performance in Feature Film: علاء الدين عبد المجيد جاسم-عمار حميد حسين
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The research (Comic Scene Construction between Dramatic Situation and Acting Performance in Feature Film) has been divided into the following: the methodological framework which consists of the problem of the research: how to construct the comic scene between the dramatic situation and acting performance in the feature film. The research importance and aims are: identifying how to construct the comic scene between the dramatic situation and acting performance in the feature film. The limits of the research are also stated.
The research is divided into three sections: the first is the comic situation and the Aristotelian discourse in which the comic situation is clarified starting from the Aristotelian discourse. The second section: me

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Style between alienation and westernization in contemporary painting: سلامة محمود عبد - صاحب جاسم حسن
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The problematic of the current research marked (style between alienation and westernization in contemporary painting) is demonstrated by the fact that the stylistic forms in art are full of the influx of subjective and emotional impressions, as well as administrative and borrowing techniques, as well as their contextual meaning, whether cultural, social and political, which gives them an alien dimension at one time or another. The aim of the research is: Define the style between alienation and alienwesternization in contemporary painting. The research included six axes dealing with the first axis: an introduction to the concept of alienation, and the second axis dealing with the style in romanticism. The third dealt with: the method in i

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Aesthetic references for reductive forms in contemporary Iraqi sculpture
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Reduction has been linked visually in art since man began making functional and aesthetic forms, and this beginning can be identified with cave paintings. Reduction is one of the clearest indications of intellectual presence in aesthetic experience. Modernism was greatly supported by the great transformations that the intellectual movement witnessed in the world in general and in Europe in particular. There, and their transfer of European artistic experiences, and the reflection of this influence in their aesthetic sculptures, and for this reason the researchers find that the study of the aesthetic references of the reductive forms in the Iraqi sculptural experience represents a great importance in the study of the history of contemporar

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