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Artistic trends to the formation of postmodern: إيهاب احمد عبد الرضا
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This research includes interested in studying art contemporary, by studying the experiences of sculpture for the formation of post-modernism, assuming the existence of trends in public art can be classified, in spite of the multiplicity of styles and methods of work since the second half of the twentieth century to the present day, and this shenanigans knowledge on how to the Technical that is the art is not restricted, It is art refuses laws and fixed values and traditional styles, and always aspires to diversity and innovation.Search contains three chapters and an introduction containing information about the research problem and the importance of research and the goal of the research, the goal of research is: Detection of artistic trends in the formation of post-modernism, as well as the limits of search time between 1950 2010 AD, and the limits of search spatial are in Europe and the United States, due to the fact that Search one of the research-based analytical cash to draw conclusions from the study of the experiences of general, the survey method was used in the study of descriptive research sample, according to the models included in the chapters : first and second.The first chapter provided information on techniques to show the formation of post-modernism, in order to identify the modes of these techniques and methods of formation. While the second chapter included the modalities of supply in the formation of post-modernism, which is an important aspect of this trend for the disclosure of those methods and exit information and data derived it .The third chapter is devoted to the search results, by showing that there are five key trends for the formation of post-modernism:1)body art , includes the arts which focused on the representation of the human body, such as: the realistic Art Pop art and performance art2) environmental art , includes arts which focused on taking the natural environment the subject of works of art , with or without human intervention .3) Kinetic Art : Includes Arts which focused on the element of movement in the sculptural works .4) materials of non-traditional art : the arts that includes premium materials used in artwork: light, sound, water, and chemical industrial materials, electronic screen.5 ) Constructivist art: Includes arts, which focused on the establishment of artwork through traditional materials: Diversified Metals and stone and wood, appeared in abstract art and assembly art , or through the ready-made materials through installed or displayed


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Making use of economical design techniques and materials in implementing cosmetic supplements to the interior spaces of the dwelling: رانيه علي احمد عبد الرحمن
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  This research aims to identify the economic design techniques and materials that can be used in the implementation of cosmetic supplements to the spaces of the dwelling. The research relied on the descriptive and analytical approach by describing and analyzing models of design techniques and materials that can be used in the production of cosmetic supplements in the interior spaces of the dwelling.
The results of the research concluded that the beautification of the spaces of the dwelling is one of the necessary and important pieces to add aesthetic touches to the internal spaces, and that the use of economic design techniques and materials contributes to the implementation of many pieces of complementary beautification of the

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Employing Digital Technology in the Formation of the Theatrical Show Space: ثامر طه عبد علي
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  The current research tries to identify the employment of the digital technology in the formation of the theatrical show space. The researcher started with the significant importance of the digital technology and its workings in the formation of the contemporary theatrical show being a modern, artistic, aesthetic, intellectual and technological means to convey the topic in an integrated manner, as well as its close connection with the creative directive vision and the creative designing vision. It provides a variety of models of numerous implications in terms of transmission and advancement of the relationships represented by clarifying the scenography and dramatic conflict forms according to the numerous motivations of the directo

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Deconstruction Mechanism in Postmodernism Arts and its Role in Teaching the Artistic Tasting for the Learner: نضال ناصر ديوان
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Deconstructionism opened the door wide to multiple readings and restore the reader his authority that he lost in the modernism, thus became more able to decipher the plastic discourse through reconstruction according to what he wants or what the plastic discourse gives him of possibilities beyond consumerism and thus the author has been canceled. The problem of the current research is limited to the following question: does deconstructionism in postmodern arts have a role in teaching the artistic tasting for the learner? The aim of the current research is to reveal the deconstruction work mechanisms in postmodern arts and their role in teaching the artistic tasting for the learner. As for the theoretical framework, the first section focu

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
بزوغ مفهوم الرضا الوظيفي في السلوك التنظيمي
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جديرة تلك المجلة العريقة (Journal of management history) لما تقوم به من دور متميز في تأصيل الفكر الاداري وتنسيب الموضوعات لأصحابها الحقيقيين. فالمجلد (12)، العدد (3) لعام (2006) من هذه المجلة حمل مراجعة تاريخية كبيرة لعنوان عميق هو
(The emergence of job satisfaction in organization behavior A historical overview of the dawn of jop attitudes research)، للباحث (Thomas A. Wright) الاستاذ في قسم العلوم الادارية بجامعة نيف

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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Metaphoric assimilation of the place and its total functioning in scenario: إيهاب ياسين طه
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Abstract: The study of the place is hardly a concern for most researchers in the art generally. It is hardly devoid of any movie of some configuration elements that are essential to him about and place one of them, and we find an echo location consists ago to begin screenwriter put Sightseeing begins features emerge there will be functioning simple scenario what would soon receive a growing Cummings final picture film. Metaphoric place begins to emerge in the form of linguistic scenario is soon to be translated in another language, the language of the image. Which in turn complement the creative process of this art and have a significant impact in terms of content and curriculum and installation in and it even to seek the true meaning fu

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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The Performance Variable of the Actor's Techniques in Postmodern Theater Shows: وئام وافي علي
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The postmodern ideas and concepts have produced social, political and economic variables that have been affected by wars, crises, the role of globalization and the information revolution. They have created many variables in concepts and great variables in technological, artistic and cultural innovations. All these changes have contributed to changing the form of the theatrical show aesthetically and intellectually, which cast a shadow over the nature of the actor's performance who has become more demanding to change his performance and to find the mechanisms and new nature of work governing him corresponding to those variables and this prompted the researcher to adopt the subject (the performance variable of the actor's techniques in pos

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
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Design trends of the counterfeit product and the original competition: عبد الخالق سمين فتاح
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The problem of the research represented by knowing the approaches which presented by knowing the design guides and the design styles which the imitation products enter upon it to be able to competitor the other original products .The research aim was to comparison the design approaches of the functional performance and the utilizations for the imitation and the original products , however the research limits contained study products samples of the kitchen electric equipments which available in local markets of Baghdad city for the period (2000 – 2013) .After the view of research back for the subject fundamental basics and investigating research sample to be complete to a group of results and conclusions and the most marked of her were

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Privatization Thesis and its trends in Iraq after 2003
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The concept of privatization is built on the basis of the transfer of assets and services of the public sector to the private sector this concept has appeared in the eighties of the last century whene the high oil prices took place and recession solution swept the world Which called for the freedom of the market and left the room for the private sector to take the initiatine in economic activity.         Both the IMF have   adopted this thesis in their programs of the structural adjustment in light of external and internal factors helped to Create the conditions to accept thesis that under the pretext of achieving a number of economic goals.

In Iraq in spite of

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
السخرية والمفارقة في شعر احمد مطر
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السخرية والمفارقة في شعر احمد مطر

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Features of Modernity in the Works of Saleh Al-Jami (An Analytical Study): رؤى قحطان عبد الله
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Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the art of composition has witnessed major transformations that accompanied the transformations that occurred in the cognitive field. The plastic artists rejected the prevailing artistic line, and sought to create a new artistic format that accommodates the new social and cultural problems. So was the announcement of the era of modernity in the late nineteenth century, with the birth of the impressionism movement that gave a place to challenge all that is familiar. . And he drew the attention of the researcher, and for that he chose the research title (Characteristics of Modernity in the Works of Saleh Al-Jumayyi (Analytical Study)) The researcher divided the research as follows:

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