السخرية والمفارقة في شعر احمد مطر
Pride in the poetic Genius in Al-Shareef Al-Murtada's poetry.Pride in the poetic genius is a rich and recurring subject .The poets always compete with each other to show their skills in composing poetry.This subject illustrates the poet's creative talents and his ability to comprehend the vocabulary of the Arabic language.Pride in the poetic gift witnessed great development which was caused by the cultural progress of the Abyssian Age. Such influences are often reflected in poetry because it is an essential part of life.
هو ابو الحسن السري بن احمد السري الكندي الرفاء الموصلي ويعرف بالسري الرفاء وهو الاسم الذي غلب عليه، ولقب بالرفاء لانه كان يعمل في رفو الثياب وتطريزها وقد ذكره الثعالبي في اليتيمة فقال (فمنهم السري بن احمد الكندي المعروف بالرفاء)(1)ولد الرفاء في مدينة الموصل ولا تعرف سنة ولادته ولكنه من شعراء القرن الرابع الهجري الذين ذكرهم الثعالبي في يتيمته، وقد عاش صباه رفاء في سوق الرفائين في الموصل حيث سلمه والداه الى احد
... Show Moreابو الفرج رونی از استادان شعر فارسی در دوره دوم غزنوی است.او در میان شاعران ابو الفرج خیلی زودتر از دیگر شاعران عصر خود متوجه نو کردن سبک سخن گردید چنان که میان روش او وروش معاصرانش از قبیل عثمان و مسعود سعد و معزی و نظایر آنان اختلافات فراوان وجود دارد. او طرز شعر دورهء اول غزنوی را که باید آن را سبک تکامل یافتهء دوره سامانی شمرد، به دور افکند ، وطریقه ای جدید پدید آورد. پژ
... Show MoreVatan ve hürriyet aşkının ilk ve en Kuvvetli örneklerinden Türkmen topraklarında yetişen yüzlerce Şairlerden biri Hıdır Lütfü’dür. Düşmana yar, öz evladına ağyar, yumuşak tabiatlı, yardımı ve milletini seven bir insandır. Şairin duygusu her dem yükseklere yücelirdi. O bilgili bir şair olduğu için şiirinde türlü türlü bilgi ile ögütleri arkasında bırakmamış onun duygusu bir bulak gibi her dem durmadan coşardı.
Onun en çok sevdiği varlıklar yurdu ile ulusuydı, ve tek acısı onların ilerleme ile yükselemesi içın bir haykırıydı.
Şair her zaman yurdunun ufukunda dolaşıp ulusunun bugünkü ve geleck torunları için yanıklı duyguları ile bir yol gosterıci gibi olmuştur.
The theatrical field has witnessed a huge development that included the semantic and formal sides, considering that the theatrical experience has gone through a long period of description and the dominance of literature and linguistics, thus the theatrical experience has been open to many workings and uses of high quality in forming and composing the visual system. The semiotics had a role in presenting transformed sign forms and features generated in the theatrical space. Thus (costumes, décor, makeup, lighting, and actor) are considered elements with sign forms and attributes that together constitute integrated semiotic unit that include all the layouts in the scenographic space. The two researchers determined on semiotics due to its
... Show MoreThe research addressed the ecological impact of the industrial product as one of the basic aesthetic elements in urban design. The research discussed the nature of the overall ecosystems of the industrial product in urban spaces, and the type of impact they have on each other. The discussion of impacts started from the identification of cognitive and non-cognitive viewpoints in the vision of ecological aesthetics, passing through the inputs of cognitive systems that see that the ecosystem made of the urban space with the existence of the industrial product as one of its constituents, are in fact systems based on functional symmetry between urban space design and the design of the industrial prod
... Show MoreGlobalization has occupied a great deal of studies, research and literature, in addition to being a phenomenon that has imposed itself firmly on the ground. Globalization is considered the main feature of the current moment in today's world. The world is now transforming in an unprecedented way under noticeable titles of successive waves of knowledge and technology.The current research aims to identify the effects of globalization on the variables and their political, social, media and cultural dimensions, as well as culture of consumption and cultural identity.The theoretical framework included two sections: the first is the concept of globalization, its history and its dimensions, and the second is the modernity in contemporary Europea
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ا.م. نرجس حسين زاير
الجامعة المستنصرية
كلية العلوم السياسية
Wisdom in the verse of the al-hateaa
Ass. Prof. Nargis Hussein Zayer
ملخـــص البحــــث
يتناول بحثي المتواضع هذا السرد في شعر الشاعر العراقي عدنان الصائغ من خلال دراسة السرد في قصائده، وقد تناولت السرد في شعره من خلال ضمير المتكلم-السارد والمخاطب مع ذكر انموذجات شعرية تؤكد ما ذهبت اليه في هذا السرد من رؤى ودلالات رمزية.
The phenotypic characteristics in the interior spaces are seeing the result of the ability of the designer in his handling of the vocabulary and the elements to deliver a specific meaning for the recipient , and is working to stir up the receiver and make it effective in the process of perception of space. So the theme of the role of phenotypic characteristics is of great significance in the process of analyzing spaces to reach the goal of the main idea , and show those qualities through relationships design in terms of shape, color and texture ... etc. , to reach also designs more beautiful , and creating an internal environment , creative and continuous with its external environment , Hence the importance of research in that it tries t
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