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Employment aesthetic to the sitting position in contemporary Iraqi Sculpture: سلام محمد سعيد هاشم
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This paper deals with aesthetic and a sitting position in contemporary Iraqi sculpture and studied this situation, an analytical study to reveal how to employ them in aesthetically pleasing work of art has been research in a sitting position to a lack of technical library for such research, this study includes four chaptersChapter I contains the research problem and its importance in terms of the released address and its objectives in the detection of this situation, how to employ the HDL research is to detect how the aesthetic of the Employment sit position and limits Find business is bronze and stone-dimensional exclusively carried out from 2000 to 2009 AD.Chapter II included the Framework theory and previous studies and with three Investigation Section One Employment aesthetic in the work of art and touched the researcher to some definitions of beauty and harmony in brief The second section was devoted for raw was the title of section the impact of raw material in the implementation of a sitting position in sculpture and researcher dealt with the importance of raw material and its direct impact on the aesthetic of the sculpture and touched researcher ores are the severity of stone and bronze.The third topic addressed About Iraqi contemporary sculpture from 1960 AD to 2010 AD and touched the researcher to a number of contemporary sculptors, Iraqis and some of their carvings, which formed the body and the sitting position.Third situation, action research and how it has been selected sample of the research community, which included eightywere selected in accordance with the work of conscious check, giving the research and the researcher adopted a descriptive analytical method in the analysis of the sample.Chapter IV results WM most important findings of the researcher in employment aesthetic status of sitting through the relations of form and the relationship of the constituent elements of the work and exploitation of the outer space, coupled with the spaces interior lends character aesthetically pleasing to the form of the human sitting as well as the relationship between seating position and shape of the human role in demonstrating aesthetic a sitting position and the degree of this relationship vary from job to another. Some Sculptors work to integrate the full between the seating position and the human form, others work to dispense with seating position completely and focus on the movement of the human form as well as the importance of texture and raw material in making aesthetic to a sitting position.The researcher concluded that the condition of living aesthetics can sculptor employed in the figure by dealing with the curves of sin resulting from the blocks that are concluded also that most of Sculptors tend to form a sitting position of the stone because of its feature training result in durability and strength to accept transport more freely than some other positions


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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    A total of 215 sheep and 87 goats were carefully searched for ixodid ticks from January to December 2015 at different regions of the middle and south of Iraq. The detached ticks count 1533 ticks from sheep with intensity of 8.4 and count 332 ticks from goats with intensity of 6.8. Tick species recovered from sheep and their incidence rates were: Rhipicephalus turanicus (39%), Hyalomma anatolicum (28%), R. (Boophilus) annulatus (11%), Hyalomma sp. (9%), H. turanicum (6%), H. excavatum (6%) and R. leporis (1%) while the tick species recovered from goats and their incidence rates were: R. turanicus (64%), H. anatolicum (24%)

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Thiourea on the Corrosion of Low Carbon Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solution
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The c.orrosion rate of  low carbon  steel  in 4M  hydrochlwic acid with and without  presence of thiourea has b.een studied  by gravimetric ahd gasometric methods  over the temperature range 303-333 K.


The percentage protection of steel increases  vvith the decrease of thimuea concentrations at  various  temperature range  303-333 K and

approaching highest  protection  (86.82%) at 303K  by using  I X 1 o-4 M

of thiourea. The high concentration .of thiourea  ( lxlo-3 M), enl1ances.

the  corrosion rates and  act  as dcpolariser for  the hydrogen  evolution


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Publication Date
Fri Jul 08 2022
Journal Name
Innovation Of Businesses, And Digitalization During Covid-19 Pandemic
The Impact of Political Stability and Macroeconomic Variables on Foreign Direct Investment in Turkey
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Foreign direct investment (FDI) is one of the most practical types of foreign investment. FDI contributes to job creation, foreign exchange earnings and national income escalation, improving semi-skill and skilled labor. Based on our knowledge, this paper is the first study attempting to investigate the effect of political stability on the FDI in Turkey using an econometric approach. Achieving this objective, a co-integration analysis was conducted between the FDI and its determinants in the short-run and long-run including “macroeconomic indicators” and “Political Stability (PS)” in Turkey. Using annual data from 1974 to 2017 via Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. The results confirm the positive correlation betwe

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Epidemiological Surveillance of Communicable Diseases in Baghdad City during the Period January-April 2006
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The records of Primary Health Care Centres (Al-Risafa section of Baghdad) were inspected for communicable diseases during the period January-April 2006. There were 8622 recorded cases (the diagnosis was based on a clinical examination and laboratory findings), which were distributed as 4782 (55.5%), 1430 (16.6%), 1604 (18.6%) and 806 (9.3%) for Sadar city, Risafa, A'adhamyiah and Mada'in, respectively. The highest frequency was reported for chicken pox (42.7%), followed by mumps and typhoid fever (20 and 13.7%, respectively), while diphtheria and cholera were not recorded. These three most frequent diseases were further analyzed, and their distribution showed a significant difference (P ? 0.001). April was the month of the highest recorded

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of surlactin produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus on eye infectious bacteria in rabbits
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Twenty five vaginal swabs from outpatients' healthy women were collected from Kamal Al-Samarai Hospital, Baghdad, to isolate and identify of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Three isolates were diagnosed as L. acidophilus which represents 15% of the total number of lactic acid bacterial (LAB) isolates; other LAB types represent 65% (20 isolates).The ability of L. acidophilus to produce surlactin was detected after measuring its biological activity to inhibit the adhesion of biofilm formed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa to surfaces using test tube method. It was found that all isolates were able to produce surlactin but the activity of surlactin was varying in each isolate. Surlactin produced by isolates 1 and 13 was the most effective. Biological appl

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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This paper compares between the direct and indirect georeferencing techniques in Photogrammetry bases on a simulation model. A flight plan is designed which consists of three strips with nine overlapped images for each strip by a (Canon 500D) digital camera with a resolution of 15 Mega Pixels.


The triangulation computations are carried out by using (ERDAS LPS) software, and the direct measurements are taken directly on the simulated model to substitute using GPS/INS in real case. Two computational tests have been implemented to evaluate the positional accuracy for the whole model and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) relating to (30) check points show that th

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Physical model tests were simulated non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) spill in two-dimensional
domain above the water table. Four laboratory experiments were carried out in the sand-filled
tank. The evolution of the plume was observed through the transparent side of this tank and the
contaminant front was traced at appropriate intervals. The materials used in these experiments
were Al-Najaf sand as a porous medium and kerosene as contaminant.
The results of the experiments showed that after kerosene spreading comes to a halt (ceased) in
the homogeneous sand, the bulk of this contaminant is contained within a pancake-shaped lens
situated on top of the capillary fringe.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2024
Journal Name
Separation And Purification Technology
A comprehensive review on the use of Ti3C2Tx MXene in membrane-based water treatment
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Ultrasound Guided Core Needle Biopsy in The Diagnosis of Suspicious Breast Lesions: Radiologist’s perspectives
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Background: Ultrasound guided core needle biopsy is becoming a gold standard in the work up of suspicious breast lesion. In Iraq, radiologists are not taking the lead in core needle biopsy performance.

Objectives: To evaluate the radiologist performance of core needle biopsy highlighting the precession and accuracy of the procedure, the concordance of ultrasound and histopathology, and identifying challenges facing the radiologist during the procedure.

Subjects and Methods: A prospective study involving a total of 50 patients with ultrasound (US) BIRADS IV or V.  Ultrasound guided core needle biopsy was performed for each patient. Surgical pathol

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 05 2023
Journal Name
Evaluation the anti-inflammatory effect of Omega 369 against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice
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Background: Acetaminophen (N-acetyl-para-aminophenol, or APAP) poisoning, whether intentional or accidental, is a major general health problem, with its toxicity prevalence significantly increasing in many countries. Currently, acetaminophen is considered one of the main causes of acute liver failure globally.

Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible hepatoprotective effect of Omega-3,6,9 against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in albino male mice.

Methods: Thirty-five albino male mice were randomly divided into five groups: Group 1 (the negative control) received liquid paraffin orally at a dose of 10 ml/kg for t

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