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Employment aesthetic to the sitting position in contemporary Iraqi Sculpture: سلام محمد سعيد هاشم
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This paper deals with aesthetic and a sitting position in contemporary Iraqi sculpture and studied this situation, an analytical study to reveal how to employ them in aesthetically pleasing work of art has been research in a sitting position to a lack of technical library for such research, this study includes four chaptersChapter I contains the research problem and its importance in terms of the released address and its objectives in the detection of this situation, how to employ the HDL research is to detect how the aesthetic of the Employment sit position and limits Find business is bronze and stone-dimensional exclusively carried out from 2000 to 2009 AD.Chapter II included the Framework theory and previous studies and with three Investigation Section One Employment aesthetic in the work of art and touched the researcher to some definitions of beauty and harmony in brief The second section was devoted for raw was the title of section the impact of raw material in the implementation of a sitting position in sculpture and researcher dealt with the importance of raw material and its direct impact on the aesthetic of the sculpture and touched researcher ores are the severity of stone and bronze.The third topic addressed About Iraqi contemporary sculpture from 1960 AD to 2010 AD and touched the researcher to a number of contemporary sculptors, Iraqis and some of their carvings, which formed the body and the sitting position.Third situation, action research and how it has been selected sample of the research community, which included eightywere selected in accordance with the work of conscious check, giving the research and the researcher adopted a descriptive analytical method in the analysis of the sample.Chapter IV results WM most important findings of the researcher in employment aesthetic status of sitting through the relations of form and the relationship of the constituent elements of the work and exploitation of the outer space, coupled with the spaces interior lends character aesthetically pleasing to the form of the human sitting as well as the relationship between seating position and shape of the human role in demonstrating aesthetic a sitting position and the degree of this relationship vary from job to another. Some Sculptors work to integrate the full between the seating position and the human form, others work to dispense with seating position completely and focus on the movement of the human form as well as the importance of texture and raw material in making aesthetic to a sitting position.The researcher concluded that the condition of living aesthetics can sculptor employed in the figure by dealing with the curves of sin resulting from the blocks that are concluded also that most of Sculptors tend to form a sitting position of the stone because of its feature training result in durability and strength to accept transport more freely than some other positions


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Employment aesthetic of digital technology for color in the film novelist: نجيـــــب أصليـــــوة حيــــــــــــــدو
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Find all boils down to is marked with (recruitment aesthetic of digital technology for (color) in the film novelist) And the relationship between the aesthetic employment of digital technology for (color) and its impacts on the level of artistic creativity through digital technology and its impacts on the technical and completed the final film in the film.Search and distributed at five chapters The first chapter discusses the methodological framework of the research, which included the research problem and is as follows:What is the digital technology to enrich color in the context in the film narrative to reflect the dramatic effect?And the importance of research and its objectives, including:1 - Employment aesthetic of digital technolog

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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Building aesthetic and expressive long shot in the film contemporary novelist
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The research deals with an important detail of the joints of the film industry and television drama, which is the expression and aesthetic of the long shot, after being popularized by some directors, and that the long shot has been employed since the beginning of the cinema. But the research addresses the contemporary film and how the long shot worked. The researcher identified her goal in identifying the aesthetic and expressive of the long shot in the contemporary film, and then defined the term of the shot and the long shot.
The theoretical framework was based on two topics: the first (aesthetic and artistic expression in cinema) and the second (the long shot and the state of its construction). The researcher then chose LA LA LAND

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Aesthetic references for reductive forms in contemporary Iraqi sculpture
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Reduction has been linked visually in art since man began making functional and aesthetic forms, and this beginning can be identified with cave paintings. Reduction is one of the clearest indications of intellectual presence in aesthetic experience. Modernism was greatly supported by the great transformations that the intellectual movement witnessed in the world in general and in Europe in particular. There, and their transfer of European artistic experiences, and the reflection of this influence in their aesthetic sculptures, and for this reason the researchers find that the study of the aesthetic references of the reductive forms in the Iraqi sculptural experience represents a great importance in the study of the history of contem

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Art and trash Structural transformation in aesthetic taste: بلاسم محمد جسام
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Garbage is the waste of neglected human beings. The despised thing turns into art. We accept its existence as one of the new aesthetics that have been extended in the joints of modern life. Works of debris and waste find their place in exhibitions, museums and urban spaces of cities. It is one of the major tremors in the transformation of aesthetic taste on the level of art history.In light of these ideas, we are faced with the problem of interpreting the phenomenon and its identity, because the remnants of garbage for each people have historical characteristics and a kind of anthropology that refers to the culture of human use of the materials and their waste and the identity of their belonging. In Iraq, the garbage has its ecological a

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Intellectual And Artistic Concepts of The Cultural Context And Their Impact On Contemporary Ceramic Sculpture
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 The current specialized research tagged (intellectual and artistic concepts of the cultural context and their impact on contemporary ceramic sculpture) paves the way for the emergence of the context in ceramics active in life, so that this relationship will indicate the development and presence of ceramics or not and the volume of its circulation in the joints of the culture of the Arab recipient. As a result, the researcher collected scientific materials to serve the subject of the research in four chapters: Chapter One (General Methodological Framework) To clarify the problem of the research, the importance of the research to achieve benefit in higher education and education for scholars and teachers, while the research aims to revea

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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Features experimentation in theater Iraqi academic: يوسف هاشم عباس
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1.Chapter I (systematic framework) which includes: the research problem and the importance of the research, the need for it, the goals of the research, the temporal &spatial boundaries, determine the terms and defined procedurally.2.Chapter II - the theoretical framework: It consists of three sections are:•The first topic:- the concept of references and experimentation in the theater. •The second topic:- the director of academic and experimentation in Iraq. Two paragraphs in this section came after the introduction, in first paragraph to talk about the Iraqi theater academic and experimentation, and in the second paragraph the researcher spoke about the academic director of the Iraqi and experimentation. 3.Chapter III - Actions -

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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Alienation in Contemporary Sculpture between the Works of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg (A Comparative Study)
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  • The subject of this research is the study of the formal alienation of contemporary English sculpture, by comparing the most important sculptors of the new contemporary generation. This research problem is to look for the important factors in the formation of the contemporary sculptural structure of the exotic, and what is the mechanism of formation and output of these forms. The research seeks to explore (Alienation in contemporary sculpture between the works of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg) in a comparative study. The importance of the research is to identify the concept of alien forms in contemporary British sculpture, especially in the cases of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg that this research is considered a know

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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The design of the scene according to the interactive theory in the Iraqi theater show: دريد هاشم شكور
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The theater has live foundations that interact with all symbols and signs. It has never been far from these innovations and developments in the manner of dealing with those symbols and how and the extent of their effects on society through the world of technology because the theatrical performance contributes to its structure, a technique that is employed by designers in various technologies such as ( Music, lighting and sound effects engineer, as well as fashion designer, architecture, and modeling designer). The theater today also relied on various interactive techniques represented in the use of body language and a sign in order to communicate the meaning by forming movements, singing and dancing in order for the recipient to interact

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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The art Formation and its aesthetic role in the design of digital commercial advertising: سند فؤاد محمد
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Digital commercial advertising depends on artistic formations to achieve attraction and arousal of attention, which is one of the most important communication factors that the designer seeks to achieve and is considered a key key to recognizing the beauty of the topic and its functional value. Reframe formal vocabulary.
The research included the introduction and includes the research problem and the need for it, which focused on the following question: What is the aesthetic role of artistic formation in the design of commercial advertising?
The aim of the research was: To reveal the aesthetic role of artistic formation in commercial advertising.
It also included the importance of research and research boundaries, as well as def

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
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Violence in contemporary Iraqi drawing
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The current research (violence in contemporary Iraqi drawing) study the nature of the manifestations of violence, Kdoual effective in technical text and give these functions of the images have multiple connotations psychological symbolism, and has read the text in the light of the impact of the Iraqi social reality after the recent occupation of events and to study the impact of this stage on Iraqi contemporary painting, and this research consists of three chapters included the first chapter defines the research problem, which is illustrated through the following questions which are real problems require study and research .

Is constitute an objective treatment of the Academy of artistic representations of a phenomenon in the for

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