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Cultural harmony and its in contemporary Mexican painting: حمدية كاظم روضان المعموري
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  We live in a world where cultures and visions overlap .. Therefore, every society seeks to create a harmonization that is in line with the data of those special cultures and reproduces those cultures and defines their paths. There are cultures based on historical action and experience and others that work on historical displacement, and art is one of the most important means of transmitting cultures and establishing their aesthetic harmony. This research is concerned with studying (cultural patterns and their representations in contemporary Mexican painting) and it falls into four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to explaining the research problem, its importance, the need for it, the goal of the research, and identifying the most important terms contained in it. The research problem crystallized around the monitoring of cultural patterns and their representations carried on Mexican painting, and what it bears. These patterns are of the explicit and implicit meanings and connotations of Mexican history and culture, within the space of contemporary art. Hence, the current research problem arose through the following question: - How are the cultural systems represented in contemporary Mexican art? The research has one goal: to know the representations of cultural patterns in Mexican art.
The second chapter included two papers on me, the first with a study of (the concept of pattern and its cultural connotations), while the second research concerned the study of (contemporary trends in Mexican art), while the third chapter concerned the research procedures (the research community, the research sample, its methodology, and the analysis of the research sample samples). The research ended with the fourth chapter, which included the results of the research, its conclusions, the research sources, appendices and the research summary in English.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Corrosion Study of the Injection Equipments in Water in Al-Ahdeb Wells ‐Iraq
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Water injection equipments such as pipelines, which are used in the second recovery of oil in the Al-Ahdeb wells, suffer from the corrosion in water during maintaining vacuum deoxygenated tower that used to decrease concentration of the dissolved oxygen gas in the water from 6.2-9.1 ppm to o.5 ppm. This study involved calculation the corrosion rates of the internal surfaces of the pipelines either during operation of the vacuum unit or when the tower out of operation.  Finally, find the solution by one of the following suggestions. In the first suggestion removal of the dissolved O2 from water is achieved by increasing the dosage of the oxygen scavenger (sodium sulphite). The second suggestion involves re

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 07 2020
Journal Name
Water Environment Research
Assessment of microbial contamination levels of water in hemodialysis centers in Baghdad, Iraq
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Abstract<sec><label></label><p>Monitoring water quality in hemodialysis systems is extremely important to maintain adequate quality services for patients suffering from kidney failure. This work aims to examine and evaluate bacteriological characteristics and endotoxin contamination levels in hemodialysis water produced in dialysis centers. Forty‐eight water samples were collected and analyzed from four major hospitals in Baghdad for one year to evaluate seasonal effects. The analysis included the determination of total heterotrophic bacteria using the pour plate method, identification of bacterial isolate using the Vitek2 compact instrument, and the determination of endotoxins levels using Limulus ameboc</p></sec> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 11 2018
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Treatment satisfaction with disease-modifying therapy in relapsing-remit-tingmultiple sclerosis in Iraq
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Multiplesclerosis(MS)isachronic,inflammatory,immune-mediateddiseaseof the central nervous system (CNS). More than 2 million people worldwidehave MS. The goal of the present study was to compare Iraqi patients' treat-ment satisfaction with three different disease-modifying therapies (DMTs),administeredorally,subcutaneously,andbyslowinfusion;namely,fin-golimod, interferon beta-1b (IFNβ-1b), and natalizumab, respectively. Aswell as to assess the individual differences among these therapies about theireffectiveness, convenience and global satisfaction also to assess the role ofcertain predictors on treatment satisfaction. Patient satisfaction with medi-cation assessed by the Treatment Satisfaction Questi

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 11 2019
Journal Name
Open Access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences
Immunohistochemical Expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Astrocytic Tumors in Iraqi Patients
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BACKGROUND: Diffuse astrocytomas constitute the largest group of primary malignant human intracranial tumours. They are classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) into three histological malignancy grades: diffuse astrocytomas (grade II), anaplastic astrocytomas (grade III) and glioblastoma (grade IV) based on histopathological features such as cellular atypia, mitotic activity, necrosis and microvascular proliferation. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a 170-kDa transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor expressed in a variety of normal and malignant cells regulating critical cellular processes. When activated, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) triggers several signalling cascades leading to increased proliferatio

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 20 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Poultry Sciences Journal
A precision use of thermostat in livestock monitoring system in a poultry house
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Nowadays, many new technologies developed in a lot of countries. These technologies are promising in many areas such as environmental monitoring, precision agriculture as well as in animal production. The purpose of this study was to define a better understanding of how new and advanced technologies affect the agriculture and livestock sector alike. Although agriculture and animal husbandry are among the most important sectors, advanced equipment and information technology cannot be used adequately. This situation leads to low production efficiency. It is also known that there can be a significant difference in temperature between the position of the climate control sensor (room temperature) and the area occupied by the animal. This study e

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch
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The present study was designed to shed light on the molecular effects caused by acute myeloid leukemia (AML). It was also aimed to investigate ASXL1 point mutations in newly AML patients as compared to healthy control. The study comprised of 43 AML Iraqi patients and their ages ranged between 16-75 years. It included 23 females and 20 males compared with 20 healthy controls. Results revealed that the extracted DNA from 30 AML patients and amplified by PCR to obtain ASXL1 gene from exon 12 showed larger bands (479). Among forty three patients, two of them displayed point mutations of deletion and substitution, while the others were normal since no mutations were detected. The total of mutations in two mutated patients was 27 mutations, the m

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Histological study of liver in guinea pig Cavia porcellus ( Linnaeus , 1758) in Iraq.
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The liver is one of the most prominent glands in the digestive system. It crosses vital organs with multiple functions, including the secretion of enzymes, digestion of fats, and secretion of bile. Through histological studies and those interested in them, the tissue structure of the liver is of interest to researchers, and the four samples of Guinea pig Cavia porcellus were taken in this study to know the histological structure and compare it with rodents in particular. and other animals in general. The results of the liver parenchyma were comparable to those of the studied mammals in periods of hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, and sinusoids surrounding the central vein, blood supply, and bile ducts. He did not record differences, eve

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management
Challenges in the implementation of bioremediation processes in petroleum-contaminated soils: A review
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Environmental pollution is regarded as a major problem, and traditional strategies such as chemical or physical remediation are not sufficient to overcome the problems of pollution. Petroleum-contaminated soil results in ecological problems, representing a danger to human health. Bioremediation has received remarkable attention, and it is a procedure that uses a biological agent to remove toxic waste from contaminated soil. This approach is easy to handle, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly; its results are highly satisfactory. Bioremediation is a biodegradation process in which the organic contaminants are completely mineralized to inorganic compounds, carbon dioxide, and water. This review discusses the bioremediation of petroleum-

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Enterpathogen Associated With Diarrheal Cases in Children Aged ( >1-15) Years in Baghdad
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The goal of this study is to determine interior pathogen that causes Diarrhea state to chidren between (1-15) years old, theirs patient from (learn hospital of alemamen alkadoman) in the city of Baghdad from 25/4/2014 to 1/10/2014 period of time, the study represents 103 sample of stool, the result represents that highest ration of infected by 48.545%, Rotavirus 39.80%, mix infected(parasite + Rotavirus) 8.73%, with record of lowest infection ration 2.91%, found during the study that the age group 1-5 years showed the highest percentage of injury Rotavirus by also reached 60.98% case common injury (Rotavirus and parasitic) where this age group, the highest recorded percentage of injuring 66.67%, As for parasitic infected which represente

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad College Of Economic Sciences University Journal (bcesuj)
The effect of international auditing standards in limiting financial violations in government service
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The aim of the research is to show the importance of international auditing standards and the effect of this in reducing the incidence of financial irregularities in government service units and how to address them. The research adopted the descriptive, analytical and inductive approaches. In the analytical approach, a questionnaire model was designed and distributed to internal auditors in some of the subordinate government units. For the Ministry of Health, appropriate statistical methods were used that showed the extent of the general understanding of the internal auditor’s relationship with international standards and the impact of this on preserving public money and the role of the internal auditor in detecting financial irregulariti

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