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The Utilization of Arabic Calligraphy to Inspire Modern Arabic Type Designs: ربا حسن أبو حسنة
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Arabic calligraphy is one of the greatest achievements of Islamic art. The visual form of Arabic calligraphy is the primary means of presenting ideas and messages for expressive communication in Arabic typefaces. Emerging computer technology with calligraphy is essential for effective visual designs; however, traditional typefaces are insufficient in number and quality to fulfill the requirements of the current Saudi industry. Thus, this research investigates the processes followed by graphic designers to create modern Arabic type designs inspired by Arabic calligraphy, and presents the characteristics of Arabic calligraphy. The research implemented a mixed experimental and descriptive method, exploring 10 typefaces designed by professional graphic designers; 1) Hudhud font; 2) Thuraya font; 3) Greta Arabic font; 4) Fedra Arabic font; 5) Mishmish font; 6) Muzakhraf font; 7) Arabic@Cooper; 8) Arabic Handwritten; 9) Jude font; 10) Arabic Didot. The font analysis includes the criteria: 1) details about the designer; 2) the font inspiration; 3) the font style; and 4) uses. As a result, the research presents a set of guidelines for the designers to develop modern Arabic type designs inspired by Arabic calligraphy.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Ultrasound of the Rotator Cuff: A Comparison of Ultrasonographic and Physical Examination Finding in SeventyCases
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Background : Shoulder pain is a common problem that can pose difficult diagnostic and therapeutic challenges for the family physician It is the third most common musculoskeletal complaint in the general population, and account for 5% of all general practitioners musculoskeletal consults Objective: To determine the diagnostic performance of ultrasonography compared with the physical examination for detection of rotator cuff tears in painful shoulder syndrome. Method: Prospective study was done on seventy patients (48 male, 22 female), age ranged between 30-70 years (mean age 50 years), From February 2007 to July 2011, were subjected to comparative study in Al-Kindy teaching hospital with rotator cuff tears, including physical and ultrasonogr

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Current Research In Microbiology And Biotechnology
Cytogenetic Analysis for the Effect of Alcoholic and Water Extracts of Iraqi Propolis in Mice
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This study was conducted to study the cytogenetic effect of both alcoholic and water extracts of propolis on mice. Three different samples of propolis were collected from three different regions of Iraq (Najaf, Arbil and Baghdad) to be used in this study. The cytotoxic effect of two different doses of each extracted sample was measured by employing cytogenetic analysis which included (mitotic index (MI), chromosomal aberrations (CAs), micronucleus index (MN) and sperm abnormalities). Results showed that significant increase in MI and significant reduction in MN, CAs and sperm abnormalities percentage were seen after treatment with both alcoholic and water extract of the three samples when compared with negative control, and alcoholic extrac

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 14 2015
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham J. For Pure & Appl. Sci.
Effect of Annealing Temperature and Thickness on the Structural and Optical Properties of CdSeThin Films
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CdSe alloy has been prepared successfully from its high purity elements. Thin films of this alloy with different thicknesses (300,700)nm have been grown on glass substrates at room temperature under very low pressure (10-5)Torr with rate of deposition (1.7)nm/sec by thermal evaporation technique, after that these thin films have been heat treated under low pressure (10-2)Torr at (473,673)K for one hour. X-ray patterns showed that both CdSe alloy and thin films are polycrystalline and have the hexagonal structure with preferential orientation in the [100] and [002] direction respectively. The optical measurements indicated that CdSe thin films have allowed direct optical energy band gap, and it increases from (1.77- 1.84) eV and from

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
International Medical Journal
The Effect of Adding Poloxamer Surfactant on Cleaning Efficiency of NaOCl and NaOH (SEM Study)
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Objectives: The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the effect of adding a poloxamer surfactant to the irrigant solutions on its cleaning efficiency. Design: In this study the roots of extracted permanent premolar teeth were used and evaluated by using Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). Materials and Method: 72 human single tooth of permanent premolar (8 for each group) were used in this in vitro study. Roots after sectioning at cervical area to get 15 mm were embedded in a plastic container filled with impression silicon, then instrumented with ProTaper rotary instruments till size F4. Each group (8 root) were irrigated with one of the nine solutions used in study: three concentrations of NaOH [5% (A1), 2.5%(A2), 0.5%(A3)], th

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 11 2021
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch
Diagnostic study of candidiasis in the mouth, urine and vagina of diabetic and healthy people
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A study that collected 240 samples and divided into two groups: the first 120 samples were for diabetics and the second 120 samples were for healthy people, and each group included (90, 20.10) samples from the mouth, urine and vagina respectively, The results showed positive (28.67, 4.00, 1.67) isolates of Candida. In the mouth, urine and vagina, respectively, of diabetic patients compared to (9.33, 2.33, 5.00) positive isolates in the mouth, urine and vagina, respectively, in the healthy. The rate of positive isolates in women was high in women with diabetes and healthy, and it reached 25.33 and 9.00 isolates, respectively, compared with the rate of isolates in men with Candida disease for diabetic patients and healthy people 14.67 and 2.0

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Surface epidermis of leaf and indumentum for five species of the genus Galium in Iraq
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The current investigation included study of leaf surface epidermis beside indumentum for the species Galium aparine L., G. ceratopodum Boiss, G. setaceum Lam., G. spurium L., and G. tricornatum Dandy, the study showed that paracytic type of stomatal complex is the only type occur in leaf. The indumentum compose of eglandular hairs vary in their apices, length and occurrence of different part of plant body

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Synthesis, Characterization and Study of The Liquid Crystalline Behavior of Four and Six Heterocyclic Compounds
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The new compounds synthesized by sequence reactions starting from a reaction of 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde with 1,5-dibromo pentane to produce dialdehyde)I( .Then compound )I( reacted with different aromatic amines to give schiff bases )IIIV(,thereafter added acetyl chloride to schiff bases to yield N-acyl derivatives)VVII(.While1,3-diazetine derivatives)VIII-X( were synthesized from the reaction of N-acyl derivatives with sodium azide.The reaction of thiourea with N-acyl compounds led to formation of thiourea derivatives (XI-XIII).Finally, the pyrimidine compounds )XIV-XVI( were synthesized by ring closure reaction of compounds(XIXIII) with diethyl malonate.The synthesized compounds were characterized by measurements of melting points,FTIR,1H-N

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Effect of Functionalized Graphene Oxide (FGO) on the Electrical and Dielectrical Properties of PVA Films
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In the present work, nanocomposite of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) incorporated with functionalized graphene oxide (FGO) were fabricated using casting method. PVA was dispersed by varying content of FGO (0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1 wt %). The PVA- FGO nanocomposite was characterized by FT‐IR, FE-SEM and XRD. Frequency dependence of real permittivity (ε’), imaginary (ε’’) and a.c conductivity of PVA/FGO and PVA/GO nanocomposite were studied in the frequency range 100 Hz- 1 MHz. The experimental results showed that the values of real (ε’) and imaginary permittivity (ε’’) increased dramatically by increasing the FGO content in PVA matrix. PVA/ FGO (1 wt %) nanocomposite revealed higher electrical conductivity of 6.4×10-4 Sm-1 compared to

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2015
Journal Name
Witchcraft and Women’s Spaces; A cultural Materialism Study of John Updike’s The Witches of Eastwick
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Witch stories are part of American popular culture, and this culture is extremely influenced by a continuing reliance on its past. The modern obsession of Americans with witches, whether real or metaphorical, is related to politics especially when it came to issues of gender politics. This article exposes a modern image of the female character seen from a male author point of view. John Updike, influenced by the changes that happened to women within second wave of feminism, attempted to write The Witches of Eastwick (1984). Actually, he presented women who did have a sort of careers. His witches are professional active and dynamic. What do witches stand for in American Culture? Why did Updike choose to write

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine And Toxicology,
Effect of algal extracts on the growth of tow bacterial types isloated from pollutants discharge
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Effect of Chlorococcum humicola alcoholic algae extract was studied on the growth of, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumonia, which were isolated from contaminated water. The extract of Ch. humicola showed a high efficiency in reducing the numbers of the two types of bacteria. . The removal rate of K. pneumonia were 0.0, 48.4 and 57.0, The removal rate of P. aeruginosa were 63.1, 79.8 and 82.9% after24,48, 72 h respectively. The results improved that the K. pneumonia is more sensitive than P. aeruginosa for algae extract concentrations used in study ,and the beast effective time is 24h for the two bacterial species The aim of the study was to eliminate microorganisms using the Alcoholic algae extract. Especially P. aeruginosa and

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