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Semantic Operation of Place in the Legendary Movie: حيدر وسم صالح
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Place is considered one of the important artistic elements in the movie through which the events occur in different arts and literatures and with its absence there isn’t any that can initiate events. Place is important for the things that we recognize, and the first fact in cinema is the place which can't be dispensed with on the level of the film or scene or cinematic shot that can't be emptied from its spatial content. The characters are always there in a place occupying some space of it, despite that it is not merely a container for the event cinematically. The researcher views the importance of discovering and observing them in this research which is divided into four chapters as follows: (theoretical framework) which includes the research problem which is crystallized in the following cognitive question: (what are the semantic operations of place in the legendary movie?) Then the research objective in discovering the semantic operation of place in the legendary movie. It is temporally determined by (2010) and spatially by the legendary movie in the American cinema, in addition to the procedural definitions for the research terms. As for (the theoretical framework), it has been divided into two sections. The first is titled (place indications in the cinema movie), and the second titled (legend and cinema), reaching to the most important indications of the theoretical framework. As for (the research procedures) which addressed (the research methodology, community, tool, analysis unit and the sample in addition to the results and conclusions), it has been dedicated to discuss the results of the study sample and reach at the most important conclusions. The research ended the research with the list of sources

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
Journal Name
Semantic displacement of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in contemporary painting: عبد الحمزة عبد الأمير الكلابي، حيدر عبد الأمير رشيد الخزعلي
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The search consists of four chapters, which are as follows: -First Chapter,The research shows the problem and the importance and its need, its aim and limits are to identify the terms of it consist. The problem of the research has been identified by answering the following question:How to representthe significant displacement of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in contemporary drawing? ,The aim of the research also has been discussed around what it represents: The significant displacement of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in contemporary drawingshows. As for the research limits .the portress which are taken from a variety of sources, and the period of time of the year (1945-2008).fearst chapter;The theoretical framework and previous stud

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
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Functionalizing Location's Indications and Aesthetic Elements in Novel Film"(Pianist Film as an example): منير طه سلمان
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Cinema artist work has not been achieved without location indications ; places are of cultured indications and its effect on behaviors and trends. Location is an important element as to convey meanings via its interaction with the personality about which it has been written may studies. Despite location occupies huge spaces within social and philosophical Drama branches , but it has a strong connection with the art world since it reflects reality of global theories in different fields. Audio and visual speech in Cinema have connected with the environmental effectiveness resulted from location which the sensual understanding interacts with in a way that suits Movie. Location consists of mixing elements of Movie and it in return interacts

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
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The psychology of nightmares (horror) in the cinematic movie
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Psychology is one of the sciences that consciously overlap in terms of mutual influence with art forms in general and cinematic arts in particular. The psychological effect can be extrapolated into the visual image through the characters and their actions, especially the adoption of psychoanalytic ideas and proposals that came by (Freud), The cinema benefited from the concepts of psychology and participated in the process of creativity and the manufacture of events or the actions of characters, such as the concepts of consciousness and subconsciousness to express the psychological dimension of the film events, these data can be counted on the level of nightmares in the cinematic movies.
The methodological framework included the rese

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
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The location element indispensable in the film, it is the container that meets the all the elements of the artwork, and place in the cinema topic or space as the existence of a material perceptible senses, is one of the key elements in the drama because he is one of the conditions to achieve supply drama which, with the nature of the vehicle because it is linked to reality the real and the reality of mental imagined, and returns the importance of the place mentally to change the pattern in the building's traditional place in the world of the film, is that the space under the facts of the events imagined or mental and determined by the processors directorial, and where mental in the movies but found himself a world with a pace sometimes s

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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Mural Photography Techniques: منى حيدر علي
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The study aimed to study the role of technology in the production of the mural photography, and to develop its concept to the viewer, through the achievement of the aesthetic and functional vision. Through this study, some types of these techniques, which are organically related to architecture, were identified.

The mural photography includes a huge amount of techniques, and methods, and the researcher presented them through five techniques: (AlTamira, Alfresk, acrylic, mosaic, and glass art, which takes the architectural character.

The research consists of:

Methodological framework: research problem, research objectives, research limits, importance of research, and definition of terms.

Theoretical framewo

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Automatic operation of the optical system in the theatrical show
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Theatrical techniques took upon themselves the responsibility of building and organizing the theatrical form for the various forms of performances, and it was the important tool that the show makers could rely on in carrying out the various works at the audio-visual level, and lighting is one of the most important elements of the visual formation of the image in the show, as it is related to the visual process and what it can achieve in operations The contrast that constitutes the aesthetic and intellectual values of the theatrical show, especially since the process of adjusting the element of time and the timings for receiving or delivering, moving, and the movement of the actor is what can determine the rhythm of the scene, which in it

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Door of operation    (Trying to steer)
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The method of work is not a method made by grammarians. We have found more than guidance from the ancients and contemporaries; That to the corruption of meaning; or to apparent cost Not accepted by good linguistic taste.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Pragmatic Study of Narcissism in the American Movie Big Eyes (2014)
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Narcissism is a complicated phenomenon that can be reflected in the narcissist’s language. Investigating narcissism in terms of linguistics, and pragmatics in particular, does not seem to have been given its due attention, as this study reveals. Thus, this study is an endeavor to discover how narcissism is reflected in the American movie Big Eyes (2014). It is known for introducing narcissistic behaviors. This paper aims to identify the types, motivations, and pragmatic manifestations of narcissism in the selected movie. Three pragmatic theories are chosen to scrutinize narcissism in the data: Searle’s speech acts (1969), Grice’s maxims breaching (1975), and Culppeper’s impoliteness (1996). To cope with the nature of the

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
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semantic expressive makeup in the film Orwellian
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    Enjoy cinema privileged position , they have the ability to influence and the impact of including environs of prior art , and what distinguishes them , possessing motion picture , especially since the film possesses through its means technical ( camera , lighting, sound, editing , costume, scenery and makeup ) that work together in harmony and harmony to create enchanting fantasy world does not exist only in the imagination of corrupt officials . Out of imagination found that the art of make-up one of the means that enable it to create characters imagined located between simulate realistic characters (such manifestations of blood , cut leg, wounds , burns , etc. ..) and the figures are unrealistic , particularly in the

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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Metaphoric assimilation of the place and its total functioning in scenario: إيهاب ياسين طه
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Abstract: The study of the place is hardly a concern for most researchers in the art generally. It is hardly devoid of any movie of some configuration elements that are essential to him about and place one of them, and we find an echo location consists ago to begin screenwriter put Sightseeing begins features emerge there will be functioning simple scenario what would soon receive a growing Cummings final picture film. Metaphoric place begins to emerge in the form of linguistic scenario is soon to be translated in another language, the language of the image. Which in turn complement the creative process of this art and have a significant impact in terms of content and curriculum and installation in and it even to seek the true meaning fu

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