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semantic expressive makeup in the film Orwellian
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    Enjoy cinema privileged position , they have the ability to influence and the impact of including environs of prior art , and what distinguishes them , possessing motion picture , especially since the film possesses through its means technical ( camera , lighting, sound, editing , costume, scenery and makeup ) that work together in harmony and harmony to create enchanting fantasy world does not exist only in the imagination of corrupt officials . Out of imagination found that the art of make-up one of the means that enable it to create characters imagined located between simulate realistic characters (such manifestations of blood , cut leg, wounds , burns , etc. ..) and the figures are unrealistic , particularly in the creation of characters oddly shaped unfamiliar may be beautiful or ugly or scary , and so by employing tools and materials (such as powders , and plastics and pigments, and colors , and gum alcoholic or plastic ) to transform the features of Representative in whole or in part to the features may be animal or teratogenic or Nothingness her resemblance to the ground. The make-up is the work of the two leads , namely: Beauty cosmetic any personal or Taqbihaa , and other graphical zoom through personal profiles or minimized , while the bulk of the expressive side , is to create oddly shaped figures unfamiliar in virtual reality.

   I've included four chapters search included the first chapter , which explained the methodological framework of the research problem by asking the following:   ( Can make-up that creates exotic figures in virtual reality).

The second chapter dealt with the theoretical framework comprised three sections

The first topic I talked about : the concept of exoticism

The second topic was : make-up in the cinema.

The third topic was : ( make-up building in the form of personal exoticism)

The third chapter meant actions taken to search across indicators theoretical framework tool for the analysis of the film ( a Caribbean pirate).

The fourth chapter included the results and the most important:-

  1. The use of make-up in the film Orwellian work to achieve the desired result through a change in the form of personal familiar to the unfamiliar figure in virtual reality

   -:The most important

2.The work of make-up to create a personal form of absurdly helped create suspense and surprise element in the film , and achieved success in the broad public demand it to pursue these kinds of movies

In the end, research came the summary in English.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Expressive connotations in Saad Al-Basri's sculptures: سناء عبد الامير حسين القيسي
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  This research deals with an aesthetic discourse that depends on the expressive connotations and the aesthetics of its formation in sculpture, The sculptural works of the artist Saad Al-Basri were chosen as a model, Therefore, it deals with a contemporary plastic topic that benefits art education students and plastic arts students, The method of using materials and their formation methods has evolved and the great change that took place in the taste has developed, As the more knowledge and viewing of artworks increases in research and studies, it leads to an increase in aesthetic taste and aesthetic sense, which is reflected in the artistic achievements of students in the implementation of their work, A field study was conducted to

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
Ideology and Film : a study in the expressive requirement: عمار هادي العرادي
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Film and literature exchanges it’s influences since the early beginning of the motion pictures appearance .it was a phenomenon in other genres such as theatre ,short stories and novels .the film used out of this interaction with literature the content , themes and subjects whish were more attached to the society. based on that , the film gains it’s successes and wide spread of influences on it’s audiences who became more familiar with the motion picture style.Astrok , the French film critic wrote about “Camera the pain “ and called it as the a way of writing in the future .he was talking about the future’s role of the film .It is the importance of the film in the creation and documenting the life and its various fields.Becaus

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Employing the Psychological Dimension of Sound in the Cinematic Film: أنور عبد شاطي
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         This research deals with the audio part of the cinematic film, which is the sound and its elements inside the space of the cinema picture. It also deals with the psychological side of the sound and the effects made by the sound on the audience through the carefully studied use of the film maker in employing the sound and the picture. For the importance of this element, most of the directors were aware of the seriousness that sound causes to the cinematography, and consequently working as a whole such as the  indications, meanings, symbols, metaphors ,transitions…etc. The research included the methodological framework which consists of the research problem, in which the researcher ma

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
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The psychology of nightmares (horror) in the cinematic movie
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Psychology is one of the sciences that consciously overlap in terms of mutual influence with art forms in general and cinematic arts in particular. The psychological effect can be extrapolated into the visual image through the characters and their actions, especially the adoption of psychoanalytic ideas and proposals that came by (Freud), The cinema benefited from the concepts of psychology and participated in the process of creativity and the manufacture of events or the actions of characters, such as the concepts of consciousness and subconsciousness to express the psychological dimension of the film events, these data can be counted on the level of nightmares in the cinematic movies.
The methodological framework included the rese

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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The optical text in the cinema film Between the presence and absence Play for free mark: حسام الدين محمد عبد المنعم
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The light-based life in the universe, including the human derived concepts and meanings of the fear of darkness and evil, comfort and goodness of light, became constitute bilateral haunted man to this day in various concepts of life.Therefore reflect the light form artistic aesthetic in visual arts such arts Fine Photography and the other until the emergence of art cinema, as the use of lighting in cinema has produced high-energy in the composition of its values expressive and symbolic, where it became dark and light are the space visually moving the vehicles media kit for many within the work structure artwork. The research is divided into five chapters, the first chapter (the methodological framework) that included an introduction the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
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The Suggestive Semantic of Paratexte in printed screenplay
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Recent studies have tended to look at Mottagorat texts for seeking more of the information provided by the book for the reader, has been known by several terms Mottagorat texts, including thresholds, including the margins of the text and the parallel texts, and came this difference, according to researchers who ate the subject of research and investigation. Thus, the researchers assert that all these texts must be subjected to provide information even if propaganda of the text. Hence arose the importance of these texts in Informatics scientific material being wrapped body of the text as well as being propaganda material to evoke the recipient to read, and then to the importance of this topic, the search came on five chapters, the first c

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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Building aesthetic and expressive long shot in the film contemporary novelist
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The research deals with an important detail of the joints of the film industry and television drama, which is the expression and aesthetic of the long shot, after being popularized by some directors, and that the long shot has been employed since the beginning of the cinema. But the research addresses the contemporary film and how the long shot worked. The researcher identified her goal in identifying the aesthetic and expressive of the long shot in the contemporary film, and then defined the term of the shot and the long shot.
The theoretical framework was based on two topics: the first (aesthetic and artistic expression in cinema) and the second (the long shot and the state of its construction). The researcher then chose LA LA LAND

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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Women and Ideology in the Feature Film: بان جبار خلف
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The topic of research (women and ideology in the feature film) is a series of researches addressed by the researcher on the subject of women in the feature film through studying the ideology as a thought and political system not only limited to the world of men, but women had a significant contribution in this area.  The research identified the problem and its need as well as the objectives of the research and clarified its limits and importance. The research also identified the theoretical framework, which included the following axes: personality and ideology, film and ideology, then women and ideology in the film.

After the completion of the theoretical framework, the research concluded a set of indicators of the theoretic

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
Journal Name
Dramatic function of temporal variables in the feature film
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Time and space are indispensable basics in cinematic art. They contain the characters, their actions and the nature of events, as well as their expressive abilities to express many ideas and information. However, the process of collecting space and time in one term is space-time, and it is one of Einstein’s theoretical propositions, who sees that Time is an added dimension within the place, so the study here differs from the previous one, and this is what the researcher determined in the topic of his research, which was titled (The Dramatic Function of Space-Time Variables in the Narrative Film), Which included the following: The research problem, which crystallized in the following question: What is the dramatic function of the tempor

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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Artistic processing of Emotional Scenes in the Narrative Film
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This research entitled: "Artistic processing of Emotional Scenes in the Narrative Film" deals with how to process and embody those emotional scenes. As there are certain filmic elements that play an effective role in deepening the viewer's sense of the importance of those scenes, and that their presence in the film is necessary and inevitable, and cannot be dispensed because it forms an interconnected connection with the rest of the film's scenes, in addition to its dramatic and aesthetic value in the film in crystallizing the viewer's feelings and integrating him/her into the scene.
The research was divided into four chapters, the first chapter includes: the methodological framework, which represented the research problem, and brin

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