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The aesthetic Dimension of Lighting in the Academic Theatrical Show: اسيل ليث احمد-ثامر شوكت عبد الستار
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     The theatrical show depends in its formation on the technical system and the   elements that it has for the theatrical show, and among these techniques is the lighting, where every director looked for a style and method of implementing them and giving aesthetic functions and characteristics that give the theatrical show an aesthetic and interpretive dimension, and that is through   multiple expressions and connotations of the lighting in giving the show a functional and aesthetic character. Therefore, light has been shed on the lighting and its action in the theatrical show, due to its significant role in the modern theatrical shows. The current research, thus, has been divided into four chapters.     The first chapter included the research problem which is presented in the form of the following question (identifying the aesthetic dimension of lighting in the academic theatrical shows). The first chapter included a presentation of the importance of the research, which is to benefit everyone who works in lighting specialty, and the study objective which concerns (revealing the aesthetic dimension of the lighting in the academic theatrical shows). As for the research limits, they are defined temporally by the period 2018, and spatially in Baghdad (Jassim Al-Aboudi Theatre). Then the terms mentioned in the research have been specified.  The second chapter consists of two sections, the first section is a historical study of the lighting. The second section is a study of the academic theatre. The chapter concluded with the most important indicators of the theoretical framework as follows: 1-             The lighting is considered a means that helps in defining shapes and create the aesthetic and expressive dimension for spectator's eyes. 2-             The Iraqi theatre presented a group of thoughtful educational shows in the academic institutions. The third chapter included the research procedures, and sample represented by the play (C'est la vie Shakespeare) directed by (dr. Rasel Kadhim). As for the fourth chapter, it included the most important results of the research including:1-             Through his design, the designer achieved harmony between the lighting and the technical elements of the show. 2-             The lighting designer resorted to employing special lighting devices that help give an artistic and aesthetic dimension for the theatrical show. The research ended with a list of resources and references in addition to an abstract in English.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Exploring the Integration of Environmental Identity within EFL Teacher's Identity
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Nowadays, the ideas of integrating the concepts of the environment and saving it are being famous. These ideas are widely seen in many fields of study, and language education is one of them. Thus, the identity of English Language teachers (ELT) is a step toward transferring this concept in EFL materials in ELT departments. The EFL teacher's identity takes different meanings. Sometimes, it only means the teacher who teaches the English language, and other times, it means, the cultural and social aspects that the teacher and students interact during the study course. These cultural and social aspects represent the environment in teacher’s identity. This study aims to explore the environmental identity within EFL teacher identity. The sam

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Incidence Of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injury During Thyroid Surgery
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Background: Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury is
an important post-thyroidectomy complication for
which different modalities of treatment were
practiced to lower its incidence.
Objectives: To estimate the incidence of
recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in thyroid surgeries
in relation to type of surgery, type of gland diseases
& nerve identification.
Methods: Different types of goiters prepared
preoperatively by indirect laryngoscopy, operated
upon with different types of surgeries, postoperative
direct laryngoscopy by the anaesthetist were done
and indirect laryngoscopy done as needed.
Results: Of of 200 patients, the overall incidence
of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury was 9
Patients (4.5%

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Density distributions and form factors of the exotic 8B nucleus
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Results of charge, neutron and matter densities and related form factors for one- proton halo nucleus 8B are presented using a two- frequency shell model approach. We choose a model space for the core of 7Be different from that of the extra one valence proton. One configuration is assumed for the outer proton to be in 1p1/2 - shell. The results of the matter density distributions are compared with those fitted to the experimental data. The calculated proton and matter density distributions of this exotic nucleus exhibit a long tail behavior, which is considered as a distinctive feature of halo nuclei. Elastic electron scattering form factors of this exotic nucleus are also studied. The effects of

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Hydration Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamic (Stokes) Radius of the Lanthanide Ions
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Many biochemical and physiological properties depend on the size of ions and the thermodynamic quantities of ion hydration. The diffusion coefficient (D) of lanthanide (III) ions (Ln+3) in solution assumed (1.558-1.618 ×10−9 m2 s−1) by Einstein–Smoluchowski relation. The association constant (KA) of Ln+3 ions was calculated (210.3-215.3 dm3 mole-1) using the Shedlovsky method, and the hydrodynamic radius calculated (1.515-1.569 ×10−10 m) by the Stokes-Einstein equation. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔGo, ΔSo) also calculated by used suitable relations, while ΔHo, values are obtained from the lit

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree of Practicing Citizenship Values by Bisha University Students
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The study aims to identify the degree of citizenship values practiced by Bisha University students and identify the impact of gender, college, and academic level, on the degree of the practice of University students for citizenship values. The researcher used the descriptive-analytical method including a questionnaire of (44) items. To process the data, the researcher applied the computational averages, standard deviations, percentages, and T-test. The questionnaire was implemented on a sample of (600) of the 2 and 8 levels during the second semester of the academic year (2020-2019) at Bisha University. The study findings revealed that the degree of the pra

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Studying the Performance of Refrigeration Units Powered by Solar Panel
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An experimental study was conducted to determine the performance of a solar electric refrigeration system. The system contained flat photovoltaic solar panel which absorbs the solar energy and convert it to electrical energy, used to run the refrigeration cycle. Two refrigeration cycles with electrical solar panel were used over a period of 12 months, the first one with classical parts known in refrigeration cycle, while the second one introduced heat exchanger which improves the coefficient of performance by saving the consumed energy. The coefficient of performance of these refrigeration cycles with compressor efficiency 85% are 2.102 and 2.57 respectively. The overall efficiency of the two systems are 18.9% and 23.13%.

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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of Ice Melting Using the Finite Volume Method
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The Aim of this paper is to investigate numerically the simulation of ice melting in one and two dimension using the cell-centered finite volume method. The mathematical model is based on the heat conduction equation associated with a fixed grid, latent heat source approach. The fully implicit time scheme is selected to represent the time discretization. The ice conductivity is chosen
to be the value of the approximated conductivity at the interface between adjacent ice and water control volumes. The predicted temperature distribution, percentage melt fraction, interface location and its velocity is compared with those obtained from the exact analytical solution. A good agreement is obtained when comparing the numerical results of one

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Border disputes between the countries of Latin America (1825 – 1884)
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The common history of Latin America countries may contribute significantly to determine the initial beginnings of these States since the current borders are a reflection and drawing of the borders of Antarctica according to the divisions determined by the behavior of the Portuguese and Spanish colonialism as well as what the Pope originally called for in order to divide property between Spain and Portugal. A later change took place especially after the independence in the first quarter of the 19th century for the majority of those States which is something that imposed special consideration in the analysis and description of each of these States. There are constants and variables in this case where all the States share constants, while t

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation of a Self-Balancing Platform on the Mobile Car
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In the last years, the self-balancing platform has become one of the most common candidates to use in many applications such as flight, biomedical fields, industry. This paper introduced the simulated model of a proposed self-balancing platform that described the self–balancing attitude in (X-axis, Y-axis, or both axis) under the influence of road disturbance. To simulate the self-balanced platform's performance during the tilt, an integration between Solidworks, Simscape, and Simulink toolboxes in MATLAB was used. The platform's dynamic model was drawn in SolidWorks and exported as a STEP file used in the Simscape Multibody environment. The system is controlled using the proportional-integral-deriva

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 03 2016
Journal Name
Technology Reports Of Kansai University
Some statistical results for solution type of the Inequalities system
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