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The aesthetic Dimension of Lighting in the Academic Theatrical Show: اسيل ليث احمد-ثامر شوكت عبد الستار
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     The theatrical show depends in its formation on the technical system and the   elements that it has for the theatrical show, and among these techniques is the lighting, where every director looked for a style and method of implementing them and giving aesthetic functions and characteristics that give the theatrical show an aesthetic and interpretive dimension, and that is through   multiple expressions and connotations of the lighting in giving the show a functional and aesthetic character. Therefore, light has been shed on the lighting and its action in the theatrical show, due to its significant role in the modern theatrical shows. The current research, thus, has been divided into four chapters.     The first chapter included the research problem which is presented in the form of the following question (identifying the aesthetic dimension of lighting in the academic theatrical shows). The first chapter included a presentation of the importance of the research, which is to benefit everyone who works in lighting specialty, and the study objective which concerns (revealing the aesthetic dimension of the lighting in the academic theatrical shows). As for the research limits, they are defined temporally by the period 2018, and spatially in Baghdad (Jassim Al-Aboudi Theatre). Then the terms mentioned in the research have been specified.  The second chapter consists of two sections, the first section is a historical study of the lighting. The second section is a study of the academic theatre. The chapter concluded with the most important indicators of the theoretical framework as follows: 1-             The lighting is considered a means that helps in defining shapes and create the aesthetic and expressive dimension for spectator's eyes. 2-             The Iraqi theatre presented a group of thoughtful educational shows in the academic institutions. The third chapter included the research procedures, and sample represented by the play (C'est la vie Shakespeare) directed by (dr. Rasel Kadhim). As for the fourth chapter, it included the most important results of the research including:1-             Through his design, the designer achieved harmony between the lighting and the technical elements of the show. 2-             The lighting designer resorted to employing special lighting devices that help give an artistic and aesthetic dimension for the theatrical show. The research ended with a list of resources and references in addition to an abstract in English.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
3rd International Scientific Conference Of Alkafeel University (iscku 2021)
Evaluating the role of mitochondrial DNA quantification inblastocyst transfers potential
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 10 2016
Journal Name
British Journal Of Applied Science & Technology
The Effect of Classification Methods on Facial Emotion Recognition ‎Accuracy
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The interests toward developing accurate automatic face emotion recognition methodologies are growing vastly, and it is still one of an ever growing research field in the region of computer vision, artificial intelligent and automation. However, there is a challenge to build an automated system which equals human ability to recognize facial emotion because of the lack of an effective facial feature descriptor and the difficulty of choosing proper classification method. In this paper, a geometric based feature vector has been proposed. For the classification purpose, three different types of classification methods are tested: statistical, artificial neural network (NN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). A modified K-Means clustering algorithm

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Hydrochemistry of the Dammam Unconfined Aquifer Southern Desert, West Iraq
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The type of groundwater in the studied area is slightly brackish. In general, the dominant water type is calcium-sulfate. The reasons behind these different chemical groundwater types can be referred to the active ion exchange between the groundwater of the Dammam aquifer and Rus Formation. The groundwater of the Dammam unconfined aquifer is not suitable for human drinking in all the parameters properties. The groundwater class is fair in the Qasir Al-Ukhaider area, while the Shebcha area and Al-Salman area are poor class except the eastern part of Al-Salman area is very poor.

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Tue Aug 31 2021
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Karbala International Journal Of Modern Science
Adaptive reconstruction of the heterogeneous scan line ETM+ correction technique
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Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Optimum Reservoir Performance of Nahr Umr/Ratawi Oil Field
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Reservoir study has been developed in order to get a full interesting of the Nahr Umr formation in Ratawi oil field. Oil in place has been calculated for Nahr Umr which was 2981.37 MM BBL. Several runs have been performed to get matching between measured and calculated of oil production data and well test pressure. In order to get the optimum performance of Nahr Umr many strategies have been proposed in this study where vertical and horizontal wells were involved in addition to different production rates. The reservoir was first assumed to be developed with vertical wells only using production rate of (80000–125000) STB/day. The reservoir is also proposed to produce using horizontal wells besides vertical wells with production rat

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Fri Jun 30 2017
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Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study the Performance of Nanozeolite NaA on CO2 Gas Uptake
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The adsorption isotherms and kinetic uptakes of CO2 were measured. Adsorption isotherms were measured at two temperatures 309 K and 333 K and over a pressure range of 1 to 7 bar. Experimental data of CO2 adsorption isotherms were modeled using Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin. Based on coefficient of correlation it was found that Langmuir isotherm model was well suited with the experimental data of CO2 adsorption isotherms.  In addition, Adsorption kinetic of CO2 mixture with N2 containing 10 % by volume CO2 and 90 % by volume N2 were determined in a temperature 36 °C and under the atmospheric pressure .When the flow rate was increased from

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Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Mathematical Theory And Modeling
On the stability of an SIS epidemic model involving treatment
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The objective of this paper is to study the stability of SIS epidemic model involving treatment. Two types of such eco-epidemiological models are introduced and analyzed. Boundedness of the system is established. The local and global dynamical behaviors are performed. The conditions of persistence of the models are derived.

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Tue May 01 2018
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Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Practical Study for the Properties of Hueckel Edge Detection Operator
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Sun Jul 01 2018
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Journal Of Aerosol Science
On the design of miniature parallel-plate differential mobility classifiers
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 22 2010
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Journal Of Al-nahrain University
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The influence of silver doped n-type polycrystalline CdTe film with thickness of 200 nm and rate deposition of 0.3 nm.s -1 prepared under high vacuum using thermal co-evaporation technique on its some structural and electrical properties was reported. The X- ray analysis showed that all samples are polycrystalline and have the cubic zinc blend structure with preferential orientation in the [111] direction. Films doping with impurity percentages (2, 3, and 4) %Ag lead to a significant increase in the carrier concentration, so it is found to change from 23.493 108 cm -3 to 59.297 108 cm -3 for pure and doped CdTe thin films with 4%Ag respectively. But films doping with impurity percentages above lead to a significant decrease in the electrica

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