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Transformations of Actor's Performance between the Body and Mask Dualism in Iraqi Child's Theatre Shows: حازم عوده صيوان
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The Child's theatre was and still is the most investing art for masks of all kinds (partial and total) for suspense, aesthetic and artistic purposes that meet the requirements of those performances. Here the actor's performance is associated with two tools, i.e. the body and the mask, where it has become a must to search for the performance transformations required in order to achieve the highest level of the right performance through this dualism. This urged the researcher to address this problem. Thus, the researcher has put forward an objective to identify the transformations of the character's performance between the body and the mask in the child's theatre shows. The research consists of a methodological framework and a theoretical framework, in which the dualisms of the body and mask, sound and motion, function and significance, are addressed. Then the researcher formulated indicators used as standards to analyze a sample consistent with his research limits. Finally, the research ends with results and conclusions. The most significant of these results is the direct connection between the voice and motion performance of the actor with the nature of the mask that he is wearing and what it signifies in order to create the perfection between the shape of the mask and the structure of the voice and motion performance of the character. The study has concluded with a list of the resources and an abstract in English

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation the profitability of public commercial banks using liquidity indicators: A comparison of the Rafidain and Rasheed study
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The issue of liquidity, profitability, and money employment, and capital fullness is one of the most important issues that gained high consideration by other authors and researchers in their attempts to find out the real relationship and how can balance be achieved, which is the main goal of each deposits.

For the sake of comprising the study variables, the research has formed the problem of the study which refers to the bank capability to enlarge profits without dissipation in liquidity   of the bank which will negatively reflect on the bank's fame as well as the customers' trust. For all these matters, the researcher has proposed a set of aims, the important of which is the estimation of the bank profitability; liquid

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparative Study between Nasal Endoscopic Findings and Nose and Paranasal Sinus Computerized Tomography in diagnosis of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses Diseases
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Background: Nasal obstruction is common in otorhinolaryngology outpatient visitors. The diagnosis of such compliant is by history, clinical examination and diagnostic procedures. Nasal endoscopy and computerized tomography scan are common diagnostic investigations. Nasal obstruction is either anterior or posterior (nasal septal deviations, hypertrophied turbinate pathological cyst, polyps, mass etc), or postnasal obstruction (hypertrophied turbinate, adenoid hypertrophy, nasopharyngeal cyst or nasopharyngeal tumors).

Aim of study: Prospective study to compare endoscopic finding and computerized tomography of nose, paranasal sinuses and postnasal space as diagnostic methods for nasal obstruction and other nose, p

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Different of Surface Characteristics Between Gram Negative and Positive Bacteria
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         The study included evaluation of cell surface charge and hydrophobicity of Escherichia coli, Klebsilla aerogenes, Proteus spp, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus(1) and Staphylococcus aureus(2) were determined by hydrocarbon adherence and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The results showed that the negative charge of cell surface of gram negative bacteria was much higher than on gram positive once when these bacteria were grown on nutrient agar at 37 c for 18 h . E.coli was more negative charged than Klebsilla aerogenes and Proteus spp. The hydrophobicity of gram positive bacteria was much

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparative Anatomical Study between Typha domengensis and Phragmites communis
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       Both of the species Typha domengensis and Phragmites communis among the most important plant endemic in flora of Iraq from monocotyledon.  Due to the similarity of the two species with each other in many morphological characteristics such as the environment where they live and the form of leaves and type of leaf venation and type of stomata….ets, also both of species belong to monocots plant therefore this research work was conducted find anatomical differences that have the same as taxonomic value to help distinguishing between both species under study.     Through this research, we found great importance to the anatomical characteristics which we reached by studying th

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Romanian Neurosurgery
Similarities and differences between two coincidently gravitational bullet cases
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Many cases of gravitational bullets are reported in developed and non-developed countries. However, few papers highlighted these cases in the literature. In our study, we present two cases of gravitational bullets that have an unusual coincidence in the injury characteristics through their ages, and gender, the site of the inlet.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Abu Muhajin al-Thaqafi swinging Between intimacy and obedience
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Number (42) 13 Ramadan 1436 H 30 June 2015
Abu Muhsin al-Thaqafi oscillating between disobedience and obedience
Research Summary
This research deals with the impact of Islam on the poetry of the veterans who realized ignorance and Islam
Persistent and shifting perspective in their poetry, especially those that talk about
Topics deprived of Islam, such as hair, for example. It is known that the description of alcohol is common in
Pre-Islamic poetry, and the Arabs were proud to drink it as proud of their heroism and Frosithm,
And drinking alcohol was associated with religious roots, they thought that the drinker acquires the attributes of God,
He can do the things that gods do, and humans can not. A

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 15 2021
Journal Name
Frontiers In Cardiovascular Medicine
Association Between Periodontal Disease and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases: Revisited
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Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ACVD) is an inflammatory disease of the coronary arteries associated with atheroma formation, which can cause disability and often death. Periodontitis is ranked as the sixth most prevalent disease affecting humans affecting 740 million people worldwide. In the last few decades, researchers have focused on the effect of periodontal disease (PD) on cardiovascular disease. The aim of this review was to investigate the association between these two diseases. PD is a potential risk factor that may initiate the development, maturation, and instability of atheroma in the arteries. Two mechanisms were proposed to explain such association, either periodontal pathogens directly invade bloodstream or in

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Comparative Biochemical Study Between Patient’s Obese and Healthy
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Objectives: Obesity rates have increased globally with increase in the incidence of comorbidities especially type 2 diabetes mellitus. A cross-sectional study was conducted on healthy obese adults to estimate: (i) comparisons of anthropometric indicators, lipid profile, and glycemic profile in obese compared with non-obese, and (ii) the association of anthropometrics and lipid profile with glycemic profile in obese adults. Methods: The study includes 120 individual with aged ranged (25 – 55) years were enrolled in this study. They were divided into two groups: group one (G1) consist of 90 patients with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 25 kg/m2. Group two (G2) of 30 healthy adults as a co

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bond Stresses between Reinforcing Bar and Reactive Powder Concrete
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A good performance of reinforced concrete structures is ensured by the bond between steel and concrete, which makes the materials work together, forming a part of solidarity. The behavior of the bond between the reinforcing bar and the surrounding concrete is significant to evaluate the cracking control in serviceability limit state and load capacity in the ultimate limit state. In this investigation, the bond stresses between reinforcing bar and reactive powder concrete (RPC) was considered to compare it with that of normal strength concrete (NSC). The push-out test with short embedment length is considered in this study to evaluate the bond strength, bond stress-slip relationship, and bond stress-crack width relationsh

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Malaysian Journal Of Nursing
Relationship between Cigarette Smoking and Anxiety Level among Nurses
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Background: This study aims to determine whether cigarette smoking and anxiety degrees are related among nurses. Methods: A correlation design study was conducted at Baquba Teaching Hospital in Diyala Governorate, and the study period extended from September 10th, 2023, to January 28th, 2024. A nonprobability purposive sample was used to include 200 nurses working at Baquba Teaching Hospital, Iraq. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire from January 10th to February 7th, 2024. There were two components to the study instruments. Initially, the demographic sheet contained the individuals' sociodemographic data. The Taylor manifest anxiety scale is included in the second section. The collected data were analyzed us

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