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Transformations of Actor's Performance between the Body and Mask Dualism in Iraqi Child's Theatre Shows: حازم عوده صيوان
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The Child's theatre was and still is the most investing art for masks of all kinds (partial and total) for suspense, aesthetic and artistic purposes that meet the requirements of those performances. Here the actor's performance is associated with two tools, i.e. the body and the mask, where it has become a must to search for the performance transformations required in order to achieve the highest level of the right performance through this dualism. This urged the researcher to address this problem. Thus, the researcher has put forward an objective to identify the transformations of the character's performance between the body and the mask in the child's theatre shows. The research consists of a methodological framework and a theoretical framework, in which the dualisms of the body and mask, sound and motion, function and significance, are addressed. Then the researcher formulated indicators used as standards to analyze a sample consistent with his research limits. Finally, the research ends with results and conclusions. The most significant of these results is the direct connection between the voice and motion performance of the actor with the nature of the mask that he is wearing and what it signifies in order to create the perfection between the shape of the mask and the structure of the voice and motion performance of the character. The study has concluded with a list of the resources and an abstract in English

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
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The Performance of the Actor (Sami Abdul-Hameed) in the Picturesque Theatre of the play Director (Salah AL-Kassab)
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The researches discusses the style of acting used by (Sami Abdul-Hameed) in one of the play director (Salah AL-Kassab) production whine he called; Picturesque.
The problem of this research is to discover the differences between the performance of (Sami Abdul-Hameed) in the Picturesque Theatre and the other theatre.
The goal of the research is to get to know the style of acting used in (king Lear) directed by (Salah AL-Kassab).
After defining the term (picturesque theatre), the researcher discusses the elements of the Visual theatre and the components of the stage picture according to (Alexander Dean) and he refers to those well-known director who had emphasized the Visual elements. Such as (Gordon Grieg) and (Franco Zeferrel

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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The composition of the fragmentary image of the actor's performance in the Iraqi theatrical show
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The theatrical image represents one of the tools of communication with the other to create a communicative language that is produced and transmitted by the actor and his body through the theatrical space to convey the meaning in all its forms and types. The actor is concerned with the composition and construction of these images. My girl, the image is fragmented and multiple and different. Therefore, based on the foregoing, the researcher has divided his research into four chapters, representing the (methodological framework). First, the research problem, which is manifested in the following question (what is the structure of the fragmented image of the actor's performance? The Iraqi playwright), and secondly: the importance of the resea

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
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Actor's skills in pantomime theater performances
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The art of pantomime mime is one of the arts that has taken a wide space in theater performances, and because it is one of the spectacle shows that relies on an acting performance that is unique from the traditional acting performance, because of the peculiarity of pantomime art in that it is a silent performance that assumes the clarity of meaning, and for the purpose of clarifying the actor’s work in such kind of performances, the art of pantomime must be We have to know the skills that the actor can possess in order to produce a silent show that has the elements of a successful presentation, so there was a need to study the skills of the actor in this type of acting performance. The researchers divided this study into an introductio

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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The Application of Experimentation in the Iraqi theatre shows "Othello in the Kitchen" As a model: عادل كريم سالم
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The researcher tackles the most outstanding conditions of experimentation, the importance of the study lies in being helpful to the workers in the field of theatre in general and directors in particular which the conditions of experimentation that should be taken.The study aims at knowing the experimental basis which the director (Sami Abdulhamid) followed in the realization of this.The researcher tackles in the First inquiry the concept of experimentation and the second tackles the conditions of experimentation.In the methodology of study the researcher analyzed the show of the "Othello in the Kitchen" and comes up to the following: 1. the dhows has cone with the nature of the previous shows experienced the methods that were not familia

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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Characteristics of costume design in children's theater performances
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Theatrical costume constitutes a peculiarity in the theatrical performance because of its ability to communicate and communicate with the rest of the visual elements of the show in highlighting the intellectual and dramatic values. Fashion developments in theatrical performance, the second: the design elements of costumes and their characteristics, the third, which includes research procedures, and the fourth, in which the research results and conclusions were presented, including:

  • The play (Happening on the Farm) is considered one of the plays with educational, educational and aesthetic goals, as it carried in its formats the features of simplicity and diversity of the visual formal connotations of the child.
  • The c

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
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The mechanisms of the actor's work between performance and directing style in the contemporary theater show (Western) as a model
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The actor has mechanisms that were applied in the performance، as it formed a style in the theatrical form (weird)، and the researcher deliberately studied these mechanisms and divided them into four chapters.

The researcher divided it into two sections، the first is the actor's performance requirements، and the second is the boring performance methods in the directors' theater، and then the researcher concluded the second chapter with the most important indicators.

As for the third chapter، the researcher determined the society of his research and the method of selecting the sample (strange) and analyzing the sample and concluded with the most important results of the sample analysis.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
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Dramatic Structure Transformations in the Iraqi Feature Film: بان جبار خلف
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The research topic (The dramatic structure transformations in the Iraqi Feature Film) studies the dramatic structure and its transformations in the Iraqi feature film. The research determined the research problem and the need for it in addition to the aims and the limits of the study as well as its importance. The theoretical framework consists of the following themes: the dramatic transformations mechanism and dramatic data in the Iraq film 1957-2003 then the dramatic values transformations and the performance contradictions in the Iraqi film.
The research, after concluding the theoretical framework, came up with a number of indicators of the theoretical framework that have been used as a tool to analyze the sample. The research proc

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Aesthetic Presence Hypothesis of the Role Character in the Actor's Theatrical Performance: يــاسين إسماعيل خلـف
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The current study monitors the mechanisms of formation of the actor's performance expressive system (voice and motion) and the levels of their construction consistent with the aesthetic premise of the theatrical performance through incorporating what is natural, materialistic (physiological) and artistic and philosophical virtual (aesthetic ), through which the creative actor seeks not to repeat the image and substance of a thing according to its natural life image, in favor of new aesthetic reproduction governed by a group of significant relationships formed according to (artistic and philosophical) characteristics and features that distinguish the artistic accomplishment from its reality(its natural and functional reference). According

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
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Initial evaluation to the performance of the Iraqi actors playing The role of ( Mackbeth ): مظـفر كاظم محـمد
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From 1979 to 1999 several theatricl groups had produced (Mackbeth) by shakespear which were directed by different director and the role being played by different actors. So the questions are: How did those a Iraqi actors approach that character by their performance? Did they interpret the character Truelly as the poet wanted to be. The researcher aims to find out the true performance by the actor who impersonate (mackbeth) as a wicked personality, who had un rational ambition. The researcher also aims to expose the style of acting fallowed by the Iraqi actors in that play. In chapter of review of literature, The researcher discusses the weaning and procedure of the actor performance which include characterization and transformation. He a

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
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Methods of Acting Performance and Watching Industry in Street Theatre- Play (Sold) - A Model: بهاء زهير كاظم
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  The audience is one of the important practical elements in the theatrical show and its importance is not confined to its static activity as a receiver element only, rather it went beyond that issue as an effective and influential element in the proceedings of the show and the process of meaning construction, that it gains an active role in the construction and production of the connotation that influences and is influenced by the actor, where the communication channels are open between the two sides, consequently a kind of watching and joint interaction happens between them. Thus, it has become necessary for the actor to create a suitable environment for the onlookers in order for it to be an essential part of the show system. The

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