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Hijab and Burqa in Islamic Fashion System: فرات جمال حسن العتابي
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Most of the propositions and researches that dealt with fashions in the Middle East, specifically this region from the world, from a historical perspective have not been sufficient, and were characterized by many aspects of immature thinking, in addition, they have been varied in quality. This can be attributed to many factors including: the focus in the field of researches and Middle East studies is on languages, arts, history, and political thinking of the region. Other factors are the information asymmetry, the differences in sources and references, in addition to differences in the scientific value of these sources added to the difficulty of gathering them at the same time especially that these sources are scattered in many places whether in the literary and non-literary texts written with many Middle Eastern languages.
Starting from this standpoint, this study seeks to address the topic of hijab and burqa from the Islamic perspective from a historical analytical viewpoint and their influence in the Islamic fashion system and their development over successive historical periods within certain geographical frameworks, as they are part of the Islamic dress code, let alone being influenced by social, religious, aesthetic, economic and political levels according to the reflection standards on the spirit of the society over the years, based on a group of Islamic documents, manuscripts drawings and paintings, in addition to some important documents about Arab clothes and fashions in the manuscripts, paintings and ornamental pictures, as well as the illustrations in the Arab books that date back to the period between 5thc. and 20th c.
From this standpoint, this study seeks to address the topic of the “AL- Burqaa” and the veil in the Islamic perspective, from a historical and analytical point of view, and its impact on the Islamic system and its development through successive historical periods in certain geographical frameworks, as part of the Islamic clothing system, as well as its influence on social, or religious levels , Or aesthetic, economic and political, according to the criteria of reflection on the spirit of society over the years. Depending on a set of documents, manuscripts, drawings, and Islamic paintings, as well as some important data on Arab clothing and fashion in manuscripts, paintings, and decorative pictures, and illustrations found in Arabic books dating back to the period between the fifth century and the twentieth century AD. Among urban and rural residents, or in different societies and social groups, whether Arabs or Muslims.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
What is the contract of cultivating the land of the waqf in Islamic jurisprudence and the Algerian Awqaf law
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What is the contract of cultivating the land of the waqf in Islamic jurisprudence and the Algerian Awqaf law

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دراسات دراسات في تاريخ الإقطاع في العصور الإسلامية
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        The scholars  are differed  about  the beginning of   feudal,some  says that it has been known  already in  the  oldest   Babylonic  period . while others   think   that has been of the Fourth  Century .some   scholars . believe that it has  began in the  time  of  the caliph al-mutwakil   (232-247 A.H) who made  anew social class from  the  military to support  him The orientlists   wrote  about the differences  between  the feudal  in Islamic  period   and The feudal in Europe

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2010
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
العراق وسياسة حسن الجوار تجاه تركيا وايران
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العراق وسياسة حسن الجوار تجاه تركيا

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Islamic call for the unity of human society and the rejection of division
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الحمد الله أولا واخرا وبعد .. إن الواقع الذي عايشه الناس في ظل دولة المسلمين منذ إقامة دولة الإسلام بعد بعثة الرسول الكريم (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) في المدينة ولأكثر من أربعة عشر قرنا نرى إنه عاش في كنف هذه الدولة الكبيرة من بلاد الصين شرقا وإلى وسط أوربا وجنوب فرنسا غربا العشرات من الملل و الأديان والأجناس وممن لا يدينون بالإسلام وهم كما تحفظ لهم دولة الإسلام منهم وعيشهم الرغيد فهم يمارسون شعائرهم وطقوسهم الديني

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Publication Date
Sun May 16 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Education
Historical Review: Athletics and Heroic Sports Encouraged and Played at Islamic period and Greek
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The paper is highlighting the athletics and heroic sports which encouraged and played at Greek and Islamic period. The paper is identifying the Islamic athletics and heroic sport and compare them with Greek sports, as it is the model of sports while the sport during the Islamic period was not undertaken by scientific researches or articles even in Wikipedia. Although, this period was encouraged and practice many sports such as archery, sword grappling and wrestling, equestrianism, jogging and running whereas there are many Arabic references revealed during the Islamic 610 A.D. while the Greek and Olympic was known at 732 A.D. The paper is followed the literature review and historical to shied a light scientifically about traditional sports

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Aesthetic visual discourse and the audio system in theatrical performance
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Technologies of the theatre show elements get great transferring concerning the creative embodiment of its aesthetic elements including its raws, forms, parts and masses in an attempt to achieve the prin cipal expressive progress to embody the main theme of the idea and the intended subject .
This is within the criterion of supporting the way to deal with technologies (décor elements , lighting music tones vocal affects , fashion and makeup) that achieving the emagintional appropriate atmosbheres which the writer and the director of the theatre show aim to make it present and succeed by furming active participation tunches of the ability of the cinogra . phic – element dsigners in order to invlve the theatre space atmospheres in cl

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The adequacy of determining the direction of Qibla by modern methods in the Islamic jurisprudence
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    This Paper aims to know the modern approaches of determining the Qiblah and its ruling in Islamic Faqah, as well as to find out the required in the identity of the Qiblah or the eye, and the care of the advanced Jurists in this matter, and to present some of their sayings on the issue. we have followed the Descriptive analytical method of the aspects of the jurists ’difference in what is required when facing the qiblah either the eye or aspect, the approach of several demands branched out from each topic, which were answered in the theoretical framework of the research, and the research concluded with the most important results: The need to receive the eye of the qiblah for the worshiper who is close to it and it is no

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Doctrinal monotheistic modeling of religion: the impact of the political aspect on Islamic sources and books
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         The political system in Indonesia, since gaining independence from the Dutch colonialism on the seventeenth of August 1945, has gone through long stages. The Indonesian constitution stipulated that the country is based on a democracy. In 1956 the first free elections were held in Indonesia, and President Sukarno announced the adoption of the directed democratic system Then, during the era of President Suharto, the state entered a phase called democracy based on the Five Pancasila principles, which is a false democracy because it served the interests of Suharto, who in his long reign had political and economic corruption leading up to 1998, when the Indonesian people revolted, and the government of Soeharto was overthrown

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Al-Hajjaj in pre-Islamic poetry hangs Imru 'al-Qays and the Twrfa of Ibn al-Abd as a model
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The topic of (pilgrims) of the old and modern subjects at the same time, as it extends his foot and is associated with the beginning of speech and argument, a modern because it is based on studies and research (and the theory of pilgrims) from (Austin and Cyril) through (Charles Breman) to (Aristotle) ), It is worth mentioning here to mention the role of (Hazem al - Qartagni) in mentioning the value of the pilgrimage of hair and saying the use of persuasion in the hair, is palatable and acceptable. Hence our research applied these views, and we chose the pendants as a model for that matter.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Hıdır Lütfü ile Osman Mazlum’un ‘’Tali’im’’ Şiirlerinin Tahlili
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Turkman literature is regarded as a branch of the general Turkish literarure. The title Turman literature began to be used after 1918, and this remained under the influence of classical Turkishliterature till the beginning of the twentieth century. The best poets who repreesented this type are Hijri Dada, Khidir Lütfi, Mohammad Sadiq, Othman Mathloom and others…

            In this study I followed the method of Professor Doctor Mohammad Kaplan (Ph.D) and Professor Doctor Nurullah Çetin(Ph.D) in analysing  the poetical design. In this study I tried to analyse the poem entitled Taliim (My Fate) by the poet Khidir Lütfi and the poet Othman mathloom who wrote a poem wi

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