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Visual Variables in Exterior Advertisements Design Structure: أكرم جرجيس نعمة -عبد الله جاسم غريب
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  What makes the commercial advertisement distinct is the design structure which is built according to artistic and creative concepts and terms based on the visual and formal interdependence relationships to express the motives of the advertising idea, which is based in its action mechanism on the effective variables, some of which are related to the marketing aspect, and others related to the advertisement aspect. The major aspect is the functional and aesthetic variables, which are represented by the vocabulary of the advertisement area for the open spaces such as the street ads. Its promotional dimension is the active forces in the circulation of commodities and products. Therefore, there would be significant problems the designer rectifies to achieve more attraction, attention, and demand, as he derives that from the design action variables.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Compact MIMO Slots Antenna Design with Different Bands and High Isolation for 5G Smartphone Applications
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 In this paper, two elements of the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) antenna had been used to study the five (3.1-3.55GHz and 3.7-4.2GHz), (3.4-4.7 GHz), (3.4-3.8GHz) and (3.6-4.2GHz) 5G bands of smartphone applications that is to be introduced to the respective US, Korea, (Europe and China) and Japan markets. With a proposed dimension of 26 × 46 × 0.8 mm3, the medium-structured and small-sized MIMO antenna was not only found to have demonstrated a high degree of isolation and efficiency, it had also exhibited a lower level of envelope correlation coefficient and return loss, which are well-suited for the 5G bands application. From the fabrication of an inexpensive FR4 substrate with a 0.8 mm thickness level, a loss tang

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Robust Color Image Encryption Scheme Based on RSA via DCT by Using an Advanced Logic Design Approach
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Information security in data storage and transmission is increasingly important. On the other hand, images are used in many procedures. Therefore, preventing unauthorized access to image data is crucial by encrypting images to protect sensitive data or privacy. The methods and algorithms for masking or encoding images vary from simple spatial-domain methods to frequency-domain methods, which are the most complex and reliable. In this paper, a new cryptographic system based on the random key generator hybridization methodology by taking advantage of the properties of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to generate an indefinite set of random keys and taking advantage of the low-frequency region coefficients after the DCT stage to pass them to

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Genetic Algorithm Based PID Controller Design for a Precise Tracking of Two-Axis Piezoelectric Micropositioning Stage
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 In this paper, an intelligent tracking control system of both single- and double-axis Piezoelectric Micropositioner stage is designed using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) method for the optimal Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller tuning parameters. The (GA)-based PID control design approach is a methodology to tune a (PID) controller in an optimal control sense with respect to specified objective function. By using the (GA)-based PID control approach, the high-performance trajectory tracking responses of the Piezoelectric Micropositioner stage can be obtained. The (GA) code was built and the simulation results were obtained using MATLAB environment. The Piezoelectric Micropositioner simulation model with th

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Israeli foreign policy towards Iraq after occupation in 2003
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Summery of the Study: The Israeli interest in Iraq was not the result of the 2003 US war, which ended with its occupation, but Iraq was still at the top of Israeli concerns, as it was due to its interest and desire to occupy the Zionist movement for a number of reasons, most importantly its religious position in the Jews and control It is a sacred religious duty, so Israel has employed all its organs, institutions, relations and espionage networks in order to penetrate it and perpetuate its existence, and succeeded in achieving its foreign policy objectives at a time when the area was open to it without opposition or competition thanks to its strategic alliance with the states Of the United States of America, which has been able to penet

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Statistical testing mediation in structural equations models variables with practical application
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In this research was the study of a single method of estimation and testing parameters mediating variables (Mediation) in a specimen structural equations SEM a bootstrap method, for the purpose of application of the integrated survey of the situation Marital data and health mirror Iraqi (I-WISH) for the year 2011 from the Ministry of Planning - device Central Bureau of Statistics, and applied to the appropriate data from the terms of the data to a form of structural equation SEM using factor analysis affirmative (Confirmatory Factor analysis) CFA As a way to see the match variables that make up the model, and after confirming the model matching or suitability are having the effect of variables mediation in the model tested by the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal Of Science
Image Classification Using Bag of Visual Words (BoVW)
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In this paper two main stages for image classification has been presented. Training stage consists of collecting images of interest, and apply BOVW on these images (features extraction and description using SIFT, and vocabulary generation), while testing stage classifies a new unlabeled image using nearest neighbor classification method for features descriptor. Supervised bag of visual words gives good result that are present clearly in the experimental part where unlabeled images are classified although small number of images are used in the training process.

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Crossref (19)
Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Advertising Technology and Visual Attraction of Cities Centers
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Advertising technology represents a component of elements of the visual attraction in the urban scape, made its way transmission process of messages between the ends of the source ofinformation (sender) and the Destination information (receiver) of the final recipient of themessage, It serves as a social marked and a means of cultural expression, It is part of the inalienable in creating identity and determine the spatial relationships and also is a reflection ofurban culture to the community. This technology has become an increasing feature of the present era, characterized as the era of the three revolutions: (the information revolution, the technologyrevolution, and the media revolution), Where it became an integral part of the visual

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
An edge detection algorithm matching visual contour perception
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For several applications, it is very important to have an edge detection technique matching human visual contour perception and less sensitive to noise. The edge detection algorithm describes in this paper based on the results obtained by Maximum a posteriori (MAP) and Maximum Entropy (ME) deblurring algorithms. The technique makes a trade-off between sharpening and smoothing the noisy image. One of the advantages of the described algorithm is less sensitive to noise than that given by Marr and Geuen techniques that considered to be the best edge detection algorithms in terms of matching human visual contour perception.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الرافدين للعلوم الرياضية
Fartlek exercises and their effect on molecular biology (vascular endothelial growth factor-basic fibroblast growth factor) and some physical variables for players 800m arena and field for youth
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The study aimed to : - To determine whether there are significant differences between Fartlek training and the increase in the molecular biology (VEGF - basal fibroblast growth factor) for arena and field players in an (800m) youth event. - Determine whether there are statistically significant differences between Fartlek training and the increase in molecular biology and some physical variables for the players (800m) in the arena and field for youth. - Determine whether the Fartlek training method is the most appropriate to achieve statistically significant differences in the research variables for the players (800m) in the arena and field for youth. The researchers used the experimental method for its suitability and the nature of the rese

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Narrative of Personal Experience Structure in Oprah's Show 2011
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This research attempts to investigate narrative structure in oral narrative particularly in Oprah's Show from a sociolinguistic viewpoint. Narrative is said to be universal in the sense that it is found in all times and places. There is no society or culture without narrative. Oral narrative is organized in a specific order. The research aims at studying and analyzing this order. In addition to that, it highlights the importance of narrative in conveying some moral messages to people who are listening to the story. The study is divided into two parts; theoretical and practical. The theoretical part draws on presenting a survey of literature which includes definitions and explanations of some related terms. The practical part is concerned

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