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Graphic Design and Functional Applications in the Interior Space
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The overlap between science and knowledge is a feature of the 21st century. This integration, which crosses the traditional boundaries between academic disciplines, has occurred because of the emergence of new needs and new professions. This overlap has overshadowed the arts in general and design in particular. The Design achievements have not been far away from the attempts of integration of more than one type or design application to produce new outputs unique in its functional and aesthetic character, including the terms of internal graphic design.

The researcher raises the question of the functional dimension of graphic design in the internal space, in order to answer it through the methodological framework, which includes the problem of research, its objectives, its importance and its temporal and spatial limits. The researcher developed a goal summarized by uncovering the functional dimension of graphic design in the interior space. The companies in the United States, which use graphic design as one of the functional embellishments in the interior design, were selected. The researcher also defined the temporal limit to be 2018. The theoretical framework of the research included two sections: graphic design methods and the functionality of the typographic elements, and revealing the function of each one of them in order to show their role within the whole system in the interior space supported by models and analysis.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Materials Research Express
Spray pyrolysis of graphene oxide based composite for optical and wettability applications
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Abstract<p>In this study, silica-graphene oxide nano–composites were prepared by sol-gel technique and deposited by spray pyrolysis method on glass substrate. The effect of changing the graphene/silica ratio on the optical properties and wetting of these nano–structures has been investigated. The structural and morphological properties of the thin films have been studied by x-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and atomic force microscope (AFM). XRD results show that silica structures present in the synthesized films exhibit amorphous character and there is a poor arrangement in graphene plates al</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and Characterization of SnS: 3%Bi thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications
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In the present article, Nano crystalline SnS and SnS:3% Bi thin films were fabricated using thermal
evaporation with 400±20 nm thickness at room temperature at a rate deposition rate of 0.5 ±0.01nm
/sec then annealing for one hour at 573 K for photovoltaic application. The prepared samples were
characterized in order to investigate the structural, electrical, morphological, and optical properties
using diverse techniques. XRD and SEM were recorded to investigate the effect of doping and
annealing on structural and morphological possessions, respectively. XRD showed an SnS phase
with polycrystalline and appeared to form an orthorhombic structure, with the distinguish trend
along the (111) grade,

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmacy Research
Design and in vitro characterization of bisacodyl as a hollow-type suppositories
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Research
Design, analysis and development of a proton exchange membrane in fuel cell
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Publication Date
Wed May 12 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology
Effect of the opposite hierarchical training method to developing explosive power, which is characterized by speed and some functional variables for basketball players
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The current world seeks to supply the most of the fruits of human knowledge and tries hard to search for the most important scientific facts, programs, means and advanced devices in various fields, including the sports field, and among these means is the use of various and advanced training devices and programs for the purpose of achieving the desired goal, which is to reach the desired level, the basketball game is one of the sports that need high technology in training according to scientifically studied principles because it is one of the games that relate to the abundance of its variables, composition and speed of change, all of which require a technical and high training depth and the players ’possession of different physical charact

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Implementation of a Vlsm Simulator
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Variable-Length Subnet Masks (VLSM), often referred to as "subnetting a subnet", is used to maximize addressing efficiency. The network administrator is able to use a long mask on networks with few hosts, and a short mask on subnets with many hosts. This addressing scheme allows growth and does not involve wasting addresses. VLSM gives a way of subnetting a network with
minimal loses of IP addresses for a specific range. Unfortunately, the network administrator has to perform several mathematical steps (or use charts) to get the required results from VLSM. In this paper, a simple graph simulator is proposed (using Visual Basic 6.0 Language) to perform all the required mathematical steps and to display the obtained required informatio

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Implementation of a Vlsm Simulator
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Variable-Length Subnet Masks (VLSM), often referred to as "subnetting a subnet", is used to maximize addressing efficiency. The network administrator is able to use a long mask on networks with few hosts, and a short mask on subnets with many hosts. This addressing scheme allows growth and does not involve wasting addresses. VLSM gives a way of subnetting a network with minimal loses of IP addresses for a specific range. Unfortunately, the network administrator has to perform several mathematical steps (or use charts) to get the required results from VLSM. In this paper, a simple graph simulator is proposed (using Visual Basic 6.0 Language) to perform all the required mathematical steps and to display the obtained required information (the

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Analysis of New Prosthetic Foot.
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There is a variety of artificial foot designs variable for use with prosthetic legs . Most of the design can be divided into two classes, articulated and non-articulated feet. one common non-articulated foot is the SACH . The solid ankle cushion heel foot referred to as the SACH foot has a rigid keel .

One key or the key factor in designing a new prosthesis is in the analysis of a patients response .

 This view is the most important because if the foot does not provide functional , practical or cosmetically acceptable characteristics the patient will not feel comfortable with the prosthesis , therefore design and manufacturing a new foot is essential, this foot made from polyethylene, its different shape and characte

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 08 2022
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Analysis of a Spraying Robot
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An indoor spraying robot is built in this research to solve numerous challenges associated with manual spraying. The mechanical, hardware and essential technologies used are all detailed and designed. The proposed spraying robot's conceptual design is split into two parts: hardware and software. The mechanical design, manufacturing, electrical, and electronics systems are described in the hardware part, while the control of the robot is described in the software section. This robot's kinematic and dynamic models were developed using three links that move in the x, y, and z directions. The robot was then designed using SolidWorks software to compute each connection's deflection and maximum stresses. The characteristics of the stepper moto

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of Iraqi Virtual Library
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      In developing countries, individual students and researchers are not able to afford the high price of the subscription to the international publishers, like JSTOR, ELSEVIER,…; therefore the governments and/or universities of those countries aim to purchase one global subscription to the international publishers to provide their educational resources at a cheaper price, or even freely, to all students and researchers of those institutions. For realizing this concept, we must build a system that sits between the publishers and the users (students or researchers) and act as a gatekeeper and a director of information: this system must register its users and must have an adequate security to e

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