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The category classes of presentations in the Iraqi popular theatre
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Many researchers ' views about class selectors popular theatre in the world, whom he found in political deals popular presentations while others in comedy shows or dealing with social problems, or simply build a direct pattern of relationship between actors and audience were popular, and certainly the Iraqi popular theatre has its own parameters, structural differences result of Iraqi society at all levels, so the researcher found the search problem is to answer the question that (what are category classes Or within the category of Iraqi popular theatrical-in the play of - the string and the bird which un – example ) , then select the aim has his research of detecting those parameters, and search scientific significance as to scholars and researchers. Therefore, the researcher take the historic flight to the evolution of popular theatre globally and regionally in the first section of the theoretical framework and then reviewed the concept of the musical world. And in the procedures of search. The researcher has the optional justifications that sample ( play the string and the bird) and perhaps the most important of his offer of popular and public success yet more than twenty-five years on display and it's also consistent with the objectives of the research , and then analyzed descriptive analytical, in the main findings based on the theoretical framework indicators and perhaps the most important of these results is that the theatrical show oF theoretical framework which includes all category classes founded in the theatrical world popular

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use some probability amputated models to study the characteristics of health payments in the Iraqi Insurance Company
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Due to the lack of previous statistical study of the behavior of payments, specifically health insurance, which represents the largest proportion of payments in the general insurance companies in Iraq, this study was selected and applied in the Iraqi insurance company.

In order to find the convenient model representing the health insurance payments, we initially detected two probability models by using (Easy Fit) software:

First, a single Lognormal for the whole sample and the other is a Compound Weibull  for the two Sub samples (small payments and large payments), and we focused on the compoun

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building a model to reduce the cost of hajj in the Iraqi Authority for Hajj and Umrah
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The research is summarized in the construction of a mathematical model using the most common methods in the science of Operations Research, which are the models of transportation and linear programming to find the best solution to the problem of the high cost of hajj in Iraq, and this is done by reaching the optimum number of pilgrims traveling through both land ports and the number Ideal for passengers traveling through airports by Iraqi Airways, instead of relying on the personal experience of the decision-maker in Hajj and Umrah Authority by identifying the best port for pilgrim's travel, which can tolerate right or wrong, has been based on scientific methods of Operations Research, the researcher built two mathematical models

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Assess the Reality of the Process of Applying the strategic Innovation In Business organizations : A prospective Study of comparative analysis in anumber of business organizations the Iraqi Industrial
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Abstract :

      The research aims to Estimate the Strength of Strategic Innovation application in terms of application strength , and on the overall level in number of Iraqi Industrial business organizations . After wards determine whether their is differerences among those organizations in application process for the dimensions , and for the overall process .

      The Research revealed number of conclusions including that the process of strategic innovation is applied in a good Level , and demonstrates the desier of the industrial companies Leaders to Launch beyond the familiar products , and to provide new products that

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The market value between the two dilemmas of profit distribution and retention: an analytical study in the Iraqi stock market
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             The distribution or retention of profits is the third decision among financial management decisions in terms of priority, whether at the level of theory or practice, as the issue of distribution or retention is multi-party in terms of influence and impact, as determining the optimal percentage for each component is still the subject of intellectual debate because these decisions are linked to the future of the organization and several considerations, The research focus on the nature of the policies followed by the Iraqi banking sector As the sample chosen by the intentional sampling method was represented by the Commercial Bank of

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of the values of accounting culture in maximizing financial performance - A field study in a sample of Iraqi banks
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The influence of culture on accounting systems and practices, including financial reports and accounting information through the values ​​identified by Gray and derived from social-cultural values, and the four accounting values ​​were derived from generally accepted accounting principles represented by (Conservatism, Uniformity, Secrecy, and Professionalism). Important and significant in maximizing financial performance, and measuring the extent of the role of these values ​​in improving financial performance through attention to the values ​​of accounting culture, this research

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of the Role of Interleukein-2 and Interleukein-4 in the Immunopathogenesis of Steroid Therapy Resistance in Iraqi Asthmatic Patients
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Interleukins (IL-2 and IL-4) are increased in asthmatics and were reported to induce resistance to steroid therapy in some patients who fail to get benefit from glucocorticoids when used in full dose and for long period of time. In this context, the present study was conducted on Iraqi patients to provide additional laboratory mean, beside the clinical diagnosis, for the decision whether the asthma is steroid sensitive or resistant by monitoring the level of immunoglobulins, complement proteins and interleukins among asthmatic patients (steroid sensitive or resistant) and the possible contribution of other factors like age, sex and environments in the development of steroid resistance. A total number of 55 asthmatics and 28 normal subjec

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The usage of accounting information according to ( model in order to measure the efficiency of industrial companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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   The aim of the research is to measure the efficiency of the companies in the industrial sector listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange , by directing these companies to their resources (inputs) towards achieving the greatest possible returns (outputs) or reduce those resources while maintaining the level of returns to achieve the efficiency of these companies, therefore, in order to achieve the objectives of the research, it was used ( model to measure the efficiency of companies and the factors influencing them. The researchers had got a number of conclusions , in which the most important of them is that 66.6% of the companies in the research sample do no

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The usage of accounting information according to ( model in order to measure the efficiency of industrial companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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The aim of the research is to measure the efficiency of the companies in the industrial sector listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange , by directing these companies to their resources (inputs) towards achieving the greatest possible returns (outputs) or reduce those resources while maintaining the level of returns to achieve the efficiency of these companies, therefore, in order to achieve the objectives of the research, it was used ( model to measure the efficiency of companies and the factors influencing them. The researchers had got a number of conclusions , in which the most important of them is that 66.6% of the companies in the research sample do not possess relatively high efficiency and that the combined factors (the nat

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The efficacy and tolerability of 10mg and 20mg/day isotretinoinin the treatment of acne vulgaris in Iraqi patients
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Back ground: Oral isotretinoin is recommended
for sever nodulocystic acne in the doses 0.5-
2mg/kg/day which is usually associated with higher
incidence of adverse effects. To reduce the
incidence of side-effects and to make it more costeffective,
the lower dose regimen of isotretinoin has
been used.
Aim: To compare the efficacy and tolerability of
oral isotretinoin 10mg and 20mg/day in acne
Methods: one hundred and twenty patients with
acne vulgaris were randomized into two treatment
regimens each consisting of 60 patients. The first
was treated with 10mg/day and the second group
with 20mg/day for 24 weeks. Fifty five patients
from the first group and 47 patients from the second

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Role of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Determination of the Greater Palatine Foramen Position Among Iraqi Population
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Background: The use of the cone beam computed tomography for analysing the position of the greater palatine foramen in relation to various anatomical landmarks is crucial in dentistry. The aims of the current study, firstly is to determine the greater palatine foramen position in relation to various anatomical landmarks by using cone beam computed tomography and secondly is to make a comparison of the measurements according to side, gender, and age. Materials and methods: This prospective study included 60 Iraqi patients (28males and 32 females) who selected according to availability of Inclusion criteria, which include age range (21 - 60 years), with no dentofacial deformities or pathological lesion at the maxilla. All patients had inform

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