Appeared in the light of globalization growing convergence of the distances between the countries in world, this convergence is causing mixing of cultures to become culture is a universal one culture, There are positives and negatives of this mixing and mingling of cultures, consider Loss of cultural identity is one of the biggest negatives the Arab cultural infrastructure in general and Iraq in special. In addition consider subject to not keep the cultural identity is the most important Arab issues and dangerous to our Arab identity in various fields, including design and architecture, highlights here the subject of research on the impact of globalization on the identity of the interior spaces, cafés of Baghdadi, one of the historical and cultural heritage and popular folklore, And linked to the history in the ancient city authentic because of its inherent historical, intellectual and cultural dimensions characterized by the acquisition of the fixed elements in the interior designs, which are accustomed to their boards Baghdadis, and the accommodation semi-house arrest of writers, artists, poets and gourmets singing and music. We find a vast difference between the new designs cafes than in the previous pretext keep pace with the development of civilization away from the cultural identity and cultural heritage of Iraq and keep the visual content inherent Baghdadi. The study consists of four chapters, the first chapter of the methodological framework speaks of search. While the second chapter explains the theoretical framework of the research included finding the concepts and definitions of some terms and a brief explanation of the elements of interior design, The third chapter covers research procedures supported by some design models, which have been analyzed and, finally Chapter IV research findings of the researcher through the analysis process, and with the conclusion and recommendations
شكلت النزاعات والصراعات والاضطرابات الداخلية للدول ، منذ أواخر الثمانينيات ، إحدى التهديدات الخطيرة للمجتمع الدولي في حفظ الأمن والسلم الدوليين ، إذ بلغت حدة الصراعات والنزاعات درجة خطيرة من حيث الأثار والنتائج اذ أثرت تلك النزاعات والصراعات في كافة المجالات للدول التي دارت بها ، بل حتى تعدت إقليميا ودوليا وامتدت من افريقيا واسيا وحتى أوربا .
It is general known that any design in various fields such as the interior design in the field of spaces interior for the public and specific buildings that is concern about the use of humans resident , as well as other considerations relating to the organization of design elements and lines of locomotors activity and the validity of appropriate receiving to provide comfort and achieve the requirements of the position in the space of restaurants field of research.
The researcher choose the title of this study (processors design career in public spaces), the analytical study of the spaces of restaurants, as one of the public spaces that are running in their general environment of people in various strata , ages and other levels , whic
The formation of the identity of the ego associates with adolescence and the beginnings of youth, where represents the basic requirement for growth. This stage reflects a turning point towards the necessary autonomy for the growth of normal in adulthood that needs the ego growth from his point of view to pass eight consecutive stages of the individual faces in each particular crisis. It is determined by its growth path depending on the nature of solved positively or negatively, influenced by several factors: biological, social, cultural, personal, and a dogmatic obstacle to personal thinking which refers to the kind of sclerotic thought a bigot to the inside of obsolete beliefs refuse to discuss and consider. The final idea is debatable
... Show MoreThe overlap between science and knowledge is a feature of the 21st century. This integration, which crosses the traditional boundaries between academic disciplines, has occurred because of the emergence of new needs and new professions. This overlap has overshadowed the arts in general and design in particular. The Design achievements have not been far away from the attempts of integration of more than one type or design application to produce new outputs unique in its functional and aesthetic character, including the terms of internal graphic design.
The researcher raises the question of the functional dimension of graphic design in the internal space, in order to answer it through the methodological framework, which includes th
... Show MoreThe current research dealt with the study of space compatibility and its role in enhancing the functional aspect of the design of the interior spaces of isolation hospitals by finding a system or format that is compatible with the nature of the changes occurring in the structure and function of the space system, as well as contributing to enhancing compatibility between the functional aspect and the interior space. Therefore, the designer must The interior is the study of the functional and spatial aspects as they are the basic aspects for achieving suitability, and through the interaction between the person and the place, the utilitarian performance characteristics are generated that the interior designer is interested in and tries to d
... Show MoreABSTRACT
The aim of the research is to identify the impact of the areas of organizational change in strategic marketing planning in cement factories operating within the city of Al-Khums, and this effect was measured using a questionnaire consisting of 28 phrases, and it was relied on the descriptive approach that suits the nature of the subject of the research, while the research community consists of heads And members of the board of directors, authorized managers, unit managers and heads of departments in the factories under study, which numbered 55 respondents, during the month of September of the year 2021, and a sample of the compreh
... Show MoreThe Iraqi market for securities in light of financial globalization faces real challenges at the local and international levels, which were reflected in their shadows on the overall economic reality, which imposed the necessity of making fundamental changes in terms of form and content, and from here stems the research problem in the ability of the Iraqi stock market to adapt to the transformations Financial imposed by financial globalization in light of the weakness of the economic structure and its position in the global economy. The research starts from the hypothesis that the Iraqi market for securities in light of financial globalization has an important and significant role in the economic field, through its role in stimula
... Show MoreThe pharmacy is the face for the health buildings and hospitals, The linking professional relationships and functional, it is been from the important places that most people go it, so according to that we must format its interior design in form that suitable with the need of most people use it or work in it, and this the search goal, dashing from the search subject which to hide finding designer treatment for the pharmacies interior spaces, to give share in the functional improvement performance or aesthetic. We define the search goals to share in educate the pharmacist in the effect of interior design for improvement of interior environment, in addition to the search consider as designer trying add to the other trying the interior desig
... Show Moreان وضع معايير دولية محاسبية على شكل نماذج وارشادات عامة تؤدي باصحاب القرارات الاقتصادية استخدام معايير المحاسبة الدولية عند اعداد وتجهيز القوائم والبيانات المالية اصبح مطلب اساسي وضرورة ملحة لمختلف الاطراف في المجتمع الحالي فهذه المعايير قد اثمرت في معالجة الامور المحاسبية على الصعيد المحلي والاقليمي والدولي. وان عدد كبير من الدول اعتمدت هذه المعايير فقد تجاوزت 150 بلدا. مما نتج عنه ازالة الفوارق الكث
... Show MoreDesign system often generated relationship within the frame work of their concept of interior design a system or more can be created between design relationships within this concept in the structure of its internal space product. Through the division of all to it parts to reveal the hidden places and stages of composition and their relationship and interdependence between them. And then re- composition of all its parts, doth in the deign process at the initial stages or in the processes of treatments that are necessary after the completion of design and circulation. To be able to use other events close to the first events designed for them. In terms of idea logical in fluency and its social, economic, cultural and political dimension. As
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