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The idea strategy in the theater
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There is an association between the signifier and the signifier. This association shows the eyeball, which acquires a direct presence and whose presence influences the level of production of the hidden connotation. Because the theatrical presentation is a series of auditory-visual functions, these signs are looking for the exploration of their meanings and their evocation to form a complete loop to achieve the association of the above. This is what made the researcher to monitor the abundance of semantic shifts in theatrical presentation as long as the implications of the strategy continue in the game of semantic production with multiple horizons, and the idea in theatrical presentation tolerates multiple readings according to the references of the recipient and the relationship of the idea of ​​producing the meaning and relation of the idea with the remaining vocabulary of a plot, language, Or music is what will be given her presence or presence.

The research included a systematic framework representing the problem of research and its importance, and defined the objective and limits of the research. In the theoretical framework, the researcher dealt with two topics: the first topic: the idea in the theatrical presentation, the second topic:

In the course of the research, the researcher dealt with a descriptive sample that represented the play "Women of Lorca". He then reached a set of conclusions and conclusions. Then the summary of the research in English and the list of sources

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of credit risk indicators on the profitability of banks in the Arab gulf countries
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of credit risk indicators on the Arab Gulf countries' banks Profitability over the period of 2015 to 2017.  The banking credit risk was calculated using non-performing loans ratio affecting banks profitability indicators like net income and by using fixed effect and random effect model analyses, the study found that increasing in non-performing loans ratio will decrease the net income in gulf banks, the study also found that personal loans represent the largest share of loans granted in gulf banks. Also, the study recommends the importance of developing the capabilities of credit departments in commercial banks in dealing with bad loans, and studying the financial statem

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating the Efficiency of the Municipal Sector in Anbar Governorate, using the Non-Parametric Approach (DEA).
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The research aims to measure, assess and evaluate the efficiency of the directorates of Anbar Municipalities by using the Data Envelopment Analysis method (DEA). This is because the municipality sector is consider an important sector and has a direct contact with the citizen’s life. Provides essential services to citizens. The researcher used a case study method, and the sources of information collection based on data were monthly reports, the research population is represented by the Directorate of Anbar Municipalities, and the research sample consists of 7 municipalities which are different in terms of category and size of different types. The most important conclusion reached by the research i

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of using active learning model in the achievement of fourth -grade material in the de partment of physics teaching aids students and the development then critical thinking
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Goal  of  research  is  to  investigate  the  impact  of the  use  of  effective  learning  model in the  collection  of  the  fourth  grade  students/Department of  physics in the material  educational methods  and the  development  of  critical thinking  .to teach  this goal  has  been  formulated  hypothesis cefereeten zero  subsidiary  of the second hypothesis  .To  investigate  the  research  hypothesis  were  selected  sample  of  fourth-grade  students of the  department  of physics at the univers

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the forensic accounting philosophy in the transparency and quality of financial statements: : An applied study on a sample of workers at the Trade bank of Iraq and the Gulf Commercial Bank in Babylon
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This research aims to identify the role that forensic accounting plays on the transparency and quality of the financial statements in trade bank of Iraq and the Gulf Commercial Bank in Babylon. This research came to address the problem that most financial institutions suffer from, which is represented by the lack of transparency and the quality of the financial statements issued in a manner. Annual also the manipulation and fraud in the financial data, which causes a big gap between that institutions and organizational stakeholders. According to the implementation of the research hypothesis and the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was prepared consisting of three axes, the first axis dealing with the demographic distri

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of using the Relative Strength Index in Making Speculation Decision in Stock: Applied Research in the Iraq Stock Exchange
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 The relative strength index (RSI) is one of the best known technical analysis indicators; it provides the speculators by prior signals about the future stock’s prices, and because the speculations in shares of companies which listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange have a high degree of risk, like risk of shares prices felling, so the speculators became committed to use some methods to reduce these risks, and one of these methods is the technical analysis by using the relative strength index (RSI) which enable the speculators of choosing the right time for buy and sell the stocks and the right time to enter or leave the market by using the historical rice data. And from here the problem of the research formulated as “Is the using of

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 1989
Journal Name
مجلة متحف التاريخ الطبيعي
The Role of Specific Amino Acids in the Protection of Escherichia coli Against B-Lactam Antibiotics In Vitro
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ABSTRACT The role of specific amino acids namely cysteine, methionine, threonine and asparagine in the protection provided by vamin solution against B-lactam inhibition to E. coli was evaluated in vitro. In minimal medium, Cells were treated with 32 ug/ml of penicillin G, carbencillin, hostacillin, cloxacillin and cephalotin in the presence of specific amino acid supplementations. Deletion of specific amino acids from the media abolished the protection provided by vamin. Threonine was essential for the protection of cells against all tested antibiotics, while cysteine was essential for protection against carbencillin and cephalotin Deletion of methionine or asparagine abolished the protec- tion against carbencillin and to a less extent ce

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Internal music in the poetry of guidance In the era of Islam and its effects Artistic and semantic
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In this research entitled "Internal music in the poetry of guidance in the era of Islam and its artistic and semantic implications" dealt with the following:
 Preface, which addressed the importance of internal music in poetry, and its close association with poetry, and the poet himself, to reveal what is touring himself and revolves in his imagination.
 Repetition of all kinds: repetition of letters, repetition of words, and repetition of phrases: It showed what this repetition of strengthening the melody, and linking parts of words within the same house, or the poem, and create a special musical atmosphere to spread a certain significance and to confirm the meanings and accompanied by musical accommodation.
 Anaphysic

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The present study aimed to identify the therapeutic evaluation of chitosan extracted from the fungus cushroom and pure chitosan on glucose and lipid profile in the blood of 35 male rabbits with hyperlipidemia induced experimentally by cholesterol. The tests included estimation of glucose levels, total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoproteins, low-density lipoproteins, and very low-density lipoproteins. hyperlipidemia was induced in the male rabbits used in the study which was administered orally with cholesterol 150mg/kg body weight for a week. rabbits were divided into seven groups: control, cholesterol, pure chitosan, mushroom chitosan, cholesterol and pure chitosan, cholesterol and mushroom chitosan and cholestero

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 03 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the currency sale window in the stability of the dinar exchange rate and its reflection on inflation
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The: currency Auction is one of the monetary policy tools created after 2003, in order to keep pace with the changes that the monetary and financial policies will witness from financial openness and expectations of high levels of liquidity after international economic restrictions. It is necessary to re-evaluate the work of the currency Auction from time to time and observation its efficiency in adjustment the exchange rate And its reflection on the general level of prices as one of the objectives of its inception, and during the analytical aspect, it was confirmed that the currency Auction for selling the currency had a major role in adjustment the exchange rate and controlling inflation levels, due to the market’s dependence

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Physical Evidence Of The Product And Its Impact In Attracting The Customer AField research for a sample of private medical clinics in Maysan
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     The current research problem includes a variety of research motivations to serve the private health sector, which is witnessing a great competition from internal and external environments. In this regard, private medical clinics are increasingly seeking to attract and retain customers through the quality of their service offerings represented by health services. Innovative and effective marketing methods to improve performance and stay in competition, by relying on the physical evidence of the product as a component of the marketing mix of services and its role in particular in packaging and supporting the health service with concrete evidence that affects the customer an

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