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Employing digital marketing through communication in promoting the commercial product
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In recent years, the means of communication have achieved a great generality that made them occupy, in a short time, the first ranks among the most widely used social networks in the world, due to the many services and advantages offered by this network to its users. It has led to a leap in the field of visual communication, especially since it relies mainly on the image Its dimensions make it a means of communication and transfer of ideas and meanings between the peoples of the world, and it also allows the inclusion of digital advertising content using multimedia with a degree of professionalism in other social networks, which allowed the various segments of society the opportunity to invest this network in their businesses of different orientations and goals. Especially with regard to the degree of digital maturity and awareness of the importance of these communication media among those in charge of the economic field in Iraq. Keywords (digital marketing, communication, promotion)

The research included four chapters that defined the theoretical framework of it in three sections and dealt with the following topics: (marketing foundations between the concept and objectives, the effectiveness of communication means and their transformations in the management of marketing and digital promotion, digital promotion and its impression on the user), then the research dealt with indicators from which the theoretical framework came out. As for the third chapter, the researchers dealt with the procedures that it carried out, which included the research methodology by choosing the descriptive approach for the purposes of analysis, adopting the intentional sample method in selecting the sample models, as (3) models were chosen from the research community with a rate of (60%) from the original community, then The fourth chapter is devoted to presenting and discussing the results and conclusions, as it came from them:
1. The communication means of digital marketing through advertising ideas gave influence and persuasion of the product through the offers and facilities provided by companies to enhance their marketing goals in a way that suits the user, and this appears in all research samples.
2. Achieved the effect of social networking pages, including Facebook, for companies to promote their advertisements in an effective and simple way to reach the user in the use of publishing and promotion. The research also included a set of recommendations and proposals, a list of sources, appendices, and an abstract in English

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-dhad Book Store And Publishing
Calculus part 2
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This book includes four main chapters: 1. Indefinite Integral. 2. Methods of Integration. 3. Definite Integral. 4. Multiple Integral. In addition to many examples and exercises for the purpose of acquiring the student's ability to think correctly in solving mathematical questions.

Publication Date
Sun Nov 14 2021
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2021 North American Power Symposium (naps)
Laplace Domain Modeling of Power Components for Transient Converter-Grid Interaction Studies
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This paper introduces a Laplace-based modeling approach for the study of transient converter-grid interactions. The proposed approach is based on the development of two-port admittance models of converters and other components, combined with the use of numerical Laplace transforms. The application of a frequency domain method is aimed at the accurate and straightforward computation of transient system responses while preserving the wideband frequency characteristics of power components, such as those due to the use of high frequency semiconductive switches, electromagnetic interaction between inductive and capacitive components, as well as wave propagation and frequency dependence in transmission systems.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
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Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Theoretical Study, and Biological Evaluation of Some Metal Ions with Ligand "Methyl -6-[2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl) -2-((1-Phenylethylidene) Amino) Acetamido] -2,2-Dimethyl-5—Oxo-1-Thia-4-Azabicyclo [3.2.0] Heptane-3-Carboxyylate
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Schiff base (methyl 6-(2- (4-hydroxyphenyl) -2- (1-phenyl ethyl ideneamino) acetamido) -3, 3-dimethyl-7-oxo-4-thia-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0] heptane-2-carboxylate)Co(II), Ni(II), Cu (II), Zn (II), and Hg(II)] ions were employed to make certain complexes. Metal analysis M percent, elemental chemical analysis (C.H.N.S), and other standard physico-chemical methods were used. Magnetic susceptibility, conductometric measurements, FT-IR and UV-visible Spectra were used to identified. Theoretical treatment of the generated complexes in the gas phase was performed using the (hyperchem-8.07) program for molecular mechanics and semi-empirical computations. The (PM3) approach was used to determine the heat of formation (ΔH˚f), binding energy (ΔEb), an

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 16 2022
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جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة - ابن الهيثم
أثر استراتيجية التدريس البصري باستخدام الانـفوجرافيك في التحصيل والتفكير البصري لدى طلاب المرحلة المتوسطة فـي مادة الرياضيات
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أثر استراتيجية التدريس البصري باستخدام الانـفوجرافيك في التحصيل والتفكير البصري لدى طلاب المرحلة المتوسطة فـي مادة الرياضيات

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية
معوقات تدريس المواد التربوية والنفسية في كلية التربية – ابن الهيثم من وجهة نظر أعضاء هيئة التدريس فيها
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المدراس الثانوية في الاعظمية ( ثانوية كلية بغداد- ثانوية الأعظمية للبنين – ثانوية الأعظمية للبنات - ثانوية الحريري للبنات) أنموذجاً
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Education received the attention of the monarchy in Iraq, especially after the developments that the country witnessed after Iraq gained independence and joined the League of Nations in 1932 AD in all political, economic and cultural aspects.  In this regard, due to its distinguished geographical location, where the atmosphere, the natural environment and the religious and political standing were available, which made it a center of attraction for most Iraqi families and political figures. 

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Soil Science
تقييم بعض الصفات الكيميائية للترب الصحراوية في تحديد دليل نوعيتها * وصحتها لمشروع مزرعة فدك/ محافظة النجف االشرف
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أختير مشروع مزرعة فدك في محافظة النجف االشرف المستثمر من العتبة العلوية المقدسة. يقع المشروع في الجهة الشمالية شرقا ة عرض ''54.38 '57 º31 الـــــــــــى ً الغربية لمحافظة النجف االشرف بين خطي طول ''18.78 '0 º 44 الى ''53.46 '7 º44 ودائر ''17.53 '2 º32 شماال بمساحة اجمالية للمشروع تقدر بـــ 35493 هكتار لتقييم بعض الصفات الكيميائية للترب الصحراوية في تحديد دليل نوعيتها وصحتها لمشروع مزرعة فدك/ محافظة النجف االشرف، اذ تم اخذ 40 عينة سطحية

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2022
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مجلة البحوث التربوية والنفسية
تقويم الأنشطة والأسئلة التقويمية المتضمنة في محتوى كتاب الحاسوب للصف الخامس الإعدادي وفق التفكير الإبداعي ومقترحات تطويرها
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يهدف هذا البحث الى تقويم الأنشطة والأسئلة التقويمية المتضمنة في محتوى كتاب الحاسوب للصف الخامس الإعدادي وفق التفكير الإبداعي ومقترحات تطويرها، وذلك بالإجابة عن السؤال الآتي: ما نسبة توافر مهارات التفكير الإبداعي في الأنشطة والأسئلة التقويمية المتضمنة في محتوى كتاب الحاسوب المقرر لطلبة الصف الخامس الإعدادي (الاحيائي والتطبيقي، والادبي) من وزارة التربية العراقية/ المديرية العامة للمناهج في العام الدراسي (2

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
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المجلة العلمية لكلية التربية الرياضية للبنين بالهرم جامعة حلوان
تأثير تمرينات مركبة باستخدام السلالم الارضية في تطوير بعض القدرات التوافقية والبدنية والمهارية للاعبي كرة القدم للصالات
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الاداب جامعة بغداد
العلاقات العامة وادارة الازمات في المؤسسات الصحية دراسة مسحية لبرامج وزارة الصحة الخاصة بمرض الكوليرا لسنة 2008
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تواجه المؤسسات المختلفة تحديات كثيره تختلف نوعيتها باختلاف توجهات المؤسسه سياسيه او اقتصادية او اجتماعيه ... مما يشكل تهديدا لوجود المؤسسة وسمعتها وبخاصه عند تحول تلك التحديات الى ازمات يجب على المؤسسه التعامل معها والسيطره عليها واحتوائها وهنا ياتي دور ادارة العلاقات العامه في المؤسسه المعنيه للعمل والقيام باعداد برامج خاصه بالتعامل مع الازمات وهو مايعرف ببرامج اداره الازمات . وبطبيعة الحال تختلف عملية

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