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Employing digital marketing through communication in promoting the commercial product
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In recent years, the means of communication have achieved a great generality that made them occupy, in a short time, the first ranks among the most widely used social networks in the world, due to the many services and advantages offered by this network to its users. It has led to a leap in the field of visual communication, especially since it relies mainly on the image Its dimensions make it a means of communication and transfer of ideas and meanings between the peoples of the world, and it also allows the inclusion of digital advertising content using multimedia with a degree of professionalism in other social networks, which allowed the various segments of society the opportunity to invest this network in their businesses of different orientations and goals. Especially with regard to the degree of digital maturity and awareness of the importance of these communication media among those in charge of the economic field in Iraq. Keywords (digital marketing, communication, promotion)

The research included four chapters that defined the theoretical framework of it in three sections and dealt with the following topics: (marketing foundations between the concept and objectives, the effectiveness of communication means and their transformations in the management of marketing and digital promotion, digital promotion and its impression on the user), then the research dealt with indicators from which the theoretical framework came out. As for the third chapter, the researchers dealt with the procedures that it carried out, which included the research methodology by choosing the descriptive approach for the purposes of analysis, adopting the intentional sample method in selecting the sample models, as (3) models were chosen from the research community with a rate of (60%) from the original community, then The fourth chapter is devoted to presenting and discussing the results and conclusions, as it came from them:
1. The communication means of digital marketing through advertising ideas gave influence and persuasion of the product through the offers and facilities provided by companies to enhance their marketing goals in a way that suits the user, and this appears in all research samples.
2. Achieved the effect of social networking pages, including Facebook, for companies to promote their advertisements in an effective and simple way to reach the user in the use of publishing and promotion. The research also included a set of recommendations and proposals, a list of sources, appendices, and an abstract in English

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of Banking Marketing Strategies in achieving Competitive Advantage: Applicatory Research on a Sample of Iraqi Private Banks
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The main purpose of this research aims to measure the role of banking strategies marketing in achieving competitive advantage within a sample of Iraqi private banks, and in order to achieve this purpose,  the researcher depend on number of sober research approaches which consisted of descriptive, analytical and practical methodologies, to strengthen concepts addressed by the research, size of the sample was (56) individuals which makes up the senior leadership represented (Chairman and members of the Board of Directors, Commissioners and their assistants and department heads) while the primary tool for research (questionnaire), which has been designed based on a number of solemn scientific metrics, after adapted these metrics commen

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Since the beginning of this century, a new communication map has been formed that foretells to get mankind to enter into a media environment in which the media is mixed with communication, which is technically and even intellectually known as integration.

This environment and its features are no different from the environment in its natural physical incision. If the level and temperature in the physical nature is a specific issue in the natural ecological balance, the level of freedoms, especially the transfer of information and views and circulation in society is also a determinant in the extent of media balance in the world on the one hand and in each country on the other.

There is also a special environment for nature,

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Rationalization of Decision –Making and Performance evaluation methods through Employing Strategic Management Accounting
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This research dealt with the process of reducing costs through some strategic methods of management accounting targeted cost analysis unassembled and Alkeisen, where he focused this research through his theory on a review of some administrative accounting strategic technologies, while the second practical side through the application of targeted cost analysis unassembled and Alkeisen, acquired Search importance of focusing on the decisions to cut costs, through the use of some administrative accounting strategic methods and this we can unassembled analysis, continuous improvement, and the cost of quality) when applied quality, "in light of this has been reached to a set of conclusions that the most important of the  company's relian

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on Employing the Educational Portal in Developing the Skills of the Administrative Body in Basic Education Schools in Dhofar Governorate
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The objective of the study was to identify the effectiveness of a training program based on the employment of the educational portal in the development of the skills of the administrative body in the basic education schools in Dhofar Governorate. To achieve the goal, a training program was designed that includes the skills of the educational portal to be met by the administrative body and measuring its effectiveness. A questionnaire to identify training needs, and a notecard to evaluate performance. The study sample consisted of (70) individuals of the administrative staff. The researchers used the descriptive-analytical method to identify the training needs, design and build the training program and the experimental method for applying

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study of direct marketing methods and identificationThe suitability of each of them for application in the Iraqi marketAn analytical study of the views of a sample of wholesalers in Baghdad
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Study of Direct Marketing techniques and determining the scope of the suitability of each of them in the application in the Iraqi market - An analytical and explorative study for sample of views for wholesaler in Baghdad. The essential idea of the research is to go into the most important concepts which have been mentioned in the direct marketing and determining its current and most important techniques and knowing the scope of applying these techniques in Baghdad main markets (Karrada, Jamilah, shorja, Baya area, zeyouna and new Baghdad) and which of those techniques most applicable in these markets. The research took a sample of (100) wholesalers who practice the activities of selling nutritional items, auto and outs spare part

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 10 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Optical signal transmission for the visible light communication system through the water–air interface link
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Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Marketing mix and its role in promoting the status of insurance companies in the customers mind: Exploratory comparative research between the Iraq public insurance company and the private insurance company
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The ability of insurance companies to achieve goals depends on their ability to meet customers' requirements, and this requires them to identify target markets and respond to needs and wishes of the markets, the skill is to convince the company to operate what is in the interest of the customer if he is convinced the customer service provided to him, he would repeat to deal with, and where the cost of maintaining existing customers is less than the cost of attracting new customers, the insurance companies that is working hard to maintain their customers, the more customer satisfaction with the services provided has increased loyalty and weakened the ability of competitors lured.


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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Political Marketing and the Formation of Trends in Public Opinion on Social Networking Sites: An Analytical Study of the Two F.B. Pages: the Prime Minister and the Parliament President
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The social networking sites have become one of the most important promotional instruments for their characteristic of facilitation of communication and the creation of public platform for discussion and formation of new points of view. These sites were used in the political marketing process where politicians use Facebook pages to promote their ideologies and spread their programs for the purpose of an influencing public opinion.
This research deals with the way by which political products are the Iraqi parliament. We adopt the methodology for analyzing the contents of these pages during three months starting from September,12 2016 to March 1, 2017 characterized by a lot of changes and events, in particular the beginning of the war o

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
African Journal Of Hospitality, Tourism And Leisure
Employing marketing information systems for the success of small and medium enterprises: A field study of some Tourism and Travel companies in Baghdad
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Scopus (6)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Negotiating policies for the granting of investment loans: A CASE STUDY ON IRAQI MIDDLE EAST BANK FOR INVESTMENT& COMMERCIAL GULF BANK
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The negotiation phase is gaining great importance in investment loans due to the magnitude of the amounts awarded and the need to obtain adequate lending guarantees and the development of better conditions, and this requires that negotiating policy with fixed principles that balance between meeting the demands of customers and maintain market share and achieve profits and avoid defaults and losses the bank, and so I have touched Find the concept of investment loans and procedures for granting and the concept of the negotiation process for the granting of loans. The practical side to ensure the preparation of examination form consists of questions commensurate with the methodology developed by the researchers, were directed to the officia

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