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Since the beginning of this century, a new communication map has been formed that foretells to get mankind to enter into a media environment in which the media is mixed with communication, which is technically and even intellectually known as integration.

This environment and its features are no different from the environment in its natural physical incision. If the level and temperature in the physical nature is a specific issue in the natural ecological balance, the level of freedoms, especially the transfer of information and views and circulation in society is also a determinant in the extent of media balance in the world on the one hand and in each country on the other.

There is also a special environment for nature, there is today another parallel environment called the environment of ideas and news and their media and methods of circulation. The transformation of the media from analog to digital and from hierarchical to networked has created a new environment for the exchange of news and views that can be termed ‘echo media’ or the new media and communication environment.

From journalism of a journalist to state journalism across public journalism ending with citizen journalism, the new conversation since the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century is social media journalism. To embarrass the major TVs, radio, newspapers and magazines with a long history, we have, as obligatory and necessary for the environmental balance of all those pages on Facebook and all those videos on YouTube, to unite in an unprecedented virtual publishing movement. Here is an example from mother nature: “To disturb one elephant, all the ants of the earth should unite.” The media translation for this quotation is to embarrass television such as Al Jazeera or CNN, thousands of Facebook pages and YouTube videos must also unite.

The new media environment raises the need to examine the balance of the media environment. This is done by examining the new relationship between freedom of speech and diversity in the media environment. Here, we have to wonder how freedom of speech can be preserved, old newspapers are shut down, and websites to which navigating is paid.

How to ensure media diversity and the media market is controlled by dozens of Western intercontinental media companies?

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The views of media elites on the reality of citizen journalism and its commitment to professional and ethical standards
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This article aims to identify the views of media elites on citizen journalism, a new media genre that strays away from the foundations and ethics of professional journalism, thus calling for in-depth exploration and scrutiny into the genre and its commitment to the professional standards of journalism.

For this purpose, the researcher opted for the survey method by distributing a questionnaire to a purposive sample consisting of 407 media elites. The research is also based on Habermas' public sphere theory.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Language is the realistic and sensitive basis for any communication between two or more parties. It is an important workshop that prepares meanings and coding them according to a linguistic structure governed by agreed rules that speak to and coexist with everyone.

Whereas the forms of communication are: personal, mediator and mass, none of them can move away from language in their dealings and communication patterns. Since each has its own characteristics and skills, it must be launched in its fields through verbal and non-verbal symbols and wears the elements of influential language as intended.

It makes the recipient face two things: whether he fails to understand those symbols hence its purpose fail, or he meditates s

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Content of Data Journalism in Security Topics - Security Media Cell Model Research extracted from a master’s thesis
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This paper aims at the analytical level to know the security topics that were used with data journalism, and the expression methods used in the statements of the Security Media Cell, as well as to identify the means of clarification used in data journalism. About the Security Media Cell, and the methods preferred by the public in presenting press releases, especially determining the strength of the respondents' attitude towards the data issued by the Security Media Cell. On the Security Media Cell, while the field study included the distribution of a questionnaire to the public of Baghdad Governorate. The study reached several results, the most important of which is the interest of the security media cell in presenting its data in differ

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Online blogging journalism
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The Internet, networks and the means of communication in the world of communication and information have greatly influenced all aspects of the information cycle until things have been turned upside down, and it has even been said that today the world can be separated into two worlds: the world of pre-internet and post-Internet.


Perhaps one of the most important data of the Internet in the world of information and journalism is electronic publishing, which comes blogging as one of its forms. Blogs, which have begun slowly in the form of personal diaries, developed and spread on the Internet very quickly and started to have its own universe, the world of blogging. It has begun to make its way in the world of journali

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Language Ecology or Ecolinguistics: Conceptual and Theoretical Discussions
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Language ecology is the interactions between the environment and language. Such a discipline, ‘language ecology’ or ‘ecolinguistics has been founded by Einar Haugen’. Accordingly,  the study aims at qualitatively reviewing the theoretical and conceptual issues surrounding the subject of language ecology  by tracing the roots of language ecology. It further highlights the fundamental inconsistencies between how the concept of ecology is perceived in sociology and biology, and is applied to language, particularly, transposing the main central concepts of bio-ecology, such as relationship/interaction, environment, and organism to human language and theory of ecological-linguistic. The theory wavers among placing the focus

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Language communication, and the impact of journalism after 2003 AD (a study in the two newspapers, Al-Takahi and Al-Sabah)
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The methods used by the print media (press) is varied in conveying its messages and its orientations to the readers. But language takes the leading method among these methods, or a real competitor - so far - due to the characteristics and advantages of languages, including: ease, abbreviation, and development, etc.

In the midst of such events, political tensions, and what they carry of the global developments, and among which was the most important the fall of the former Iraqi regime in the spring of 2003, the press had the greatest share, and a large portion on the level of monitoring, analyzing, and interpreting the various consequences of the event. The interpreting of the news varies according to the evolving political trends

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
The College Of Law And Political Science Jornal
Compensation through guarantee funds in the field of promoting extremist ideas
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Compensation is one of the most discussed topics in the arena of civil law that requires research About solutions to the damages that arise from the promotion of extremist ideas, which were imposed by the developments taking place in society and the increasing escalation of accidents and their increasing risks, which now threaten individuals and their property on a daily basis in large numbers, as the injured party always seeks to require quick compensation from the person responsible for the damage that satisfies his desires and removes the effects of the damage caused, The importance of compensation increases if the violation affects a person’s physical integrity or his right to life, which is the highest right recognized for humans in

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 25 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The aim of this scientific study is to diagnose the nature of the relationship between academic education in the field of media, communication and media practice. The university offers theoretical and practical lessons to students on the concepts of communication sciences, theories, models, legislations, ethics, and techniques over three years or more. And the diploma in the field of communication and Media Sciences gives students the opportunity to work in the field of journalism and media in the future, this is what many academics and media thinkers in Algeria believe, while another trend sees the exact opposite: The study of information and communication sciences within the university in the form of theoretical lessons cannot contribu

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of resistance genes (gyrA,qepA,drf1,drf17) for E.coli in Iraqi aquatic environment
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The control of water represents the safe key for fair and optimal use to protect water resources due to human activities, including untreated wastewater, which is considered a carrier of a large number of antibiotic-resistant bacterial species. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of antibiotic-resistance to E. coli in Tigris River by the presence of resistance genes for aminoglycoside(qepA( ,quinolone (gyrA), and sulfa drugs( dfr1 ,dfr17) due to the frequent use of antibiotics and their release into wastewater of hospitals. Samples were collected from three sites on Tigris River: S1( station wastewater in Adhamiya), S2 (station wastewater in Baghdad Medical city hospital), S3 (station wastew

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposal framework to activate the international accounting procedures for disasters and wars effects in the local environment
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natural and non-natural disasters, is an environmental challenges the society and the economy as well as a direct and indirect economic affect, and the units are part of the system overlapping among themselves and thus affected by external indicators, directly or indirectly, these direct effects appear in the destruction or damage inflicted by disasters in property , infrastructure , superstructure , accounting information systems and indirectly in the outcome of future business, comes research problem through access to accounting treatments issued by the Federal Office of financial supervision to address the damage caused by the disasters and prepare the missing financial accounts it turns out us that there is negligence of a nu

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