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Visual Appeal and Reflection in the Design of the Advertising
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Advertising is an important and influential tool in various commercial operations, as it represents a means of communication that depends on influencing individuals or society as a whole, working on a link between the producer and the consumer, so the importance of advertising appears in two dimensions, the first is economic represented in its role in achieving economic growth for the facility, while the social dimension lies in its role By influencing the behaviors and ideas of individuals, and from here it appears to us the importance of formulating, organizing and designing the advertising message that advertising agencies resort to in their advertising campaigns. Orientation, definition, and raising the level of the advertising message for local products and their acquisition?
While the goal of the research was determined in revealing the visual appeal and its reflections in advertising design, and the theoretical framework was concerned with two sections, the first topic touched on the characteristics of visual appeal and the formation of discourse, while the second topic touched on the visual appeal in commercial advertising, and in the third chapter, two research models were described and analyzed , based on the paragraphs of analysis deduced from the theoretical framework, and the resulting indicators, and included a presentation of the results reached by the researcher, including:
- Relying on the characteristics of advertising organization by stimulating desires and arguing with the subconscious mind to entice it to the recipient, so that the characteristic of suspense is present and develops motivation.
- Focusing on the brand and its color value in all samples to show the identity of the product, its characteristics and advertising characteristics, with the possession of that visual identity, the visual appeal in which is an attractive and interesting appeal that achieves attention and excitement in all samples.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Dar Amjad For Publishing And Distribution, The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan
Statistical methods for calculating the validity and reliability of tests and measures using IBM SPSS Statistics Version24
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لقد كان حرص المؤلف على إصدار هذا الكتاب نابعا ً من قناعة تامة بأن مجال التقويم والقياس بحاجة إلى كتاب علمي حديث يتناول عرض أدوات الاختبار والقياس والمتمثلة بالصدق والثبات ويتسم بالوضوح في التعبير عن المفاهيم والمصطلحات والأنواع لكل منها ليكون وسيلة مبسطة بأيدي الأساتذة والباحثين وطلبتي الدراسات العليا الماجستير والدكتوراه لإستخراج صدق وثبات الاختبارات والمقاييس بطرق إحصائية متقدمة من خلال إستخدام البرنا

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Sabrao Journal Of Breeding And Genetics
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Impact of Six Decades of Trauma on the Health of Iraqi People
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Over the course of six decades, Iraq exposed to many events that have affected the Iraqi people from the social, physical and mental aspects. In this study, two groups of people (2369), from Iraq (G1) and the Michigan, United States (U.S) of America (G2) selected to compare the prevalence rate and effects of trauma factors such as mental illness (anxiety, depression and PTS), somatic diseases (heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes), substances abuse (illicit drugs, alcohol and tobacco), and chemicals pollution), and self-rated health among the two groups. The study results reveals a significant different between the two groups in the all indicators for trauma. The study conclude that Iraqi in U.S. (G2) suffer from factors completely dif

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Prepodavatel Xxi Vek
The Structure of Russian Participles: Special Features of the Grammar Meaning of State
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of the Quality of Accounting Information on the Efficiency of Investment Decisions
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The entities responsible for regulating the financial market are seeking to provide high quality accounting information, to provide appropriate protection to investors, and thus encourage them and attract them to increase their investments. the research reached several conclusion, the most prominent of which comes  :-

1-The production of high quality accounting information reduces investment costs and costs of processing accounting information.

2- The production of high quality accounting information helps investors identify the best investment opportunities.

3- The results of the statistical analysis showed that there is significant

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 19 2022
Journal Name
Arabian Journal For Science And Engineering
Investigation of the Impacts of Nanomaterials on the Micromechanical Properties of Gypseous Soils
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of the psychological domain of the quality of life for infertile men
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Abstract A descriptive correlation study which was utilizing an assessment approach, was carried out from November 19th, 2002 through April 30, 2004 in order to assess the psychosocial domain of the quality of life for the infertile men. A purposive sample of (200) men with infertility was selected from the High Institute for Embryo Research and Infertility Treatment and Alsamaraee Hospital in Baghdad city. A questionnaire was adoapted and developed of the World Health Organization quality of life scale for the purpose of the study. The questionnaire (WHOQOL) (1998) Reliability and validity of the questionnair

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Mouth Rinse of Chlorhxidine on The Occurrence of The Cariogenic Microorganisms
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Twelve students rinsed their mouths once daily with ten ml. of 0.2 % aqueous solution of chlorhexidine gluconate for five days, and seven students served as a control group that used distilled water for rinsing. The result indicated that after one hour of treatment, an obvious sharp reduction in the viable counts of mutans streptococci, total aerobic bacteria, and to less extent the count of lactobacilli in saliva after one hr. of treatment. AnØ¢  increase in the number of these bacterial groups was clearly noticed three hrs. after the application of chlorhexidine and continued to increase later on. In spite of that increase, the bacterial numbers in saliva remained below the initial numbering in this study.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of the Effect of Solar Indices on the Ionosphere Layer of Mars
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               This paper studies the effect of the solar indices (total sunspot no., solar wind density and coronal mass ejection linear speed) on F2- layer electron density, as well as, the comparison of seasonal variations of electron density of F2- layer, NmF2, for Mars at local noontime and for maximum and minimum solar cycles.                  

 Results show that there is an inverse correlation between sunspot number, solar wind density, CME linear speed and ionosphere electron density for Mars, at maximum and minimum solar cycles. This correlation is clear when electron density is at minimum value.                          

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison of the Optical Efficiency of Two Designs of the Maksutov–Cassegrain Telescope
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The research aims to develop the best possible design for the widely used Cassegrain telescope. The system consists of two models of different designs: (a) the telescope consists of a Maksutov lens, a spherical primary mirror, and a secondary mirror attached to the lens; (b) it consists of a Maksutov lens and a spherical primary mirror, plus a non-lens attached secondary mirror located between the lens and the primary mirror. The image was evaluated and analyzed using the analysis tools in Zemax software. The results of the two designs showed that the telescope whose secondary mirrors are not adjacent to the Maksutov lens produces high quality image that is almost free from aberration, and then comes the telescope whose secondary mirrors

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