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People of China's Economic Diplomacy Toward Japan 1949-1972

Chinese policy was characterized in general toward Japan caution and fear and try to
mobilize all energies and alliances possible in order to interact and deal with that neighbor
foe, has that policy been in all its aspects to the enticements of regional and local conflicts, as
well as international variables that were the hardest and most influential on them.
The importance of the choice of the People of China's economic diplomacy toward the
study of Japan during the period of the Cold War is that each of them was in transition, China
at that time was barely beyond the midst of a civil war (1945-1949) led to the split into two
states: China, led by the People Mao Tse-Tung and Beijing as its capital, the National China
(Taiwan), led by Chiang Kai-shek and the capital, Taipei, has been for each of these two
countries own ideology which constitutes the basis of international alliances and relations
with its neighbors, particularly Japan, the People's China once believed in the Communist
ideology and taken economically and politically, have a system, and it allied with the Soviet
Union as the leader of that thought, while China took the national title of capitalist ideology
and its allied with its leader of the United States of America.
As for Japan, the position was not less disruptive of China as they are also constrained
by international agreements imposed after losing in the Second World War in 1945, as well asthe United States control over the policy of internal and external that country, so Japan were
not free to choose friendships and economic cooperation with other countries.
All These premises show the importance of popular economic diplomacy study of
China to Japan during the period 1949-1972, since this study reflect a clear and
comprehensive picture of the visions and the Chinese trade in all its aspects during that
period, especially that of China followed a new style of politics, namely the use of the
economic side as a means to achieve a political goal Fabtadt so the style and the military trend
that prevailed, as well as, the importance of the study of this subject at that time specifically is
that it is absent and a new page reveal at the same time of the Cold War pages were raging in
the continent of Asia, used the economic hub as a weapon new and important in that war.

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Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Investigating the Performance of Rechargeable Zinc-Air Fuel Cell

   Zinc-air fuel cells (ZAFCs) are a promising energy source that could compete with lithium-ion batteries and perhaps proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) for next-generation electrified transportation and energy storage applications. In the present work, a flow-type ZAFC with mechanical rechargeable was adopted, combined with an auxiliary cell (electrolyzer) for zinc renewal and electrolyte recharge to the main cell. In this work a practical study was performed to calculate the cell capacity (Ah), as well as study the electrolysis cell efficiency by current efficiency, and study the effective parameters that have an influence on cell performance such as space velocity and current density. The best parameters were selected to

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Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Rutting Resistance Potential of High Modulus Asphalt Concrete Pavements

The High Modulus Asphalt Concrete Mixture (HMACM) or (EME) (Enrobes a Module Eleve) developed in France, since, 1980 by Laboratories Central des Ponts et Chaussees (LCPC). Due to the increasing in traffic intensity and axle loading this type of mixing were suitable for pavement subjected to heavy duty. Experiments showed that EME mixtures have an excellent moisture damage resistance permanent deformation, fatigue cracking and reducing costs of maintenance and a significant reduction in thickness of pavement. Because of the high stiffness of EME mixes, the stresses transformed to the bottom laid layer by repeated traffic wheel loads were reduced effectively. This study intend to focus the light into the possibility of producing asphalt mixtu

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Fri Feb 04 2022
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Studying Optical Properties of Quantum Dot Cylindrical Fresnel Lens

An optical system including quantum dot cylindrical Fresnel lens (CFL) has been designed by using Zemax optical designing program. Quantum dot cylindrical Fresnel lens has a relatively small thickness compared to conventional lenses and high absorbance. It contains grooves in the form of parallel lines, and each groove represents an individual lens that works to change the path of light falling on it to a single focal line. (CFL) is characterized by its small focal length despite its large area and small thickness, due to the nature of its design that gives this feature, which is applied in many optical systems (imaging and non- imaging system). In this paper, the visual properties of the (CFL) were studied as it is one of the impor

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Thu Jul 01 2021
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Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Histological structure of the Tongue in Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus)

The aim of the present study was to investigate the histological structure of the tongue in Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) and its related to the feeding pattern. Five adult animals were used in this study . The tongues were dissected and fixed in 10% formalin, then prepared by following stages (dehydration, clearing, and embedding).The serial section(5µ) were stained with(H&E) and some special stains.The histological examination showed that the tongue consists of three tunicae (mucosa, submucosa and musclaris) and the lining epithelium of the filiform papillae is composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue. The cylindrical papillae are covered with a highly keratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue, whereas the k

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Fri Feb 04 2022
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Electrical and Structural Properties of CuBa2LaCa2Cu4O11+δ Superconducting System

In this work, the superconducting CuBa2LaCa2Cu4O11+δ compound was prepared by citrate precursor method and the electrical and structural properties were studied. The electrical resistivity has been measured using four probe test to find the critical temperature Tc(offset) and Tc(onset). It was found that Tc (offset) at zero resistivity has 101 K and Tc (onset) has 116 K. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis exhibited that a prepared compound has a tetragonal structure. The crystal size and microscopic strain due to lattice deformation of CuBa2LaCa2Cu4O11+δ were estimated by four methods, namely Scherer(S), Halder-Wagner(H-W), size-strain plot (SSP) and Williamson-Hall, (W-H) methods. Results of crystal sizes obtained by these meth

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Effect of Threonine Supplementation on Broiler Chicken Productivity Traits

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Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Intuitionistic fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal of KU-algebra

In thisˑ paperˑ, we apply the notion ofˑ intuitionisticˑ fuzzyˑ n-fold KU-ideal of KU-algebra. Some types of ideals such as intuitionistic fuzzy KU-ideal, intuitionisticˑ fuzzy closed idealˑ and intuitionistic fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal are studied. Also, the relations between intuitionistic fuzzy n-fold KU-ideal and intuitionistic fuzzy KU-ideal are discussed. Furthermore, aˑ fewˑ results of intuitionisticˑ fuzzyˑ n-ˑfold KU-ideals of a KU-algebra underˑ homomorphismˑ are discussed.

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Sequences of mitocondrial D-loop region in Iraqi persons

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