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Diversity of Morphological and Syntactic Aspects in the Holy Quran with Reference to the Verse "Have we not made the earth a receptacle"
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Diversity of the aspects of analyzing a specific linguistic issue is considered to be a
familiar phenomenon in learning Arabic in which – at different levels- various linguistic
aspects and phases – sometimes – are involved in a linguistic issue . In this paper , the
problematic issues during linguistic analysis are taken into an account. The Holy Quran
interpretation books include many Quranic expressions which have a lot of meaning described
by different interpreters , from them this paper has selected only one expression ( = كفاتا
receptacle ) from the verse "Have we not made the earth a receptacle " ( Al- Mursalat verse 25
) , this paper believes that this expression is sufficient display the interpreters' views and
opinion which explain this expression in a variable unimaginable way . Understanding this
aspect emerges form the interpreter as he/she sees the context in which the meaning of an
expression appears . It is believed that any given text is determined by the interpreter's culture
and instinct . Thus , meaning may vary , as viewed by an interpreter or a group of interpreters
, and this shall consequently lead to diversity in interpretation . Understanding of meaning can
be differently comprehended due to different interpreters or different context. The aspect
which tackle the semantic side of ( كفات ) are six . These aspects have been morphologically  and syntactically analyzer so as to determine the aspect meant by the Holy Quran itself . This
can be realized by extending the views related to its semantic side taking into consideration
the measure ( فعال ) which is characterized by its semantic diversity in Arabic expression and
their formation , i.e., (the sound /k/,/f/ and /t/) . Moreover , this paper shows the concise
semantic differences between ( كفات ) and its counterparts in the Holy Quran which have
secondary measurement which appear in the earth stretching verses such as (carpet ( , (بساط
tractable ( ذلول ) , bed ( فراش ) , floor ( قرار ), and cradle ( (مھاد- م

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Basic Words and Terms of Sport Games and Motions in the Holy Quran : semantic study
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(( The Basic word and Terms of sports, games and motions in the Holy Quran : semantic
study )).
The research consists of apreface followed by an Introduction , and three sections and
aconclusion, finally the research concluded with a list of the sources . and also alist of terms
and word in English language for a wider use .
As for reach sections, they are section one it covers a group of words sports games that
are forty two words .
Section two : it covers five fields :-
a- A group of words ( sports ruless) that an seventeen words.
b- A group of ( sports montions ) that are ten .
c- A group of ( sports tools ) that are seven words.
d- A group of ( sports sciences ) that are seven words only .
e- A gro

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 28 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of sins and disobedience on the individual and society in the Holy Quran objective study
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     The Noble Qur’an is the book of God, the Blessed and Exalted, in which is the teachings of God Almighty’s religion, which is Islam, in order for people to unite it and establish servitude to it. The individual and the society alike saw it appropriate to make my opinion alerting the seriousness of this matter, so the research was entitled (The Impact of Sins and Disobedience on the Individual and Society in the Holy Qur’an - Objective Study), knowing that we touched upon some of the effects, which we found it appropriate to mention in this research in the service of the good. Its details came in the Holy Qur’an without referring to others, noting their arrangement in the Holy Qur’an..

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Indication of body overtones and movements at The Holy Quran (Descriptive study)
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That communication between people is not only through speech but includes other images of the most important body inspiration. And that the Koran worked on the diversity of ways in which the meanings of the hearer and did not stop at the limit of speech, but included situations where the use of body inspiration and indicate its importance in communication. However, signals and organ movements play a major role in the process of communication between people. Facial and hands movements play an important role in the communication process as they are a tool for communicating ideas to others.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 Assignment method in the Holy Quran and some of its applications in Surat Al-Anaam
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Research objective: This research aims to unveil how to use the method of referral in understanding the Holy Quran.
        The reason for choosing the research: The one that invited me to write on this topic is the importance of the referral method, so I liked the research in it, and unveiled this wonderful Qur’anic method, so that it helps to understand the intention of God Almighty in his dear book.
       The research plan: The research was divided into three topics and a conclusion.
   As for the first topic, it is divided into two requirements. The first requirement deals with the definition of referral language.
In the second re

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Methodology of the Holy Quran Immunizing the minds of intellectuals against intellectual invasion
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The Holy Quran is the greatest motivator for the mind to keep pace with life. The doctrine of faith is a requirement of logic and wisdom, and it cannot be reached by the hand of superstition. The Qur’an destroyed the principle of superstition in the verses of the creation of the universe. The principle of inactivity of the Qur’an is a false accusation that collision with the texts of the Qur’an. The secret of scientific development is to harness the laws of nature, benefit from them, and walk according to its requirements, on which the manifestations of civilization and the Qur’an are based

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Trilogy of Punishment - The Great, Painful and Humiliating in the Holy Quran An objective study: The Trilogy of Punishment - The Great, Painful and Humiliating in the Holy Quran An objective study
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The study of triples seeks to deal with the comprehensive nature of the Qur’an texts, and the choice fell on the trilogy of great torment, pain, and humiliation in the Noble Qur’an - an objective study, the title of this research, in which I tried to shed light on these terms, and the nuances between them, and in particular torment The eschatological terminology varied, which can be summed up in three terms, namely the great, the painful, and the offensive. The types of torment, the pain is the painful one that is described by the severity of pain and its horror, as for the humiliating punishment, it is that which humiliates the one who has fallen on it, and the diversity of torment is due to the diversity of sins.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Eye movements, and their psychological significance   In the Holy Quran: (Study in non-verbal language)
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In this research, the researchers attempted to reveal the non-verbal language in the Holy Qur'an through the hurt of the eye, its communicative effect, and its psychological significance in order to demonstrate the importance of this language. Fold the search ..

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The human sense organs and it's significance In the great Qur'an: The human sense organs and it's significance In the great Qur'an
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Thanks for people's God who brought the great book, prays and peace for
his prophet "Mohammad" the master of missioners to all people.
Allah created human being in it's best way and give him a soul thus ,
he will be a human with faith that has movement and life and the centre of his
soul is the sense which differentiate human from other animals. This
sensation generated from different senses that made the soul.
God had given him a protected heart, talkative tounge and clear seeing
to understand with consideration, so he will prevent himself of falling in wrong
by thinking and situation that he will pass by.
The significance and probability of sensation had talken our attention in
Qur'an . Hence

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Morphological Participation in the Forms of (Faul) and (Fael)
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This research examines the phenomenon of the Arabic language repeated in the Qur'an and poetry, as some morphological formulas are valid in their uses and indications in more than one way. search).

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Phenomena (submission delays) and (deletion) and Dalalthma on the social meanings in part (28) of the Holy Quran
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Arabic language , like any other living languages grow and evolve ; social phenomenon
it is subject to the law of life ; therefore resemble organism also touted as the most eloquent
language and the ability to meet the needs of people in every time and place.
The contemplation of the verses of the Koran reveals a lot of means of expression
leading to the grammatical meaning of the social.
I have tried in this research that investigated the social meanings through the phenomena
of deletion and delivery delays and capture semantic landing through the meanings that lead
to psychological persuasion to comply with the orders after the rights of the divine in which
social directives.
It remains the greatest mystery o

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