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The problems of teaching the subject of reciting the Holy Quran and memorizing it through the teachers of the subject and the female students' perspectives and finding the required solutions
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The problem of the current paper is embodied in the weakness of the female students
of the department of the Quran sciences in the college of Education for Women in the
University of Baghdad in the subject of reciting and memorizing the Holy Quran. This is what
the professors and the scientific and educational supervisors stress equally through their visits
to the students applicants during the period of their practical application of teaching in the
schools; especially that the subject is thought for four years during their study in the college.
That weakness is so explicit with a quite large number of the students-applicants, who are
supposed to be the future teachers in the subject of the Holy Quran and Islamic Education in
the intermediate and secondary schools. Hence come the importance of finding the solutions
for such a big problem as its main issue is totally related to the greatest divine Book of all, the
Holy Quran, on one hand; and on the other hand, it is related to the out puts of the department
of the Quran sciences and Islamic Education that is related to preparing qualified graduates to
teach the Holy Quran in our schools.
Therefore, the researchers have chosen to investigate the problem of teaching the
subject of the Holy Quran recitation and its memorization through the perspectives of the
teachers and the students and try to find the best solutions for them

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of KWL Strategy on the Achievement of the Students of the fourth class literary in the subject of History and the Development of Cognitive Thinking skills
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Whereas conventional methods of teaching history do not meet the sometimes purpose has suggested some educators strategies modern help to improve the level of students in the education process through activating prior knowledge and employed in positions of current learning, and focus attention on the points and the outstanding elements of the content and practice techniques Calendar criticof ideas and meanings and mental and linguistic activities used to verify the extent of reaching understanding.                                       &n

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2009
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The similar arbitrator in the Holy Quran
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the outcome is for the righteous, and prayers and peace be upon the author of the clear communication, to whom was revealed the saying of the Lord of the worlds (And We have sent down to you the message that you may make clear to the people what has been sent down to them, and that they may reflect.)

His family, companions and followers, as for what follows:

Among the Qur’anic studies related to Islamic matters, ancient and modern, (the clear and similar in the Holy Qur’an), and due to the importance of the topic, we found the attention of scholars to it.

With many studies and research on it, and their efforts in overcoming its major obstacles, you will not find a scho

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Problems and needs of Baghdad university students from perspective of college of political sciences and college of engineering’s students
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The current research aims to identify the problems and needs for both college of political science and college of engineering’s students. The sample was (100) male and female student. The results showed bunch of problems which could be organized descendingly, the scientific domain ranged between (2 - 2.42), the mean of the psychological domain was (2.85), the moral domain ranged between (2.2 – 2.28)m the problems of study earned (2.30), the material domain got (1.95), the medical and social domain obtained (1.925), and finally, the family domain received (1.887).

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Memorizing the Holy Quran and its Impact on Child's Language: سالم بن غرم الله بن محمد الزهراني/ جامعة ام القرى - السعودية
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في هذا العصر - الذي داهمت في الأخطار لغة الفصاحة والبيان - يبقى القرآن الكريم أعظم حافظ للغة السليمة ، وأكبر معين لأهلها للحفاظ على ثرائها وبلاغتها ، فهي باقية ببقائه ما بقي الليل والنهار .

وهذا البحث يدور حول حفظ القرآن الكريم وأثره على لغة الطفل، ويتكون من مقدمة : وفيها بيان أهمية الموضوع ، وخطة البحث ، ومنهجه، وثلاثة مباحث:

المبحث الأول : فضل حفظ القرآن الكريم ، وفوائد حفظه إجمالاً ، والمبحث الثاني :

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Using the Google Classroom Educational Platform in Teaching Mathematics Curricula from the Teachers' Point of View
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The study aims to find out the effectiveness of using the Google classroom educational platform in teaching mathematics curricula from the viewpoint of teachers in the Governorate of Al Dhahirah, Sultanate of Oman. The researcher adopted the descriptive-analytical approach. To collect the needed data, a questionnaire of two dimensions was used. It includes (13) items to measure the effectiveness of using the Google classroom in teaching mathematics curricula from the teacher's point of view and includes (10) items to measure the difficulties of using the Google classroom in teaching mathematics curricula from the teachers' point of view. These tools were applied to (32) male and (31) female as the study sample. They represent mathematics

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 23 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Effect of Using Fryer strategy on the achievement and systemic thinking of intermediate second class students in the chemistry subject.
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The objective of this research is to identify the effect of Using Fryer strategy on achievement and systemic thinking in the subject of chemistry of second class intermediate school students. The sample of research consisted of 59 students in one intermediate school in Baghdad/Iraq, split into two groups; experimental and control. The scientific material of the study is related to Chapters II and III of the Science Book for the second Intermediate School for the Year (2019-2020). The scientific test is composed of 25 test items whilst the second instrument for research related to systematic thinking test consisted of 12 items. The results of the research showed that the use of Fryer's chemistry-teaching strategy has increased achieve

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 24 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Effect of using fryer strategy on the achievement and systemic thinking of intermediate second-class students in the chemistry subject
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The objective of this research is to identify the effect of Using Fryer strategy on achievement and systemic thinking in the subject of chemistry of second class intermediate school students. The sample of research consisted of 59 students in one intermediate school in Baghdad/Iraq, split into two groups; experimental and control. The scientific material of the study is related to Chapters II and III of the Science Book for the second Intermediate School for the Year (2019-2020). The scientific test is composed of 25 test items whilst the second instrument for research related to systematic thinking test consisted of 12 items. The results of the research showed that the use of Fryer's chemistry-teaching strategy has increased achievement an

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Publication Date
Fri May 24 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Religion
The Effect of the Independent Learning Strategy on the Achievement of Grammar Subject for Students of the College of Islamic Sciences
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The present analysis targets to recognize the influence of the separate teaching approach on the accomplishment of grammar for scholars of the College of Islamic Sciences. The target of attaining this target led the investigations developing the subsequent null theories: 1. No statistically substantial variance is happened at the consequence level of 0.05 between the mean scores of the scholars in the investigational category who learnt consistent with the separate learning approach and the mean scores of the scholars in the control category who learnt in the conventional method in the accomplishment test. 2. No statistically substantial variance has been observed at the consequence level of 0.05 in the mean differences between the

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Formula ((فُعول ــــ فَعول)) Morphological semantic study In the Holy Quran
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Linguistic studies present a distinguished place among modern human studies, as we find this clear in the scientific research institutions of the developed nations, it is the main pillar in the strengthening of links and consolidation pillars between individuals and groups. It is a language and between people's thoughts, feelings and actions, and has been able to show that language is not only a tool of expression but is closely linked to the intellectual, emotional and social life of these people individuals and groups.
    The derivation is a major step in Arabic in classifying formulas into weights with special morphological values; these are of great importance in sentences and structures that are the domain of the searc

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
The effect of Daniel's model on the development of critical thinking in the subject of Arabic language among students of the College of Management and Economics
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This research aims to identify the impact of Daniel's model on the development of critical thinking. In order to achieve this objective, the following hypotheses are formulated: 1. There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average differences in the posttest scores of the experimental group taught according to Daniel's model and the control group taught according to the traditional method in the measure of critical thinking. 2. There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average differences in the preand post-tests scores of the experimental group taught according to Daniel's model in the measure of critical thinking. The current research i

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