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صوت ( الضاد ) بین العربیة (الفصحى) ولھجات شبھ الجزیرة العربیة -دراسة موازنة -
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The curriculum balancer (comparative) (comparative linguistics), of great
importance in studies of language in general, and study any phenomenon of
acoustic phenomena, morphological, syntactic and semantic study of balance in the
Arabic language in the light of the dialects of the Arabian Peninsula, leading to
significant results in linguistic research, which could achieve Some issues that were
not up to where the old research conclusive results, and helps to explain things may
have created confusion if it did not mean the budget in the interpretation of the
study, as well as its importance in the origination of phenomena of language and
reasoning on the same phenomenon, followed by the Sisters Arab Veseltha.
Hence, it is my desire to study voice (daad) between Arabic and dialects of the
Arabian Peninsula study the budget, has launched the word (accents), and no less
(languages), because the Arab and sisters are only accents Ancabt of a native
speaker, but dispersed in different , led to the existence of different dialects from
each other in the faces, and resemble each other in other respects, much closer the
bonds of their relationship, and the farther diverge.
The study was divided in my research into two sections: Section I: daad voice in
Arabic (Classical) at the ancient and modern, and the second topic: the study by
Arab Voice Arabic (classical) and dialects of the Arabian Peninsula study budget.
Research has resulted in many important results, research revealed it in place,
1. The (daad) eloquence (Alacetkakih side), which he described Sibawayh well
described (daad vulnerable), the voice of a composite of signifier Emphatic and the
harvest side, has proved Find indication of historical studies to the voice (by Arab), which was originally a voice soft Ahtkakia, which confirms accuracy of the
description Sibawayh to this voice, that voice soft (fricative), Mjhor, and director
of the first edge of the tongue and following of the molars, a voice honored with
the elongation of the director, that is, friction sound side, and pronunciation
(lateral) to the voice of daad / d /, it offset in the dialects of the Arabian Peninsula,
in the dialect of Akkadian rulda'u) Rldae) and Rulta'u) Rltae), the name of the Arab
idol (satisfaction (Ruda>.
2. It has been observed from the description (Sibawayh), that (daad weak) does not
come out of the adoption of the back of the tongue from the side of the molars, in
the region of maximum palate (Kaldhad eloquence), but based on the edge of the
tongue at the point of more advanced, towards the roof of the palate on the front
teeth, whether the focal from the right or the left, leaving the air comes out of the
area that does not anchor them, and prepare the back of the palate of the occlusion,
ie, that there is a shift from (daad eloquence) to (daad weak), and (daad vulnerable)
pronunciation (between daad and Za) He also explained (the son of living), and
voice convergence WYSIWYG substitution process between them, and mixing of
the two images that led to the transition exit (daad) to (Za), and switched voice (by
Arab) to (Za) and to the other sounds was due to difficult.
3. Retained the voice (by Arab) as well as Arabic (classical) of the sisters sisters of
Veseltha: tone Sabaean and Arabic dialects Southern dialect and the Safavid (an
Arabic dialects North extinct), it is the form and spoken, was contained in the
assets of her words, corresponding to the words contained in the Arab (classical)
sense of himself.
4. Occurred in the sound (by Arab) / d / sound shifts, turned to the voices,
including: -
A - shift (by Arab) to (Zae): The result of the evolution of sound (by Arab
eloquence) of old, and turned to exit the front, while maintaining such friction,
which led to pronounce the word one two passport Ntqatin, Baldhad and Za,
indication of taking the same, and they are many in Arabic dictionary, I found this
confusing reality in Arabic between (daad) and (Za) roots in tone Ugaritic: it is
found in a slab of panels Ugaritic that he wrote it all (Z) and responded (Za), to: (j
Ů h s : laughs), and (r A, is an act of washes, that is out) and (j m AA: a go), has
been demonstrated in the place of research ().
B - shift (by Arab) to (I): it was from the results of development of the audio hit
(by Arab eloquence) of old, that have evolved to (daad weak), and in spite of this
development, except that (daad) are still difficult pronunciation; therefore turned
multiple voices to the voice (Tae), including, as evidenced by the words of Ibn live:
((by Arab and vulnerable people Aatast language on them, then maybe I dropped
her, and that they give it the tip of the tongue, and the parties folds)) (). Has been
reported elsewhere in an example of the replacement (by Arab) (I): "Money to
Ertah Hakv Valtdja...... and tells Atdja, Vibdl of daad I." (). There have been examples of this type of substitution in Arabic (Classical): Medallions and
Alonoad, and examples of many other others, received in place of research (), has
been found for this type of replacement assets in the tone of Sabaean dialects of the
South Arabian, and they share with the classical Arabic in This type of
replacement, but it is restricted replacement Sabaean dialect, that: (b s z), ie agents
armed, and (s b i) replacement by Arab I, and (Z m and n), that is: home, home.
And Btae, which is the parent (m i and n) the same sense, has been proven in place
of research ().
C - converted (by Arab) to (R): it has evolved (daad weak) does not (by Arab
eloquence), because it is more advanced toward the roof of the palate of (daad
eloquence), which is based in the edge of the tongue on the front teeth, so it can
say: it is turned to the voice of (antibiotic), as it turned Arab in many styles
Alastamalah to convert voice (daad) difficult pronunciation, the voice (antibiotic) is
easier spoken, and this is Theloana audio Olovonya, and exemplified in Arabic are
many, has gone through voice (by Arab) operations multiple audio, and witnessed
the disturbance led to change his image, it has replaced (Sada) in most dialects of
the Arabian Peninsula, word (Sheep) in Arabic (classical), offset in Akkadian:
(senu) Balsad, and (land in Arab, offset in Akkadian , and Ugaritic, Phoenician and
Almaabih (> rs) Balsad, has been demonstrated in the place of research ().
D - transformation (daad) to (G): it became (by Arab vulnerable) transformed from
(daad eloquence), because of the difficulty, to the voices, the voice (Zai) of them,
and I see it is not (Zaya) pure, but is (Z tinged voice Zai), launched by the label
(daad Zaúah), ie, that there is a disturbance happened in the pronunciation (daad) at
some point in the life of the Arabic language, has led to its transformation to the
voices of many, was the voice of (Zai) is not pure, and one of them, from in
Sabaean and Ethiopian dialects: (n z p) in the sense: Ajtrah, right, harm, and (n g p)
the replacement of the same sense (daad) (Zaya) ().
E - conversion (daad) to (L) for the participation of (lam) with (daad) in a part of
the director, and he (the edge of the tongue), has pointed to this Sibawayh in his
description (by Arab eloquence) (old side), I see that (daad eloquence) side of the
compound converts voice Emphatic and the harvest side, and that (the harvest) is
part of the speech composite Z eloquence of old, with evidence that some Arabs
used to say: (Tdja) instead of (lie down).
I have found for this type of replacement extension in Arabic dialects south of
modern, as altered (by Arab) (Lama Mfajma) in my accent (Dthena) and (Shibuya),
as they say: (Orel arL) replacement (daad) (Lama), and (Lua (Law <, in (theme),
meaning: the owners of the same tribe, has been demonstrated in the place of
research ().

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Suggestion Plan for the Reclassification of U.N Publications in Central Library
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Suggestion Plan for the Reclassification of U.N Publications in Central Library

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقييم الأداء المالي لشركات التأمين باستعمال النسب المالية: دراسة حالة في الشركة الجزائرية للتأمين
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Les sociétés d’assurances sont considérées parmi les importantes entreprises financières non bancaires.

      Pour que ces sociétés assurent sa continuité d’existence, il faut qu’elles veillent au rendement financier qui représente ses différentes actions durant une période déterminée, en effectuant une évaluation permanente en utilisant de différentes méthodes parmi lesquelles l’analyse financière avec ses aspects divers.

         L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer le rendement financier des sociétés d’assurances et où projette l’étude sur la société Algérienne d’assurance durant la période 07- 09.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Social Dimension of the Phenomenon of Suicide in Iraq: Reasons and Proposals "Field Study in Baghdad Police Stations
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There have been many negative phenomena in Iraqi society, especially after the political crises over the last years, such as the spread of violence, the deterioration of the economic situation, the spread of unemployment and poverty, and the disintegration of social ties, divorce, and the entry of the scourge of drugs. Among the most dangerous of these emergent phenomena, the phenomenon of suicide among young people of both sex, which has grown and increased in an unprecedented manner, surpassing all known social norms in Iraqi society and the prevailing religious values. Suicide in Iraqi society has transformed from a simple case to a visible presence in all Iraqi provinces. Suicides cases have registered in all cities of Iraq and of bo

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Origin of Creation in Khattab (The Beginning of Creation) by Imam Ali (as) and Genesis (Comparative Study)
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The research aims to answer the questions that revolve in the mind of mankind about how to create creation, how it existed prior to creation, who created existence, and the characteristics of that presence. The researcher also wanted to show that the culture of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) In the book of Adam, peace be upon him, God has punished Adam (peace be upon him) for not having sinned. Because his wife is the one who fed him the fruit of the tree, and this is contrary to what was stated in the sermon of Imam (peace be upon him) who Z Adam (peace be upon him) is the one who trusted Satan and Gwighth.

We note that the approach of the rhetoric has pointed to the creation of angels and did not refer to

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effective of incentive system on development of Research creativity for professors of university: Analytical study at private collage in Baghdad
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This research aims at studying and analyzing the creative research thinking of the educational staffs in private universities and colleges, and also the role of incentives, in its materialistic and moral sides in the development of such thinking and the pack of restraints which cause decline in interest level of the scientificresearch, and its weak role in the development of universities in Iraq, despite the interest of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq in scientific research as part ofits academic and humanitarian targets.Based on study and analysis, and the using if some of statistical methods such as the Alpha Chronobaghcoefficient and the (T. Test)(F. Test),the research reached a number of conclusions.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Local Satellite Channels in the formation of knowledge and trends of the Iraqi Public Towards Terrorism: A Field Study
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Terrorism is a global phenomenon that engulfs most regions of the world to varying degrees. Media outlets are aware of the many incidents of violence and terrorism that have increased in recent times. The differences between the size of the phenomenon in different societies are the causes and severity of the phenomenon. On the role of local satellite channels in shaping the knowledge and trends of the Iraqi public towards the events of terrorism, in light of the assumptions of reliance on the media. The importance of this study is that it assesses the role of local satellite channels in the formation of knowledge and trends The study seeks to know the extent of exposure of the Iraqi public to local satellite channels, and to reveal the e

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Depth Measurements / Analytical Study in Selected Countries for the Period 1980-2008
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This research deals with the most important indicators used to measure the phenomenon of financial depth, beyond the traditional indicators, which are called quantitative indicators, which is shown to be inadequate to show the facts accurately, but it may come in the results of a counterfactual, although reliable in econometric studies done in this regard.

Therefore, this research has sought to put forward alternative indicators, is the structural indicators, and financial prices, and availability of financial instruments, and cost of transactions concluded, in order to measure the phenomenon of financial depth.

After using and analyzing data collected from countries the research

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Inspection In Achieving Banking Compliance: An Applied Study In A Sample o Iraq Banks
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The Banking Supervision of the most important functions of the Central Bank of Iraq, which he intended to have a strong banking system and a sound and competitive, and exercised control over the banks by inspection bodies to ensure their compliance with the laws, regulations and orders and instructions and the safety of their financial positions.

The research was aimed to release the concept of banking inspection, compliance and problems and obstacles faced by the inspectors, and monitors compliance and down to make recommendations.

Has been reached on a set of theoretical and practical conclusions, including: -

1-confirmed the statistical analysis of the answers to the research sample the importance of the role o

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاجازات الإجازات في كتاب ((غاية النهاية في طبقات القراء)) لابن الجزري (ت833هـ)/ دراسة منهجية
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يمثل ابن الجزري احد علمائنا الذين كان لهم دور في التطور الثقافي والحضاري الذي شهده العالم الإسلامي آنذاك، ويعد كتابه هذا منهلا غزيرا لطلاب العلم لدراسته من النواحي كافة، وتشكل الإجازات إحدى حلقات الوصل في تراجمه ولها أهميتها من الناحية المنهجية ولها دور كبير في رفد كتابه هذا بكثير من الموارد التي لها أساسها احتوت على مادة كتبت بخط المجيز كان لها أثرها في دعم منهجية الكتاب،والمادة التي تشعبت في ضوء هذا الات

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Benford’s law to appreciation the risk in financial transactions: Application study in Baghdad University
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The financial fraud considers part of large concept to management and financial corruption, the financial fraud is appeared especially after corporate, that is Emerge agency theory, that is because recognize relationship between the management company and stakeholder, that is through group from constriction in order to block the management to fraud practice, that on the basis was choose another party in order fraud this practice and give opinion on financial statement, that consider basis decision making from stakeholder to basis the report auditor about creditability this is statement that reflect real activity for the company.The Auditor in order to lead work him Full professionalism to must using group from control Techniques, that is

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