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نظرة المجتمع إلى التقنیات الحدیثة في تنظیم الأسرة (دراسة نظریة في علم الاجتماع الطبي)
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Human use means of birth control in multiple ways including (Isolate
women) and (breast-feeding) and (with drawl) and was used on a small scale for
religious social and economic reasons, but after the industrial Revolution and the
increase in migration from the country side to the city and the over cowing of
population and the limited income and a women going out to work out side the
home and poor relations of the kinship and the weakness of religious morals and
the rule of the individualism and the complexity of life and the Multiplicity of
needs and goals and openness to western culture and the application of love and
spread the principle of democracy and freedom and deviant use of the media, all
this has helped in the popularity of the use of modern family planning methods
which are limited to the following :
1. Contraceptives by mouth through medicines and pharmaceuticals .
2. Intra-uterine devices for contraception made of special plastic or copper.
3. Contraception by injection of medical preparation .
4. New methods of fertility regulation and improved throw anew research and
studies that will help in devising means more receptive and the safety and
effectiveness and far from the expected collateral damage .

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Theoretical Study for Performance Enhancement of Air Solar Collectors by Using Different Absorbers
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An experimental and theoretical study has been done to investigate the thermal performance of different types of air solar collectors, In this work air solar collector with a dimensions of (120 cm x90 cm x12 cm) , was tested under climate condition of  Baghdad city with a (43° tilt angel)  by using  the absorber plate (1.45 mm thickness, 115 cm height x 84 cm width), which was manufactured from iron painted with a black matt.

The experimental test deals with five types of absorber:-

 Conventional smooth flat plate absorber , Finned absorber , Corrugated absorber plate, Iron wire mesh on absorber And matrix of porous media  on absorber .

The hourly and average efficiency of the collectors

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An Exploratory Study of the Relationships between Advertising Appeals, Attitudes toward Advertising , and Consumer buying Behavior of Smart phone
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Purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Advertising Appeals, Attitudes toward Advertising, and Consumer Buying Behavior for Smart Phone The study was carried out on the students of Middle East University (MEU) In Amman- Jordan.  A measurement scales  with acceptable reliability and validity is developed to capture the dimensions of study variables.  Four hypotheses were tested using Statistical package (SPSS-17).  A two-step detailed statistical analysis of data was involved. First, descriptive statistics was performed to understand the underlying components of study variables; second, regression analysis and Path analysis using AMOS 7 were performed t

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
International News Agencies Treatment of the Great Return Marches A Case Study of Agence France Presse “AFP”
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This study examines Agence France Presse’s (AFP) media treatment of the Great Return Marches in order to identify its contents, the issues it gave attention to, its sources, attitude, techniques, objectives, the journalistic forms used in covering events and the typographic elements used to highlight them.

This descriptive study employed the survey methodology through the use of content analysis method, and the methodology of mutual relations through the use of the case study method. The data was collected by means of a content analysis form. The study was based on the Agenda Setting Theory in the analysis of the study results.
The study sample included (116) news texts from AFP collected during the period from 20/3/2018 to

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Taboo Words Vs. Social Deixis: A sociolinguistic Analysis of La Justice or The Cock that Crew: A Play from the Theatre of Ridiculous
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Linguistic taboos exist in most cultures. Tabooed words are generally being culturespecific
and relating to bodily functions or aspects of a culture that are sacred. Such words are
avoided, considered inappropriate and loaded with affective meaning and failing to adhere to.
Strict rules, often, governing their use and lead to punishment or public shame. These taboo
words can be used as a way of violating social deixis represented by four types of honorifics;
addressee, referent, bystander, and finally setting honorifics. This paper shows how these
taboo words are used in Kenneth Bernard's play La Justice or The Cock that Crew from the
theatre of the Ridiculous as means of violating social deixis in its four types. Th

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Gingival Enlargement Management using Diode Laser 940 nm and Conventional Scalpel Technique (A Comparative Study)
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Diode lasers are becoming popular in periodontal surgery due to their highly absorption by pigments such as melanin and hemoglobin their weak absorption by water and hydroxyapatite makes them safe to be used around dental hard tissues. Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of diode laser in performing gingivectomy in comparison to conventional scalpel technique in patients with chronic inflammatory enlargement. Materials and methods: Thirty patients were selected for this study. All of them required surgical treatment of gingival enlargements and were randomly divided into two groups: Control group (treated by scalpel and include sixteen patients) and study group (treated with diode laser 940nm and includ

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological and Health Risks of Children Toy-Related Injuries: Pellet-Gun as a Model
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The research aims to identify the psychological and health risks that a child might be exposed to by playing with hazardous toys such as pellet guns. To this end, the researcher has visited Ibn Al-Haytham Eye Hospital in Baghdad, the emergency department to figure out the rate of injuries in Children for the consecutive years (2017-2018) and the first Month of (2019). The psychological risks as a result of disability are represented by the inability to accommodate the surrounding environment well. Additionally, the child experiences a kind of tension, conflict, and going in psychological crises through introversion, isolation, withdrawal tendencies, and poor conformity with himself and the Society.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
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In this article, a new deterministic primality test for Mersenne primes is presented. It also includes a comparative study between well-known primality tests in order to identify the best test. Moreover, new modifications are suggested in order to eliminate pseudoprimes. The study covers random primes such as Mersenne primes and Proth primes. Finally, these tests are arranged from the best to the worst according to strength, speed, and effectiveness based on the results obtained through programs prepared and operated by Mathematica, and the results are presented through tables and graphs.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Post-evaluation of the strategic projects of the Directorate of Public Municipalities - Case study for the period (2004-2015
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The research aims at conducting a follow-up evaluation of a number of strategic projects implemented by the Directorate of Public Municipalities, one of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Municipalities and Public Works. The sample included (35) varied strategic projects implemented in most Iraqi governorates. Buildings, municipal buildings, minarets, massacres, multi-story parking, paving and rehabilitation of streets and residential neighborhoods. The difference between the actual and planned times and costs of these projects was then measured and analyzed. These projects were used as a tool for collecting data and information. The questionnaire included four axes, each representing one of the parties to the project, whi

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Competencies of the Curriculum of Digital Media Education from the Perspective of Iraqi University Professors:
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he research aims to determine the competencies that must be met in the digital media literacy curriculum, which contributes to a great extent in developing the skills of criticism and analysis of the media contents of the students. The study of the two researchers according to the methodology of the media survey. The research tools were: the questionnaire tool, which distributed on 86 . The main objectives of the research were:
1. Knowing the best strategy in teaching the digital media literacy curriculum.
2. Knowing which education fits the digital media literacy curriculum.
3. Identifying the cognitive, educational, media, technical skills, and emotional competencies required for the digital media literacy curriculum from the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study of NOx Emissions of S.I. Engine Fueled with Different Kinds of Hydrocarbon Fuels and Hydrogen
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      Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Natural gas (NG) and hydrogen were used to operate spark ignition internal combustion engine Ricardo E6, to compare NOx emissions emitted from the engine, with that emitted from engine fueled with gasoline as a fuel.

      The study was done when engine operated at HUCR for gasoline, compared with its operation at HUCR for each fuel. Compression ratio, equivalence ratio and spark timing were studied at constant speed 25rps.

The results appeared that NOx concentrations will be at maximum value in the lean side near the stoichiometric ratio, and reduced with moving away from this ratio for mixture at both s

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