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دراسة العلاقة بین وجبة الأفطار والمستوى الاقتصادي وعدد إفراد الأسرة وتأثیرھا في القابلیات الذھنیة لطلبة المرحلة الابتدائیة
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Five mixed primary schools from the district of Tikrit/ Salah al- din province
with a total of 100 male and female pupils and two ages(8-9 and 10-11 years),
were selected randomly to study the relationship between the breakfast meal and
the academic level, the socioeconomic situation, and the number of family
members. The study showed a positive linear correlation between the morning
meal, and academic level of students for both two covered ages, also showed a
clear impact between the development of family's socioeconomic situation and
their nutrition level. There were an increase in the percentage of pupils aged 8-9
years with a poor nutrition when they were belonged to a poor or medium
socioeconomic families, with the absence of students with poor nutrition at the
improvement family level to very good. The medium level of nutrition indicates a
higher percentage when the students belongs to a good economic situation, while
the level good and very good nutrition gives an increase in the percentage of
students; with the improvement at the socioeconomic level of the family with a
different rates of increasing, noting the absence of students with good and
very good nutrition in the case of inferior status of the family. Same relationship for
pupils aged 10-11 were shown. Also there were an effect of the number of family
members to which these students were belonged on the level of nutrition, there
were a decrease in the level of nutrition for these students commensurate with the
increase in family members for both two covered age. From this we can conclude
that there were an opposite effect for both of the socioeconomic situation, and the
number of family members on the academic level of the students for both two
covered ages.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
إِسهامات المفسِّرين في التَّقدُّم الحضاريّ ( دراسة في تفسير المنار)
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Among the commentators who contributed greatly to explaining the basic rules of civilizations in general and Islamic civilization in particular, Sheikh Muhammad Rashid Rida in his interpretation called (Interpretation of the Wise Qur’an), known as (Al-Manar); Whoever reads the tafsir will notice that it was concerned with explaining the civilized aspects in terms of foundations, methodology, factors of demolition and destruction, and ways to avoid them.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Requirements of investment in the marsh : a case study in the Marshlands of Maysan
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The search aims to find out the most important requirements for the success of marshes investment and maximize the expected returns of investment was marked by a problem find aquestion for availability requirements necessary for the success of marshes investment has a research community owners decision in the province Maysan the most important conclusions to the search is that the investment great importance in support of the economy and raising the cultural and social level, there is no investment successful but only with configure the investment environment appropriate economic, social, cultural, political, and security ways. the most important recommendations are working on the provision of the investment environment appropria

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
Transformer Technician in Pop Art (Study in techniques of show)
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The popular art movement emerged in the mid-fifties in Britain in parallel with its appearance in America.. It was linked to contemporary social reality and what distinguishes this art is the most sophisticated and less aesthetic means and the most blatant in the field of media, ie back to the image used in the media, journalism, magazines, television and photo Which reflect the reality of the neutral artist. This research included the methodological framework represented by the research problem that emerged from pop art as a new experimental vision that emerged in the twentieth century and the importance of the research and its objectives and limits and the definition of terms. The theoretical framework dealt with evolution Technology,

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Study the distribution of Fungi and Bacteria in AL- Yusifia River– South of Baghdad City.: Study the distribution of Fungi and Bacteria in AL- Yusifia River– South of Baghdad City.
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Al-Yusifia river was assessed at three sampling stations with study period from Autumn 2010 to the end of Summer 2011. The present investigation was carried out on diversity of fungi and bacteria from Al-Yusifia river, Baghdad city. During the study, a total of 12 fungal genus and 6 bacterial genus were isolated during the year seasons. The dominant fungus at the three stations were Penicillium sp., then Rhizopus and Trichophyton   megninii while the dominant bacteria was Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp.

            The higher

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
بيت الحكمة
المنطق منهجا نقديا - دراسة في قراءة الشكل الجمالي
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المنطق منهجا نقديا - دراسة في قراءة الشكل الجمالي كتاب (المنطق منهجا نقدياً – دراسة في قراءة الشكل الفني) يهتم الكتاب بدراسة التصورات المنطقية في الفنون التشكيلية وهو يقع في اربعة فصول خصص الاول منها لبيان المنهجية والفكرة العامة عن علاقة المعرفة بالقواعد الفكرية والقواعد المنطقية موضحا ذلك في (مدخل عام) وتعلق الفصل الثاني بالمفاهيم المنطقية وما كتبه علماء المنطق في عرض شامل ومكثف تناول فيه المؤلف مفهوم ال

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
مجلة كلية العلوم الاسلامية
الرثاء في شعر حافظ ابراهيم دراسة فنية موضوعية
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يعد الرثاء أساساً من أسس الموروث الشعري العربي، وهو باب من أبواب الشعر الرئيسة. وقد وجد الإنسان فيه بغيته في التعبير عن مكنون نفسه ساعة تكتظ بالألم، ومنفذاً يخرج منه لواعجه وأشجانه إلى الخارج في شكل تعبيري يحرر الدمعة، ويعاتب الموت. والرثاء غرض متطور ينمو مع نمو المجتمع والحياة ويسجل التغيير الذي يحصل في كل مرحلة من مراحل التاريخ، وهو نتيجة مهمة من نتائج اصطدام الشاعر بالحياة والأحداث. لهذا وقع اختياري على شع

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة البحوث والدراسات الإسلامية
Religious and Psychological guidance in the Qur’an and Sunnah, a descriptive study
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God saw his servants with truth and light, and made him easy for them, and he commanded those who help them, including a counselor, guide and preacher, so if a Muslim sees deficiencies or defects, he must help him to reform and refine it. That it was in the hands of the prophets, God Almighty created the human being together straight, then melted on those scholars and researchers in all religions on psychological counseling and religious sychotherapy, stressing the importance of religious values in the process of understanding man in the process of psychotherapy and in controlling human behavior. A lot of research and studies have been published. I dealt with the religious approach in the process of treating mental disorders and the aim of

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Comparison Study in Sarcasm For University of Baghdad Staff
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Sarcasm is conceders one patterns of undesirable communication, which causes social problems in humans relationships because of the contradictory verbal and nonverbal expressions is known sarcasm may defined , statements with intent to belittle others in different situations, dealing with the individual deliberately, to diminish the will or overwhelmed by the recipe stupid, which generate a reaction when a person listener, raising the intentions of ridicule and undermine it, and this may happen is different from the irony interest increased in sarcasm since the development of scientists "Watzlawick '" and Bevin "Jackson's" in 1967 theory interactive and considered the sarcasm one interaction patterns in the social relationship, which use

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أتجاهات مقارنة في تنظيم الادارة المحلية دراسة تحليلية
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ليست الادارة المحلية أو نظام الحكم المحلي ابتكاراُ حديثاً للانسان، بل أنه لازم البشرية منذ أقدم العصور وحتى الآن، إذ الملاجظ أن القرى الصغيرة نشأت قبل أن تنشئ الدولة أو قيل أن يتبلور مفهوم الدولة في الوقت الحاضر وكانت القرى والمدن تجتمع بين حين وأخر- اجتماع أفرادها- لادارة شؤونهم وحل مشاكلهم، وكان هذا خير دليل لتطبيق مفهوم الديمقراطية المباشرة بين أفراد المجتمع الواحد، ولذلك فإن الحك

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
حضور الخمرة في شعر مظفر النواب دراسة بلاغیة
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This research is a rhetorical study that sheds light on theme
prominent of central identified as custom poet of MUDAFAR AL NAWAB
political and national' that "wine "that themes which had a prominent
presence and intense in his poetry .and objective of this research is to detect
the aesthetic performance ALNAWABY in which he put to categorization
"wine" ,through observation of manifestation the presence of winey. And
related scream the images and the meaning of talking semantics base to
move in the spaces of the text and have built our study on three topics: we
started The first research with lexicon russet in the processes of counting
and analysis of the semantics wine in the office of the poet trying to reveal

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